Mi Sun's Adventure Begins?

Mi Sun's Dream

Mi Sun stared at the humongous building before her and than stared hard at the paper in her hand. She gulped with fright. The building was made up of many stories.

"You got to be kidding. This is where they audition?!"

People of all ages entered the building. Mi Sun watched as girls who looked like dolls walked in with model walks.

Mi Sun let out a sight and turned to her side. She gave her friend Dae Ho a worried stare and pouted. 

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" he asked. "But..."

"Your mom wouldn't agree. When you say you'll be a k-pop star she thinks your just all talk." Dae Ho interrupted. His eyes began to wrinkle in a smile. 

Mi Sun's was quick to notice and anger arose in her. "Ya! You! Why are you smiling?!"

"Haha... its because your so cute, Mi Sun." Dae Ho said wiping away a tear. 

"Stop teasing me and wish me luck."

"Good luck." His smile remained and his eyes twinkled.

She turned to face the building and began walking with her head held high. She parted the doors and was shocked at what happened next.

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