Kai's Already A Father?!


"Jooyoung-ssi? The editor-in-chief wants to talk to you in his office." Mrs. Song, the 32 year-old assistant came to my  cubicle and said that EIC wants to see me.
What could it be? I thought. I didn't do anything wrong. I heard that the chief only calls his people when they did something wrong.
I stood up, exhaled, and left my messy table. As I walked my way to his office, I can feel everyone's eyes on me.
*Knock! Knock!
"Yes, come in." the chief said.
I pulled my skirt down a little and exhaled again before going in. "Yes sir?" I asked.
He took his one last huff on his cigarette before putting it on the ash tray. "Please sit down Ms. Shin."
I did what he said and smiled just to show him that I'm not nervous.
"You've been here for almost 4 months already?"
"Yes, sir."
"You're one of my best rookie writers here and I've read all your articles. They're all good. You've helped our company a lot."
"Neh, kamsahamnida."
"And I was just thinking.."
I tried to gulp down all my fears to my chest.
"..I was thinking... that I should give you your well deserved project."
I gave a sigh of relief. I desperately need to stay in this job so that I could pay all my debts. "Really, sir? Thank you!" I bowed three times.
"I need you to take care of this project." He showed me a picture. "He is Kim Jong In. Better yet known as Kai, from EXO-K. I want you to, well, give me some informations about him. Family background, hobbies, secrets, scandal, perharps?"
"S-scandal?" I paused.
"Yes. We need something scandalous news. He's the hottest celebrity today. You can include s, if possible. We need to feed our readers!" the chief tapped his table in excitement.
I am actually convinced that he's crazy.  I am a good person. I wouldn't do anything to destroy someone's name.
I left his office and went back to my cubicle. I lay my head down on the table and rested. I reviewed my life.
I am Shin Jooyoung. Currently working as a writer for a newspaper company. I need money to pay my debts. My boss is crazy and he is ordering me to dig dirt from a celebrity. I am a writer turned paparazzi slash stalker now.
"Aigooooo!" I shouted.
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