
Run Away, Stranger

I threw all my belongings in my suitcases, grabbing at anything my hands would let me touch. When I thought I had all the things I needed, I zipped up the suitcases and grabbed my jacket, exiting my room. I came across my yelling mom who was giving me menacing glares that made me shivered.

She scoffed. "Where do you think you're going with that?" She looked at the suitcases and back to me. I glared back at her. This time, I wasn't giving in.

"Somewhere far away from you.", I answered back, trying to make my voice sound as serious as possible, with no hint of scareness in them. "And just who said you can do that?", She asked, taking a few steps forward. I ignored her and walked out of the door.

Opening the door, I put on my Converses and walked out. Before I closed the door, I turned back to her, staring into her eyes. The eyes that people said were beautiful. To me, those eyes were cruel. They never had a hint of happiness in them. Or at least, not towards me.

I took a deep breath and waved her goodbye before closing the door and made my way to my own journey. A journey where no one could be in charge of me. A journey where I was in charge of myself, where no one can stop me from my dreams.

What seems like hours and hours of walking, it has only been 40 minutes. I stopped and found a near by bench. I went over there and took a little rest until I continue walking again. I digged in my pocket to pull out my phone and look at my contacts. I wanted to contacts my friends, asking them if I could spend a few days crashing at their house but that would be a burden. I didn't want to be a burden to my friends. After all, I did wanted to do stuff on my own.

I was in deep thoughts until I felt something or someone tapping lightly on my shoulder. I looked up from my phone and snapped out of my thoughts, looking at whoever it was that touched me. There was this guy, with a cute face with a small smile on his face. He started talking in a language I didn't understand.

I shook my head. "I don't understand your language, sorry." He laughed and sat down next to me. Then he nodded and turned his body until he was facing me, this time, smiling with his teeth showing. "Sorry. I thought you'd understand Chinese.", He rubbed the back of his neck, his ears turning a bit pink. I nodded and looked back at my phone. "My name's Lu Han."

I glanced at him from the corners of my eyes. "Haven't you heard of you shouldn't talk to strangers?", I asked, getting slightly annoyed from his happy attitude. He shook his head. "I don't think you're a stranger."  Huh, how funny. This guy must be pretty stupid. "Sehun. That's my name."

He nodded. "Ah, Sehun? Nice name you got there." I stayed silent. "What are you doing with all of those cases?", He lightly brushed his fingers on one of my suitcase. "Running away."

"Running away? Why?"

Boy, he sure asks a lot of questions. "Issues."

I didn't like talking. I don't even talk a lot with my friends. The longest conversating that I ever had with a friend would only last for a few minutes. "Aha. I get it. Where do you planning on going?", He inquired again. "Somewhere far away from them."

There was a moment of silence. "You don't know where you're gonna go, don't you?", He abruptly stood up and took one of my suitcase in his hands. "How about you follow me to my house?"

Is this guy crazy? He's asking a stranger he just met to go live at his house? Hah, this guy must be crazy. He may have good looks and all that but who knows what he's thinking of doing to me. "Excuse me?", I tried to reach for my suitcase but he only pulled it further away.

"Come. Follow me home.", He said, before starting to walk away from me with my belongings. "Y-yah!", I shouted, trying to make him stop where he was, only letting him walk further away.

"Aish, you!" I ruffled my hair and pulled the other suitcase with me, having no choice but to follow a stranger with handsome looks named Lu Han.


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bluegroove10 #1
oh... :))) i want some more..