i want your love, i need your touch

Eat You Up

If you move any closer boy, there is no guarantee
What I will do to you, I fear it and it's scaring me
Like I've become some kind of demon in the night
You look so tasty I could eat you up alive


         Yukwon takes multiple sips of his vitamin water, shuddering at the earlier memories of the horrible aftertastes in his mouth.  He swivels around on his chair, too lost in his own thoughts to even notice Minhyuk entering the room. Minhyuk rolls his eyes at the all too familiar sight and simply shakes his head as he settles himself comfortably on Yukwon’s bed. The bed is one of Minhyuk’s favourite places and the reason for that was simple. It smelled like the minty aftershave Yukwon used, something that smelled ridiculously good on his boyfriend.



            “How, just how on earth did you make yourself eat those disgusting things just now? You didn’t even seem to mind eating them at all!”

            Yukwon pulls a face and the corners of Minhyuk’s mouth curl up into a smile.

            “Well let’s just say I’m amazing like that.”

            “So what else do you eat hyung?”

            Sometimes, he really wants to strangle Yukwon. The stupid cat was always making those innocent faces with widened eyes and whether on purpose or not he could never figure it. And not to forget, he never failed to turn Minhyuk on with that seemingly harmless look of his. Minhyuk thinks he might just die of ual frustration one day.

            Minhyuk abruptly gets off the bed and straddles himself on Yukwon’s lap, smirking as he feels Yukwon’s body tense up. Leaning forward, Minhyuk the outer shell of Yukwon’s ear.

            “I eat anything and everything, including you.”

            Yukwon involuntarily flinches as Minhyuk blows a stream of cool air along his jawline and trails light kisses down to his collarbone, causing Minhyuk to chuckle darkly.

            “H-hyung, the other members are just outside. W-what ifth-“

            His objections are silenced as Minhyuk moves his lips against his own, working them until Yukwon was lightheaded and everything else faded but Minhyuk’s warmth. Minhyuk lets his fingers slip under the hem of Yukwon’s shirt, teasing him as his cold fingertips dance along the warm skin underneath his navel. Yukwon moans into their kiss, pressing his body harder against Minhyuk’s.

            “Yah you two, quit fooling around and continue it later. Manager hyung says we’re going for a meeting at the company now.”

            Yukwon’s hands which were originally on their way to ing Minhyuk’s shirt stop mid air, surprised by the sudden interruption. Minhyuk waves dismissively at Jiho, sending him away.

            “It’s a shame but I guess I’ll just have to finish my meal later.

            Minhyuk proceeds to long and hard on Yukwon’s shoulder as if to prove his point.


omg i'm sorry this took me forever to write ;A;

it's pretty short but i can't really write so it has to end there):

and yes, jiho has to because i also ship zikwon orz.

i tried changing my writing style a little but i don't think there's much of a difference.

anyway hope you guys enjoyed it Ü

once a bbc, always a bbc

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Chapter 1: ing zico hahaha, short and cute! youre amazing for writing this^^
Ohhhhhhhh THANK YOU.
For writing this.
I was thinking about what UBomb would do after they ate the worms all these weeks. You. Are. A. Genius.

"Once a BBC, always a BBC."

Amen to that.

though its short i love your story very much...
Omfg this is amazing ♡
Jiho is being a er though ><
gahhh-!!!! *kick jiho away*
short* sorry XP
lols cannibalism XD HAHA.
its nice and show but i wanted to read more of what happens haha ohh wellz jiho you er XD
OH YEAY A U-BOMB FIC. /throw confettis.

lol the comment below. "Cannibalism O_O" xDD