Chapter 002: Falling for each other literally.

You Know Me?{Hiatus}



"Blah de blah de blah" : Speech.

Blah de blah de blah : Text that the author is writing or the character's point of view.

Blah de blah de blah : Point of view on who is speaking.

Blah de blah de blah : Flashbacks.

*Blah de blah de blah* : Thoughts.

[A/N: No brainer author's note]



Author's Pov:

As the guys walked onto the scene they saw the girls with odd looks on them. Seemed as if the guys were a bit to rowdy and went crazy forgetting that their first impression would be important. Seeing this happening JYP welcomed the girls with a grin and took them into his arms ushering the girls into the building ahead where they would talk out the plans for filming, not before entering he sent the boys a glare of *Better be on your best behavior or you are in deep doo doo.*


They didn't listen too well and ended up screaming while playing with each other completely forgetting that they were greeting 2ne1 girls for the first time in person and not for a short stint. JYP could see that Bom was starting to question why the girls were here and pulled her aside.


"Bom it's been awhile hasn't it?" Nodding she gave a smile smile and hugged him signaling that she is okay. "I know the boys might seem a bit well off and rowdy, but they are really good." Looking at the boys they were still hyped up and jumping everywhere as he saw the rest of 2ne1 just watching the foolishness that the beast idols were expressing. "Bom I am glad that you and your groups is working with 2pm, please treat them well. I think that we should get back soon to the boys before they break something." Smiling Bom got up and walked to the girls giving them all back hugs shocking and making the girls more comfortable.


"Girls let's work our best with these current babo's, they are really good guys we all know this...I guess this is just their excited phase seeing us outside from a short music show." All of the girls smiled seeing Bom was getting used to the idea of being around the guys. "WE also need to try to not act like them, because we all know that we like them also. So we won't show them till later that we do okay? Sounds like a plan, we want to see what they are like right now and feel out who we and they want to be paired with." Nodding Minzy cheered with her arms and hit something. They turned around seeing that they hit JYP by accident out of being cheerful.


"Ahhh don't worry about me, I got tapped by her nothing much. Really it's my fault for coming out of nowhere behind you." The girls were a bit relieved hearing that. "I think that they have finally come to their senses now. Bom can I have a wo...." Getting cut off JYP couldn't believe his eyes Taecyeon just kissed Bom...."O.....................M...........................G....................OK TAECYEON!" Bom was too shocked to even move at this point and the girls could sense that their unnie was ready to pass out. 


Taecyeon took some time recovering till he noticed that Bom's face was red and flushed going immediately to her. "STOP right there TAEC." Frozen he saw a pissed off Chaerin. "Don't you dare go near her." He opened his mouth to see CL running over and a loud immediate slap echoed. "I said don't." Bom seeing this was still frozen in her spot.


"It was a mistake for me to fall on her, I don't even like her!" Hearing this Bom walked out to the beach and shut her eyes trying to process what just happened to her. In her mind she was replaying what just happened and his words stuck in her mind relaying over and over.


"I don't know what just happened, but I have to keep strong this is ridiculous." The sounds of the water hitting the rocks softly lulled her to sit and watch the scene ahead of her, sitting alone things began to eat at her. * I guess that I am not that beautiful huh? I mean look at me I am always under a microscope of others who are judging me, even if I do try my damndest I can't live up to Dara's beauty, Cl's fierceness, and Minzy's energy. I guess that now I am waiting for the day no one will remember me huh? God this is pathetic.* "But really what in the hell did I agree to, I don't want to live my life being judged by some man who barely even knows who I am really." As those words slipped out of the bystanders couldn't have agreed more.


JYP was getting worried not knowing where one of YG's daughters and power singer was missing on his clock because of his own artist, pulling at his hair Junsu noticed along with Nichkhun and both of them asked if they could find Bom as the 2ne1 girls were watching Taec with scrutiny. "Go and find her please this whole industry needs her voice." Both of the boys shot the remaining members a look of *Watch him*. 


The sun was playing on Bom beautiful complexion giving her a glow of a goddess,  as fans saw her alone they took pictures of her knowing that fans were around her she smiled for them and posed even greeting them one by one, this was rare seeing her by herself doing all of this and the fans could see that something was up with their Bom. "Unnie/noona are you okay?" The younger asked her with curious eyes. "Continue to be strong unnie/noona we all love you, even if you have haters we don't hate you we love you so much. Don't mind the people who want to bring you down they don't have lives." Hearing this out of her fans mouths she couldn't help, but to tear up a little.


Stepping closer to the fans she hugged the both of them letting the pent up tears slip out. "Thank you all who believe in me and still want me to succeed in this life. Really I love you fans all with my heart and will continue to do a good, strike that a great job for you all to enjoy. For now why don't we play huh? I don't want to be in a down mood anymore neh?" A huge chorus of cheering was heard, which lead the boys to see the scene of what just happened. "Okay sooooo water games let's play neh?" A little girl ran up to Bom and hugged her leg handing her a water gun. Accepting it Bom picked the girl up and started shooting water at the crowd of kids who also were ready to attack her with water. Both Nichkhun and Junsu didn't want to interrupt the fun and seeing Bom smiling like that.


After a good 3 hours of playing Bom decided that it was time for her to get going, bidding the kids and everyone else a good bye. She went off by herself looking at the sunset having her feet slightly touching the water letting it run in between her feet. Then once she cleared her head she could hear a pair of voices calling for her. "Bommie noona!!!!" She knew that voice well enough to detinguish that it was Nichkhuns.


Halting to a stop her head started to blacken and she fainted infront of the beast idols. The last words that she heard was "NOOONAAAAAAAA NOOOOO." At this point in time all of the fans of Bom earlier crowded around her seeing that she was ill then saw the cut on her foot. The two members had one thing on their mind it was Taec earlier he had mentioned that he might have caught his sharp of his shoe on something because the bottom of it was red. 


The question was how long was this going on for, none even saw that she was hurting. How could she be that strong and suffer through it without even metioning a peep of it to a soul. In panic the fans had called the hospital and soon as the ambulance arrived the medics were stunned to see it wa the PARK BOM of 2ne1 that they were going to wheel into the truck. 


Once the lead medic was out of her trance she saw Bom's wound was starting to discolor and started to order people out of the way. "We need to get her to the hospital now if it is starting to discolor just like that, if this isn't' treated soon she can fall gravely ill, do any of you know where she got this wound from?" No one dared to speak up, but the two had just enough and shouted it was from one of their colleagues that was being thoughtless. "Well thanks to this action upon Bom she could be in a dire situation, I hope that your boss will help you out with this." Unknowing that they were talking to Idols and talking about JYP. 


Murmurs were spreading like wildfire and the news was starting to get big with in the next hours and Bom was trending all around the world, the news finally reached YG before JYP and hell was about to come loose. Seeing the news site full of Bom who was hurt enraged YG causing him to call up JYP.


" JAY WHY PEE you better explain why one of my girls is in the hospital right now!" Jyp himself knew then YG was saying it his name like that he was in deep trouble.

"I don't know what you are talking about YG." Trying to hide the scared tone he tired to be monotone with it.

"WHO IS MISSING OF MY GIRLS?!?!" Now JYP was looking at the girls and Bom was still missing.

"Bom is...." YG hung up the phone and called again this time JYP video call was reached and he could see that YG wasn't pleased.

The rest of 2pm and 2ne1 sat there seeing a fumed YG. 

"How can you be sooooo irresponsible to let something happen to Bom, look at all the news sites all of the Bombshell's as well as Blackjacks worried all over the world do you know how serious this is?!?!" Both groups could see the worry of Yg. "Why are there two missing from 2pm?" Not knowing what to say Dara jumped in.

"Papa those two went looking for Bom and still aren't back, I think they found her and is with her right this this moment, for now we must find out what hospital she is at and what is going on with her." Dara seemed to easy him a bit, but he was still mad.

"Fine if Bom is seriously hurt and it's one of your artists fault JYP I will have their head." Signing off JYP broke down groaning.

"That man is scary as hell. He is correct though and Dara is right we have to find her before the press do." Then Minzy and Cl said ask the Bombshells where Bom was at. Once he did that they found her in Seoul one of the private hospitals who cater to the elite.

Okay I threw in Drama.

Taec you must feel really bad don't you?!?! 

D'awwwwh at the fans and Nichkhun with Junsu.

How is this so far?

I would love to read comments.

Anyways here you go.

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lily-leo-vvip #1
Chapter 3: Moar....moar....please moarrrrr ☺☺☺☺☺☺
diannan #2
Chapter 3: Yay for the kiss!!!
Oooooooo I'm loving this fic...of course this is my first taecbom fic and I ship her with everyone, can't wait for update...thank goodness bommie is ok!!!
wow....good story.....waiting for more.....^^
teac bom kisss.....kyaaaakkkkk!!
haha i'm sure Bom and Taec would be incredible together :DD

I kinda agree with @SpringSkye.. It does sound Survivor-ish.. haha

Update soon :DD
SpringSkye #6
Oh so they are filming a drama with 2pm? I was thinking it might be like 'Survivor' or something because of the intro's 'Bom drifing out to sea' thing. haa XD. Anyway, waiting for some 2NE1 and 2PM reactions and interactions~! ^_^
Waiting for an update!