Chapter One

How To : Release Your Inner Badass


{ _____’s POPV }

MUZC Boarding School.

They say it’s the school for the best, the ‘rich people’ school, the school of elites and the school that you could never hate.

For some people, I doubt that.

I agree, the school is fine. It’s pretty, well spent and had modern dorms and classrooms but the teachers are… okay? I mean, it’s fine that they are strict and that makes us work better but, ripping books if you fail? Kicking you out if you cheat? And making you sleep outside for every detention?

I’m starting to like this place!

I grinned at the pamphlet.

“YOU HAVE TO SLEEP OUTSIDE IF YOU’RE ON DETENTION? THAT’S LIKE… YAH! Park _____, how can you be happy about this! It’s torture, death, pain, everything bad all together!”

I smiled at my complaining companion.

“All the better to keep you out of trouble, unnie.”


I giggled and patted my best friend on the head and kept reading the ‘Welcome Juniors; MUZC Boarding School’ pamphlet.

My best friend from childhood; Kim Soo Min, known to bash up the annoying guys, date the hot guys, get detention and blow you mind. She’s one hell of a complainer, adding to that, she’s one hell of a trouble maker. She nearly got suspended from school a few years ago for taking a knife to school. I ended up saving her, saying it was for my fruits.

At least now she’d be able to control herself. She always nags me for being so uptight and such a goody-two-shoes. I guess I just prefer being what I am now.

“_____,” she frowned from her mini tantrum, “I want to find where we sleep.”

“Outside, why?”

She smacked me on the head, both laughing as we went into the hall where we’d find our rooms.

It was crowded.

I didn’t expect so many juniors this year.

They looked nice. They at least smiled and waved. Some of them did look good and I was happy to see who I was rooming with.

Somebody had tapped me on the shoulder. It wasn’t Soo in because she doesn’t tap, she hits.

Thinking it was probably my new really nice roommate I turned around.

on second thoughts, walking forward would seem better...

Son Hana?”

“I’m surprised you know my name,” the blonde said, filing her nails, “and I’m surprised you’d come to a school like this. You know, it’s a pretty tough tolerance zone.”

She slowly smirked as I shook my head in annoyance.

“Son Hana, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Ooh! Little Miss Good Manners swore!” she smirked again, “I might ask you the same thing. Did I mention the tolerance zone?”

“Be quiet! I though you went to another school!”

“Looks like I’m stuck with you dear _____. I hope we’ll… see each other often.”

I frowned and looked back at Soo Min who just started at me.

“Why didn’t you help me?” I sulked.

“Karma hun, karma.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t even see why you’d hang out with her ages ago? I mean, she’s became a stuck up and she even dyed her hair… blonde. I’m not even that bad!”

I shrugged at Soo Min. “People change.”

We walked over to a stand where we each got a map and our room.

“I’m in room 62.”

“I’m in room 60.”

We both frowned, hugged each other and complained to the staff (well, Soo Min did). They wouldn’t let us swap rooms.

“At least I’m just opposite you,” I smiled.

“Little Miss Positive,” Soo Min laughed, rolling her eyes. “Who you bunking with. It’s four in a room for me.”

“I only have two other roommates, Kim Eun Mi and Lee Cho Hee. At least I have Cho Hee from last year,” I smiled.

“Lucky you,” Soo Min said sarcastically, annoyed by my happiness. We walked to our dorms and went in opposite directions.

I took out the keys I received and shakily tried unlocking it. For some reason, it wasn’t working.

I tried again, taking it out, and twisting it. I twisted it again and then checked the tag that was connected to the key.

Room 64

Definitely not room 62.

Room 64 was the room next to me. I guess I could ask them.

I turned around to my side seeing a someone lease having problems with heir key too.

Specifically, a boy.

Specifically, a really nice look boy.

Specifically, a really nice looking boy who seemed to have my key.

I don’t really believe in love at first sight so I don’t really know what it is now.

I just hope he’s nice.

Slowly, I walked over to him, face turning red, and coughed.

I raised an eyebrow at me.

“I’m sorry, do you have a cold?”

Shocked by the statement, I replied with a meek “Hi.”

“Look, I’m kind of busy here, no autographs.”


He  stared at me blankly, scanning me in my light blue blouse and long skirt.

“Ah, a junior year. Welcome to MUZC Boarding School, school of hell, may the odds be ever in your favour to sleep outside…”

“Uh, I think you have the wrong key,” I said holding out mine.

He sighed heavily.

“Fan girls;” he laughed, “they do such things just to meet you.”

“Sir, I don’t even know who you are.”

Suddenly my room’s door burst open with two girls peering out.

“Errm,” mumbled one of them, “we heard someone playing with the door.”

I looked at the confused boy in front of me.

“Well,” he winked, “I should start knowing me.”

And with that we swapped keys and left.

“Park _____?”

“Cho Hee!” I smiled back at one of the girls, “I haven’t seen you in ages!”

We hugged as another girl, our other roommate, raised an eyebrow.

“Well, you and Himchan seemed pretty close back then.”

With a puzzled face I stared at her.

“I’m Kim Eun Mi,” she said, taking out her hand for a handshake, “the little sister of that boy you were talking to.”

I blushed.

He seemed rather nice. But he had fan girls? He must be very popular. I slowly nodded and thought about him.

I wonder if he likes me.

Not that I like him.

“I’m Park _____,” I shook her hand, “nice to meet you… and your brother.”

“So,” Cho Hee grinned, “I’ve told Eun Mi about both of us!”

“And, judging from you face, I think you’ve got a crush on my big brother,” Eun mi smirked.

“Ani, I don’t.”

“Okay whatever, but he likes girls that are hard to get. You know, the badass ones.”

I raised an eyebrow.


“Ne, but oppa plays all his fan girls and it’s really annoying. He had like, two girls at our houseonce, both of them not knowing that he was dating the other.”

I shivered.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”

Eun Mi shrugged. “He’s part of the popular group at the school. B.A.P I think it’s called. Since you soom like a polite goody-two-shoes, quoted from Cho Hee, I think you’d suit… Youngjae the best. He’s all manners and brains.”


“And,” Euni Mi mumbled, “maybe even Daehyun. I heard Jongup likes what Himchan likes. He’s like a minion and follows him around. I don’t know what types Yongguk likes and Zelo thinks I’m a pedonoona.”

That's reassuring.

“Euni Mi… unnie… are you there fan girl too?”

“Yah! Ani, I just read oppa’s diary.”

We laughed and unpacked.

Maybe I should start to change.

But I haven’t seen any of them yet. I should stick to being me.

Whatever ‘me’ is…


“Some chick stole my keys.”

“Hyung, was she pretty?”

“Kinda,” Himchan said, patting the youngest boy’s head, “but I think she’s a pedonoona.”


“Choi JunHong, keep your hormones down, the neighbours will here you!” another said.

“Because they want ot creep in your bed and-” laughed the shorter one before he got cut off.

“Jongup, you dirty idiot, who told you that?”

“You did…”

“Shut up guys, my sisters in the other room!”

“I think your sister is pretty.”

All eyes turned to the blonde.

“Wtf had gotten into you, Yongjae.”



Suddenly everyone quieted down and did their own things until the youngest broke the silence.


“Himchan hyung, if you were a girl, I think you’d be a pedonoona too.”



How was it?

First chapter seemes pretty bad. Just an intro on everyone I guess~ I gave Himchan a little sister if that's okay~ Well then, pelase subscribe and please comment~ Silent readers make me sad, falling in love with you made me bad (no, not really, it's just a line in the later chapters xD ).

I love you all~


-- -warriorbunny-

P.S - You like the poster? It's nooby, isn't it xD

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momentsinlove #1
looks interesting might want to read this sometime!!
I luuurrrrvvv iiiittttt!!! Haha poor zelo and jongup always gotta keep an eye out for them me *evil laugh* anyray update soon!!!!
Pedonoona! hahha, that made me laugh. Jongup is Himchan's minion lol. I look forward to more chapters! XD
Your story is very cute!! Cho Hee seems really nice and friendly!! I think I might be a PEDONOONA too!! (just that I am younger than jongup and zelo...) xD
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
OMG I want to read more!!
You have to update soon
hmm... I think I like Eun Mi :D
she's funny and of course... myself? :D
@SHINees_Lucifer - I will try my best~ =^.^=
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
sounds interesting!
please update soon^^