Part 12

I Hate My Trash Kid Husband


Days passed after that unbearable day for Kim Taeyeon. But that does not mean his wife stop seducing him. And everytime she seduce Taeyeon, the husband will either run to the toilet to relieve himself or simply closed his eyes tightly and bear it all till Tiffany stop teasing him. 
But on the contrast, lots of things happened. Better things in fact. The relationship for both Taeyeon and Tiffany had gotten better. 
They communicate more, smiling shyly at each other without anyone noticing and showing constant shy yet small affectations towards each other; kisses on the cheeks and forehead, also intertwining hands under the table while  having dinner and the best of all, Taeyeon will always wake up in the morning with his wife's head leaning on his chest and her arms wrap around his waist. 
He will never forget to kiss her forehead after waking up and at times, keep kissing her all over her face till she wakes up. They will share smiles to each other and go on with their morning routine together. Things like this really makes them happy, and Tiffany regret to not giving her husband a chance to show his love towards her. Now she knows how much Taeyeon loves her. And she's thankful to that. 
"Urgh....." Taeyeon groaned. He's not really a morning person. The rays from the sun made him squints his eyes. He blinked few times to get used to the sunlight. Finally adjusting his eyesight, he looked down to the sleeping figure on his chest. 
He let out a wide grin seeing a goddess leaning on him. 
'Ah... Seeing your peaceful face just make my day!'
his wife's hair softly, Taeyeon then lean down and place a chaste kiss on her forehead. A sudden movement alerted him that she had woken up. 
"M-morning Taetae..." the latter greeted, at the same time rubbing her eyes cutely. 
"Morning, Sleepyhead!" The former answered dorkily. He lightly pinched her cute button-like nose then kissed it afterwards. 
"Taetaeeee.. " Tiffany whined. "I'm not a sleepyheeeeaaadd!" 
Laughter echoed in their room. Taeyeon who can't resist Tiffany's whining just gave up and peck her cheek. 
"Arasso arasso~ my wife is not a sleepyhead. She's MY sleepyhead!" 
Tiffany who was still leaning on Taeyeon's chest hid her face onto her husband's chest while turning deep hue. This weird yet nice sensation happens every time Taeyeon declare her as his'. She will automatically blush hard and will try to hide her face from her husband. 
Cheeky as ever, Taeyeon will always held up her face so that he could see her flushed face. A great feeling to be honest. It means that his wife is shy around him at times eventhough she will always in any seductive ways. 
"Fany ah... Look at me.."
"Always remember that you're mine and I'm yours." Taeyeon speak sincerely. 
"Hello...?" A voice answered groggily. 
"Seobang...? Are you there?" 
"Kwon Seobang....?"
A loud snore. 
"KWON YURI!!!!!"
Taeyeon's POV
I tried my best to dodge and breaks our of my opponent's defence, I turned around and pass the ball to my nearest team mate, Hyoyeon.
Hyoyeon grab the ball and made a sprint towards the opponent's hoop but as what we planned, Hyoyeon will unexpectedly pass it to Yul and as the best shooter, Yul shoot a three pointer into the hoop. 
Aaaaand he scores!
"Good game, guys!" Our coach said loudly to all of us after he blow his whistle. With a smile plastered on his face, he announced. "Alright kids, take ten!"
"Fuh... That's tiring. By the way, good pass, Hyo!" I high-fived him and we laugh while drinking our energy drink. 
I turned my head and I saw Yul looking at the cheerleaders section, frowning. I went up to him and asked him. 
"Had a fight?"
"Hmmm.." Yul answered lifelessly. He rarely acts like that except when he's bothered. 
"Wanna talk?" 
A sigh. Yul looks at me and sighed again. 
"It's lame, you know? I accidentally slept on her while talking to on the phone last night and now she's not talking to me!"
I saw Yul balled his hand into a fist. The frown still not leaving his face. 
"So, you're angry at her?"
"No! I'm angry at myself! Why am I so stupid and fell asleep! Aish!" Yul was about to knock his head with his own hand when I stopped him just in time. 
"Yah! Don't hit yourself! Relax, Yul.. Relax...." I said to him. The others saw his little outburst and came towards our direction. 
Truthfully, the others had been eavesdropping our conversation but they try to act nonchalant. It's so obvious, by the way. Especially with their poor acting.
Tsk tsk tsk...
"Yul, you want me to help? I can ask Nicole to talk to your girl.. Plus cousins probably understands each other more."
Yul looks at Hyoyeon hopefully but then his face fell. Everyone wondered why did his expression change until he spoke. 
"No no no... Thanks Hyo, but no thanks. It was my fault that she's angry and sulking at me, so I have to fix it myself. You know what, I'm not going to give up asking for forgiveness cause I know, she will forgive me eventually and....." Yul stopped immediately and a ert grin plastered on his face. 
Me, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Yoong looked at each other, then to Yul and shouted. 
Oh, and we hit him while saying that. Hehehe! Now everyone's attention directed to us. 
We all kept laughing loudly while Yul had turned red, embarrassed. We till no end till our coach told us to continue our training. Just before we start, I manage to glance at the cheerleading section and fortunately, Tiffany was looking at me too. We stared at each other for a good ten seconds before she give me this y winks that blows me away.
'! How much ier can she get!'  
Also for the rest of the training, I could not concentrate. And it's all because of my y wife!
Author's POV
'Target is on the move. Time to take action! Thank goodness she's alone!'
The tall well-built figure slowly approach his target from behind. He the picked up his target bridal style and went into an empty classroom. The target was was about to scream but when she saw who is the culprit, she frowned and pouts cutely. 
The man slowly let the girl sits on the teacher's table and stared at her. 
"Sica Baby... I'm sorry.." Yuri then took Jessica's hand and and gently caress it. "It's my fault and I feel guilty of it. Please Baby, forgive me.." 
Jessica saw her boyfriend's face full of guilt and regret. She held onto his face and caress his cheek. Jessica let out a sigh. 
'Maybe I've gone too far..'
"Seobang, I forgive you."
"Really, Sicababy?" Yuri excitedly said. "You're not angry with me anymore?"
"Nope. Plus, it's partly my fault too." Jessica muttered softly. 
"Your fault?"
Jessica grinned and spoke, "I'm just teasing you, Seobang! I'm not even a bit tad angry at you~"
Yuri froze. He then frowned and seconds later, he pouted cutely. It's a good thing that Jessica is not angry at him but the fact that he got fooled, it made him embarrassed. 
Seeing her Seobang frowning and pouting, Jessica held his face and kissed him lightly on the lips, immediately making the later smile in happiness. 
"I'm sorry, Seobang~ Don't be mad okay?"
"Well, I'll forgive you if you give me something..." Yuri let out a ert smile and his lips. 
"Oh, what is it Seobang? Tell me~"Jessica asked with her hands wrapped around her boyfriend's neck. She then slowly plays with Yuri's hair, twirling and playfully pulls it, making Yuri let out a few groans which sounds super y in Jessica's ears. 
"Here~ I think this needs some care from you."The former pointed at his lips. He leans nearer to the later sitting on the teacher's table and puckered up his lips. 
Understanding her boyfriend's wants, Jessica caress his face and pulls closer to her. She then started smothering his face with kisses. Starting from his nose, then to his forehead and cheeks, and lastly his tempting lips. 
Jessica felt her face flushed even they have kissed lots of time before. The way Yuri slowly kisses her lips tenderly and carefully makes her fell in love with him more and more. Then Yuri started to nibble on her lower lips and when he felt her loosen up a little bit, he pushed his tongue into . Their tongue danced with each other in graceful ways, her inner walls and her lips again. 
Their make out session lasted for few minutes till Yuri slowly pulls off from his girl. They both panted heavily and leaned their foreheads together to catch up their breaths. A small smile plastered on both's faces even with their eyes still closed. 
Taeyeon's POV
' I'm late! Fany will kill me!'
I ran as fast as I could to the limousine that has been waiting for me fir about an hour now. And the worst part, Tiffany is in there, waiting for me too! I hope she will not get angry. 
This is all because of my buddies! They decided to play around while showering and I just couldn't resist joining them. And of course, we got busted by our coach, also making us clean the mess we had just made as a punishment. That's why I'm late! Sheesh!
Oh yeah, I didn't rode my motorbike today because something's wrong with the exhaust or something. So basically for these few days, I'm going to go to the university with my wife. But the thing is, since none knows about our relationship, both me and Fany agreed to drop me off somewhere outside the University as to avoid any suspicions. 
Why we didn't tell anyone about our relationship you asked? Well, simply because we're not ready. I mean both of us are trying to get to know each other's real self more now, and we want to take it slow. To be honest its more like Fany wants to know more about me actually. Hehehe~ but whatever it is, as long I get to spend time with my wife, I'm happy enough. Even Daddy did not know we are in good terms now. Let it be a secret for now, okay~?
"Sorry I'm late!" I get into the limousine, panting hard. I get ready for some scolding from Fany but instead I felt a soft texture dapped on my forehead. When I look in front of me, I was gifted with a pair beautiful eye smiles and the best part, it was her who's wiping my sweaty forehead with her handkerchief. 
Without us realising, the limousine had already started and is on his way to our home. 
"Tired, Taetae?" She asked while frowning. She's still wiping my face with her handkerchief though. Ahh.. I really wanna wipe off the frown on her face. 
I just nodded and she stop her doings immediately. I wondered what will she do next and seriously what she did really made me shock. 
Fany sat closer to me till there's no more space in between us, and then she leaned her body onto mine and rested her head on my chest. She wrapped her arms around my torso and snuggle her head into my neck. 
'.... Must resist!'
I awkwardly sat straight not knowing what to do. Seconds passed and I felt Fany muttered something onto my neck. 
"Huh? Sorry what is it, Fany ah?" 
"Taetae, hug me~ I'm cold~~" Fany said clearer this time. 
I gulped and slowly, wrapped my arms around her. Thank goodness it is dark or else anyone can see my red flushing face. I caressed her arms so that heat will emitted from it. I moved more closer to her and we share our body heat together. I looked at her face and she seemed more relax and comfortable. I let out a satisfying sigh with a wide smile plastered on my face. 
I carried my wife and laid her down on our bed. It seems like she pretty much tired with lectures and her cheerleading practice. Aigoo~ my busy wife. I caressed her hair and leave a kiss on her forehead before making my way to the bathroom for my shower. 
After I'm done with my shower, I wore my boxers only and headed to the bed. I shook her so she will wake up take her shower too. While waiting for her, I decided to check my iTunes Store on my phone for any new games. 
'Ohhh~ What's this? Fun Run? Well it better be fun.'
Just as it finished downloading, I started playing with it. No doubt it is addicting. I played till I heard the bathroom door being closed. I turned my head to the direction of the bathroom and I saw my wife in her favourite pink bathrobe. 
'... Not again!!!!'
And let the teasing begins!~
Author's POV
The two sleeping figure on the king size bed started moving when the loud alarm clock rang. The guy stretched his body but stopped immediately when he felt another figure tightening her hug on him. 
"Taetae don't move..." She muttered sleepily but the guy still understood her. 
"Ohh.. Sorry Fany ah. But it's 7 AM. We have lectures today." Taeyeon poke his wife's cheeks a few times until the later let out a giggle. 
"Tae, it's Saturday today. Have you forgotten your days, Hmm?"
Taeyeon blinked his eyes for few times. And Tiffany who's observing him found it cute when he's doing that. She leaned in and give her husband a peck on his cheek. That made him get back into reality. He turned his head to look at his blushing wife and let out a laugh. 
"I really thought it's Friday, today! Thanks for reminding me, my cute blushing sweet wife!" 
That made Tiffany blush harder. She snuggle her face into Taeyeon's neck to hide her blush. And seeing his wife blush for him will always make his day. 
"You're welcome, my handsome hubby.." She said in a small voice though still hiding her face from her husband. 
They hugged for half an hour more untill Taeyeon decided to do something. 
"Fany ah, let's go on a date!"
"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late!" A tall tan guy said after he reach at the meeting point. 
The four others was not interested but rather curious with the girl short beside the tan guy, whose hand intertwining with their friend's. 
"Soo, aren't you going to introduce your friend to us?" Hyoyeon asked. He's really curious of the girl beside his best friend since Sooyoung had never told him about any girl he met. 
"Oh sorry.. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Sunny Lee, and Bunny ah, this is my friends! The blonde one is Jessica, beside her is Yuri, her boyfriend. And the short blonde guy is my Hyoyeon and his girlfriend, Nicole." Sooyoung finished off with a wide grin. 
"Nice to meet you all. Sooyoung told me a lot about you guys." Sunny said and bowed to the four frozen figures. 
Seeing his friend froze and didn't return his girlfriend's bow, Sooyoung shouted to get them back to reality. The four immediately bowed back and grinned to each other. 
After their small introductions, they then to walk in two groups. The guys and the girls. Sunny seemed to feel comfortable with Sooyoung's friends and they start talking about theirselves and how Sunny and Sooyoung gets together. While on the guys sides, Yuri and Hyoyeon can't seem to stop asking about Soosun's new relationship. 
"So Soo, you never tell us about your girlfriend there. I thought we're buddies!" Hyoyeon cooed dramatically.
Sooyoung just blush and apologise to his two friends. 
"Sorry guys. I just don't know how to say it to you guys. So sorry!" The two just snickered at Sooyoung's behaviour. It's rare to see the tough Choi Sooyoung apologising repeatedly to them. 
"Well, tell us how did you two become a couple?"
"Hmm.. I knew her from my mum. Sunny's mum is my mum's classmate. So we knew each other for a long time." 
"So you like her for a long time?" The two curiously asked. 
"Nope.. I don't know when but what I know is, we met again after few years, at my mum's reunion dinner and when I saw her, she looks like a goddess in her dress. We decided to exchange numbers and keep in contact. Then baaam! We're together." Sooyoung explained and his face was so flushed and he looks shy. 
Both Yuri and Hyoyeon exchange looks and asked again, "So when specifically did you guys get together?" 
"We just got together yesterday actually. After our training, I meet her at a cafe, then send her home and I don't know... it just happened. I suddenly felt courageous and I confessed to her in front of her house. Fortunately she say Yes and......hehehe"
"And what?" Yuri eagerly asked till the extend he jump excitedly like a kid. 
".....we share our first kiss."
Before the two guys can start teasing Sooyoung, they her their girlfriend squealed like high school students. The guys looks at each other and let out their laughter. 
"I bet Sunny's telling Sica and Nic about the same matter!" The shortest among the three guys remarked and they laugh out loud again.  
"Waaaah~ Taetae look! It's a butterfly!" Tiffany cooed happily when she saw the beautiful creature flew past her. 
Taeyeon who saw how cute his wife acts, can't help but pinch her nose playfully. 
"Yaaah Taetaeee~" the girl pouted. But she immediately froze when Taeyeon kissed her on the lips unexpectedly. "W-what..."
"Fany ah...." Wrapping his arms around Tiffany's slim waist, he then pulled her closer to him. Their eyes met and Tiffany could see love emitted from her husband's eyes. 
"Yes Taetae?"
"I... I l-lo.." Feeling hard to convey what he gonna say, Taeyeon took a few deep breath to calm himself up. 
"Tiffany... There's something I want to tell you. It's important for me and I hope you'll listen well."
"What is it, Kim Taeyeon?" Tiffany had an idea of what Taeyeon going to say but she tries not put her hopes too high. Maybe Taeyeon will just say something different from what she's thinking.
"Fany ah, remember when I first came into our house and you hate every bits of me? You never consider me as a family and i remembered you were flipping out when Daddy decided to marry us. Then there's Taecyeon. Your boyfriend-"
"EX-boyfriend, Taetae!" Tiffany cuts her husband, pouting. 
"Okay fine, your ex-boyfriend which I hate so damn much because of his attitude and obviously because he's with you at that moment. Everything that happened to me, there's you in it. But I'm more happier rather than not spending time with you. Though most of it includes you, hating me." Taeyeon sweetly caress Tiffany's cheek and give it a soft peck. Looking at the blushing girl in front of him, a smile appeared on his face. 
"What I'm trying to say is that, whether you hate me or not, I, Kim Taeyeon will forever love you. I love you, Tiffany Hwang.."
Closing the gap between them, both Tiffany and Taeyeon shared a sweet kiss that will change everything from that time on. And things turned better when Tiffany pushed Taeyeon away softly and rest her hands on his chest. Staring deeply on her husband's eyes, she let out something that she had been asking herself for a long time. And she knew the answer now. 
"I love you too, Kim Taeyeon."
"This spot looks nice!"
"Then lets set up our picnic here." The shortest among the four guys stated. 
Hyoyeon then set up the tent with the maknae, Yoona, while the other two tanned guys help the ladies with other works. 
Yoona had just joined them few minutes ago with his girlfriend, Seohyun. Since Seohyun come from another university, she rarely hang out with the others except for important occasions. Yoona and Seohyun too shocked when they introduce Sunny as Sooyoung's girlfriend as the tall shikshin never spoke of any girls he's interested in. 
After everything done preparing, all of them decided to rest on the big mat. Some are resting on their girlfriend's lap, saying sweet things to other while some are munching happily on the snacks provided.  
"Ah... I wish Taeng Hyung is here~" The maknae whined. "Then we'll be complete..."
"Oh yeah, talking about Taeyeon, where's he?" The blonde lady asked while playing with her seobang's hair. 
"Molla... He said he can't join because of some stuffs at home." Hyoyeon's turn to said. He too wondered what's more important than their normal hangout. 
'Maybe he felt weird since all of us are with our girlfriends..' 
"Errr Oppa... Unnie...." Seohyun muttered softly. All attention turned to her as she start to point at a direction. They follow to the direction where Seohyun's pointing and their jaw drop widely. Some even chocked on his foods. 
"I-Isn't th-that...."
Few metres from them are a couple, the guy wrap his hands around the girl and they were lip-locking in public without any care.
They make their way to the couple and one of them coughed loudly to get their attention. 
The couple broke their kiss and immediately turned their heads toward the noise. Shocked written on their faces when they saw few familiar faces, glaring at them. 
'....' The couple thought. 
Fuuuuuh~ That's long. Hope you guys like it!~~~
Comment please~~~ T.T I'll try to update soon if you guys gimme some love~~
and that is by commenting~~~~
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guys.. wait a little longer aites. my exam ends on the 11th T.T mianhae


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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 13: Will this be continued?? Hehe
Zaragosa #2
Chapter 13: It your exam finished already or not?? , It already 10 years 😂
Chapter 13: Great story
gabiel #4
Chapter 13: .......... 😆😆😆
Alexanderkim33333 #5
Chapter 13: Update please
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 13: ...
yulsic26 #7
I hope this is will update again
UnderDoc #8
Chapter 13: When the update again? I want to know what happen next *smirk* HAAHAHAA