Minho + Taemin = 2min

Remembering us

I'll never forget his confession to me. It was truly an adorable thing, his deep voice trembling with nerves, his eyes darting around the whole room before softly landing and locking with mine.

"Taemin-ah I..."

Minho really didn't know how cute he looked, his growing hair awkwardly blocking his eyes as he pulls it away agitated by his own crippling shyness. I want to chuckle at his dorkyness but it'll make him angry 

"Yes hyung?" I smile at him

His eyes turn pleading and his legs try to give way but he stands strong "Taemin I love you" he finally announces

The words leave his mouth sound so earnst and true i'm taken a back. Out of all the times I've imagined my favourite hyung to tell me he loves me I never gaged that this would be my reaction


He looked so relieved to get the news off his chest but his relief was replaced by fear, fear of me rejecting him. Just the thought of seeing him sad was making me sad alone.

"I love you too" I smilled up at him

I don't think he could believe what he was hearing. Soon a handsome smile vrept up on nhis face and he picked me up squeezing me into his arms, I shut my eyes relishing the feeling of having Minho so close to me, now this was the reality I wanted.

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