I loved you..... So why?

Jongup POV


The only thing going trough Jongup's mind at the moment was "What the FUDGE?" Was he hearing things? Was he being pranked by his Hyung? Because this made absolutely no sense to him. He was about to yell at his Hyung to explain what was happening, but the bell rung before he could open his mouth and the three dispersed off to their own classes, but not before Himchan gave Jongup a note telling him to meet him on the rooftop during free period so he could explain everything.


When free period came, Jongup quickly gathered his belongings and zoomed out to the rooftop. He patiently waited for his Hyung to arrive. When Himchan finally arrived, Jongup ran to him and shouted the only question on his mind " HYUNG!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEBODY ELSE?!?!?! CARE TO EXPLAIN?!" " Aish! Calm down jonguppie. Yongguk asked me what was the matter and I panicked ok? It was the first thing I could think of. Aishhh! What am I gonna do know? Please help me Jongup!!! " whined Himchan to his dongsaeng. Argh, if only Jongup could just tell Himchan that Yongguk DID like him and that he should ask him out. But the boy knew that he had to let them figure it out for themselves. But, it wouldn't hurt to give them hints. All Jongup could do know is try to come up with a plan to help his Hyung get out of this mess. Jongup sighed " Alright Hyung, I'll help you but it's going to take sometime for me to figure this out." All Himchan could do is smile widely and hug his dongsaeng. " Kamsamnida Jonguppie. And oh yeah Jongup? Can you never shout out who I like ever again? Thanks." " Oh right. Sorry Hyung I'll be careful next time." But little did they know that Daehyun was on the staircase and heard the whole thing.




Hey guys sorry for the late update and the really bad chapter. I have a lot of projects due this week so I'll try to fix this by next week. Once again sorry. It's a terrible chapter i know.

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Chapter 15: lol you nearly make me have a heart attack lol
Chapter 14: yes please sequel~~~
Chapter 14: no lie i read this in 10 minutes and i MUST KNOW what happened. poor himchan and yongguk D:
Chapter 14: hey guys....really...I want a sequel please make it real and vote YESSSEU lol
Chapter 13: no that can't finish like that!!!!it's not finish to meeee *sniff*
please make them up together I beg you lol
Chapter 11: soooooo sweat !!!!
But I fear what will happen next with the evil guy lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh *cursing myself* noooooo nooooo what have you found Maslo forget all the thing you saw right now !!!
Chapter 8: lol I totally like the make-up-plan-force-partnership that Daehyun and Jongup did ^^
Fight-OH BangHim
Chapter 2: I'm transforming into a cry-baby now lol
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 1: so cute ^^ and fluff