CL opens her eyes and found herself lying on a bed. She felt her eyes are swollen from all the crying. “Where am I?” she looked around to the all crystal clear iced room. The sudden cold temperature disturbs her body metabolism and she starts shivering from the coldness. CL found a thick fur jacket hanging at the jacket pole just at the bottom of the bed and quickly grabs it to keep herself warm.


“Where am I?” She mumbles to herself as she walks out from the room to the ice hallway. It’s empty as if there’s no one else is here. Wasn’t she supposed to be at the hottest place on earth – hell? Why is she here? After a long walk, she finally found an exit to the outside.


“Where am I?” she was shocked in seeing where she was. In front of her lies a huge ice cold city. She looked up to the light. Seems like the sun can still light through here from the thin ice above. The whole place is iced made that she doesn’t think anyone would live here.


“You’re awake!!” suddenly a cute voice shouted happily from her hack. CL turned to her back.







What is this thing?? A bat or a cat?? I furrowed at the black cat-bat winged animal. “I have to tell the queen about this.” It twirls in a circle, excitedly. “Follow me, the royale queen’s guest!” it flew away but then come back to me again when it realize that I didn’t follow it. “Come on!!” it pulls a part of my jacket to drag me along with it.


“Slow down!” I said as I felt my body about to fall from the slippery ice floor. The bat cat let go of my jacket and stared at me as I stabilize my feet. “Ah, right! You need to change that shoe!” it looked at my inconvenient shoes before whistling. A pair of gorgeous boots appears before my eyes. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Quickly I grabbed the boots and take off my shoes to wear it. “I knew girls like fashion so much. But I never seen one actually grabbed it in front of my face like that.” The cat bat said. Oh, whatever it is called.


“Where are we going?” I tail the cute animal. Then the hallway suddenly becomes wider and wider till they arrived at a big hall that looks like a throne room. I just gaped as I looked at the magnificient ice pillars that holds the ceiling and floor together.









“Your majesty!! She’s awake!!” the cat flew to the throne chair where a lady in white dress is sitting. She’s got long blonde hair till it reach the floor which makes CL just stared her head to toe with her jaws dropped. Despite the extreme cold weather, the lady doesn’t really dress to warm herself as her dress reveals her cleavage, strapless and looks pretty thin to her. The lady just stood up and walked down from her throne to welcome her guest.


“Welcome to the dark world. I’m the queen of darkness, FERINA.” She introduced herself. Upon hearing the word queen, CL immediately bows to her respecting the ruler of the world. “Raise your face ROYALE. You are in no position to bow to me. Instead, I was the one who should bow to you STELLAR.” She bows to CL. She was taken a back by the queen’s act and quickly she asked her to stop her action.


“Why am I here?” that’s the first question that CL asked the queen. There must be a reason for why she’s there instead of the hell. Ferina just smiled at CL.


“Oubliette curse are formally like that. It doesn’t matter who set the curse upon you. You still are going to be sent to the dark world since that’s the only portal that opens at that time. You can neaither go to hell or heaven even after you die. That’s the meaning of oubliette curse.” The queen told CL.


“Then, Lucifer didn’t know about this don’t he?” she asked Ferina. The queen shook her head. “He knew this fact and he’s on his way here.” the queen showed CL a projection of the hell troops marching to where they are now. “As well as Illios...” she adds as the picture changed to the blue-blooded troops. CL was relieved in seeing Taeyang getting ready for the journey to find her.


“Please... Please find me faster!” she put her hands together praying. The queen on the other hand sets her eyes on Freya. The back cat caught her queen’s gaze and smirks. “Finally, she’s coming back here again...” The bat mumbles. “...the one who supposed to be the Queen.”













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cutiejinwan #1
Chapter 47: .really nice story authornim
Chapter 47: haha well I've read this story many times but I still love it haha :) nice story authorniiim ! daebak :)
jojettykoh #3
Chapter 47: Awesome... Love it!!
luckyseven11 #4
Chapter 21: its freaking great.. amazing AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!! :) ...
Chapter 27: OMFG ANCIENT GREEK!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 47: chappie 47: even though i'm not a SUNSKY shipper, but this story is really A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 20: chappie 20 : i'm so dead tired and sleepy but i want to continue read this... this story is sooo damn good!!
other than that, are shinee and beast gonna bad guy in this?..
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 5: chappie 5: wowww!!! i really thought that BIGBANG only HUNTERS...
but, it'd came that they are something else....?
Hyorin23 #9
Chapter 47: OMFG! I just love your super natural stories. Its just amazing.
I read ALL of them....well the complete once BUT OMFG YOUR SOTRY ARE JUST AMZING.
This story especially. It was just unbelievable && unexpected.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome STORY! :DDDDDDDDD
Chapter 29: Oh, autocorrect aaaaaah
I get it.