
[oneshot] I Realize, This is Loneliness

LuHan slides further into the comforts of the couch, finger tapping mindlessly at the remote as the various Chinese channels flip past his vision in a blur. The dorm was silent and dark; most of the members were either fast asleep in their rooms or exploring the city without permission. It was their last night together, because in less than eight hours, their second family, their other halves, the core of EXO, was going to be split in two.

A frown deepens on his forehead.

It wasn't that LuHan didn't like being here - he was finally back home, back on familiar grounds. But something kept getting caught at the corner of his heart.

And that something was their residential bubble-tea addict... who suddenly materialized in front of him; towering over his huddled form and blocking the muted television.

LuHan jumps in surprise, his finger accidentally hitting the volume button and filling the quiet dorm with an unexpected commotion. Both males hiss and frantically flail their lanky arms, their hearts thumping wildly as one of them manages to hit the power switch. The room hushes quickly, the sound cutting off as the buzz of the cooling television echoes along with their shallow breathing.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" LuHan murmurs, staring up at the black shadow. He squints unattractively; his eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness yet.

Instead of a vocal answer, he feels a tug at the sleeve of his shirt; a light brush of slim fingers against the back of his hand. Tensing, LuHan finds himself half-willingly dragged away from the living room, and into his room.

His and SeHun's room; temporarily.

"Why are you still up? You have a flight to catch in the morning," LuHan says once he closes the door behind them.

"I'll get plenty of sleep on the plane," SeHun murmurs, his trademark lisp making his Korean sound timid and hushed. "Besides," he adds, letting go of LuHan's sleeve as he climbs onto his bed, "I'm not tired."

LuHan frowns as he sees SeHun's reluctance. "Fine, but don't blame me when airport pictures of you looking like a panda start floating around the web. Everyone will start pairing you up with KungFu Panda, although, I'm sure Tao would be grateful for that."

SeHun scoffs and crosses his legs, one lean limb over the other. LuHan doesn't miss the sudden ache that flashed in SeHun's eyes.

His frown intensifies.

"You're going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that," SeHun remarks, patting the bed space next to him.

LuHan doesn't hesitate as he sits shoulder to shoulder with the younger boy. His frown however, doesn't disappear.

The sound of the busy, night street just beyond the window, the snoring and sleep-talk of the other members, and the familiar body that sat next to him; it filled LuHan with a nostalgic warmth. It was the kind of warmth he wouldn't be able to find here, in China, in his homeland. By the time he yearned for this feeling again, it would be across the waters; back home.

"You know," SeHun whispers, his lips in a mindless habit, "Tao-hyung was crying the other day."

LuHan blinks, staring straight ahead at the bed that sat opposite of the one they were sitting on. That's where he would be after tonight; cold, lonely, and empty.

"MinSeok-hyung was talking to his mom for five hours this morning, and Kris-hyung and JoonMyun-hyung kept whispering to each othe--"

LuHan sighs and turns his head to face the younger boy. He quirks an eyebrow, "What are you trying to say?"

SeHun his lips again, making LuHan tilt his vision slightly down and away from the eyes. That damn tongue of his, he thinks, a threat bubbling at his throat if SeHun were to do that attractive habit once more.

"Are you like them?"

LuHan blinks. And then coughs. "Can you be more, I don't know, descriptive?"

"Are you sad too? Or worried?" SeHun says, biting the corner of his lip. He only did that when he was nervous.

"Sad about what?" LuHan says, turning to face forward again. His shoulders unexpectedly tensed at the question. He had to admit, SeHun was pretty sharp.

"You seem so calm and full of spirit," SeHun comments, twirling his fingers, "but I think I know you well enough to tell there's something else you're trying to hide."

Surprise! Guess living and sharing everything with him has paid off somehow! LuHan growls inwardly as that stupid voice in his head suddenly burst into chorus.

He clears his throat before shifting in his seat. "Hide what?"

SeHun lets out a small, but cheeky, grin. "Like when you just sit there, flipping through a book or the TV, pretending like you're interested when you're not. Or when you have this dazed look in your eyes. Or when you look like you're listening to people, when actually, you're not." SeHun uncrosses his legs and stretches them, pointing his toes as he lets his legs hang off the edge of the bed.

"The other members cry and talk about their feelings, but you always keep quiet and to yourself. You just escape into your own world and don't let anyone else follow you."

LuHan's frown completely disappears as he blinks rapidly. Did he really do that? LuHan had thought he was quite the expressive type, smiling and frowning according to his mood. He was honest and open with his feelings; so why is SeHun suddenly saying all this?

"See? You're doing it again!" SeHun snaps his fingers, almost catching LuHan's nose in the processes.

"Woah! What?" LuHan shifts and turns to face SeHun again. He smiles sheepishly and nudges SeHun's shoulder as the younger boy frowns down at him.

"It'd be nice if you tell me what's going on now and then. I'm your best friend, aren't I?" The sincerity behind SeHun's words cuts into LuHan, leaving an open wound. It wasn't that LuHan was guilty of anything, in fact, it would've made this easier to deal with if he were guilty of something.

"It's not like I'm a nobody," SeHun moodily finalizes, bottom lip pulled out in a sulk.

It was times like this, that LuHan was reminded of SeHun's actual age. The tender age where he was barely an adult, but outgrown as a teen...

"You're far from a nobody, SeHun," LuHan says, wanting to get rid of that pout. Relief washes over him like an oasis when the corners of SeHun's lips curve up into that lovely, shy grin.

"Will you miss me?" SeHun asks, reaching over and gently placing his hand over LuHan's. A spark, a flame of unadulterated desire spread through LuHan's body. Ignoring the sudden dryness of his throat, LuHan tries to maintain his calm. His body never reacted like this to SeHun's touch.

"Of course I will." And that was the honest truth. "You're my favorite didi(弟弟)." And that was a small lie.

The ache was suddenly back in SeHun's eyes, the smile disappearing as his lips moved slightly to mouth the word, didi. The hurt lingered in his sad gaze as LuHan fell into the abyss of SeHun's dark orbs.

"Is that all?" SeHun harshly mutters, breaking away from LuHan's stare. A venomous bite outlined the tension in his shoulders.

Something told LuHan that SeHun was holding himself together from crumbling to pieces.

But from what?

An unknowing throb formulated itself in the middle of LuHan chest. Confusion, haste, fear... it all rolled itself into a ball and shoved its way down LuHan's body; remaining in his stomach like some poorly digested meatball that Kris had once made.

His heart was echoing in his ears as he continued to stare at SeHun's face, or more like the side of his face. A mix of awe for how handsome SeHun had grown over the past years, and jittery longing pumped through LuHan's veins. And just has he thinks he has his emotions sorted out, SeHun's habit of his lips appears. LuHan watches, too attentively, as the slim muscle darts out to wet the bottom lip; a mechanical custom SeHun did when he was thinking.

I swear, that tongue... and by the time he was aware of his action, LuHan was sitting on SeHun's lap, and was kissing the daylights out of the younger man. With his heart beating, hard and loud, LuHan leaned closer and closer until he pressed SeHun right against the wall behind them.

At first, LuHan took the lead, the other boy caught off guard and not registering what was happening to him. But when LuHan reaches up to gently caress SeHun's jawline, arms wrap around his slim waist, jolting the Chinese man in surprise.

And then, all too abruptly, color explodes behind LuHan's closed lids. The way SeHun's hands roamed over LuHan's back, and the way his lips and tongue knew exactly what to do to make LuHan pant for more; it filled LuHan with an endless amount of affection. And made his heart expand beyond its limits.

They pulled away simultaneously, both gasping for air but still holding onto each other; SeHun's arms were entwined like vines around LuHan's torso, while LuHan's own hands were lost in SeHun's silky hair.

Something told LuHan that he was going to remember this moment, even when he was a balding and cuddly grandfather. The emotions that he felt were unbearable; he could feel every part of his body quivering from SeHun's touches as his heart swelled with foreign passions.

Words formed at the tip of his tongue. Words that might have summed up his feelings for the Korean boy.

But a wall stopped him, and LuHan was rather grateful for it. Because beyond that wall, the whispers of, What if..? echoed into his mind.

And just as LuHan remembers the time limit that was set between them, a touch of familiar, yet strange lips, breaks him out of his thoughts.

Warmth. It wrapped itself around LuHan's body, constricting him and squeezing out the last breath of air. SeHun pulls away gently, LuHan's cheek and brushing his forehead.

"You were doing that again," SeHun murmurs, cheeks flushed a healthy pink, "that thinking thing." His eyes curve up in a teasing smile; shining adoration radiated from his face.

LuHan rolls his eyes, a smile also forming on his lips. "What. Am I supposed to not think around you?"

"Well," SeHun hums, deep and rich, "the not thinking thing is supposed to be Jongdae-hyung's job. You just need to focus on your priorities more."

LuHan grins as he inches forward, "I think I'll do that." The beating of his heart wasn't as loud and obnoxious anymore, but subtle and thriving. It urged him to continue, to seek what has always been rightfully his.

They share another kiss; longer and passionate, with underlying hints of words that were left unspoken.

"You should get some rest," LuHan murmurs, fingers tracing random patterns on SeHun's shoulder blades, "you have to be up soon." The thought of SeHun's departure left a bitter taste at the back of LuHan's mouth.

"Then shouldn't you get off of me?" SeHun chuckles, playful fingers running up and down LuHan's ribs.

A smile creeps up on LuHan's lips, "Make me."

It amazed the Chinese man how easily SeHun eased the tension that bubbled in LuHan's core.

But all jokes aside, they really did have to think about their present situation.

"Come on, go to bed," LuHan slowly pulls away, albeit reluctantly. If he could, he would latch onto SeHun like a koala. He wanted this moment to last, and didn't want that dangerous feeling that kept crawling up his back. It was a feeling of insecurity, a feeling of, what happens now?

As he moves to switch the room lights off, a cold breeze from the small crack in the window wraps around him and holds him in place. He looked towards the window, and saw the darkness that waited for him outside the thin glass. Daunting and welcoming, he unconsciously gasped.

Sudden, panic rose and sounded the alarms in LuHan's head. He didn't regret what he had just done, because he knew it was the right thing to do. But was it right for SeHun? Or was this just his own judgement?

Swiftly crossing the room, before SeHun could reach out to him, LuHan flicks the lights off. He rolls his shaking hands into a tight fist as shadows engulf the room hungrily.
How it amazed him; one moment he felt nothing but bliss and warmth, and the next, he was shaking pathetically, already thinking of the future and its abandoned consequences.

"LuHan," SeHun's voice was suddenly behind him, warm arms wrapping themselves around LuHan's shoulders. Like a wave of a wand, the pang of isolation disappeared. He was back in his comfort zone.

"Why are you standing around like that?" SeHun says, a hint of a smile outlining his words. His hand slides down to hold LuHan's. He pulls the elder man towards the beds. "Come on, you need some sleep too."

It wasn't long before they figured out that two grown men would not easily fit on a single bed together. With much struggling, squirming, and amused laughter, LuHan finds himself cuddled between SeHun and the wall, the blanket draped over them like a protective shield.

I could get used to this, LuHan thinks. SeHun's strong and healthy heartbeat reverberated under his palm, as the deep slow breaths calmed the raging storm in him.

But the contrasting thoughts would not leave him alone.

Because this warmth, this body and voice, it will all be gone when the Moon retired for the night.

I don't want tomorrow to be here. LuHan squeezes his eyes shut, pressing closer to SeHun like a lost lamb.

When a reassuring hand runs through his hair, he thinks their roles are reversed.

"SeHun," LuHan whispers, his voice sounding too odd for his liking, "you know how you asked me if I'll miss you?"

SeHun hums in response, a vibrating motion that almost lulled LuHan to sleep.

"I'll miss you," LuHan murmurs, bottom lip quivering uncontrollably as tears threatened to fall. "I'll miss you a lot. And not only because you're my favorite didi(弟弟)"

SeHun's response surprised him.

"너의 세상으로 여린 바람을 타고 (Taken by the soft wind into your world)
네 곁으로 어디에서 왔냐고 (You ask me where I came from)
해맑게 묻는 네게 비밀이라 말했어 (I tell you brightly, that it's a secret)
마냥 이대로 함께 걸으면 (If we were to just walk together like this)
어디든 천국일 테니 (Anywhere, would be Heaven)

SeHun, LuHan concluded, was not a vocal line in EXO for a reason, as the younger male slowly sang in a hushed, breathless voice. The notes were off-pitch, and the rhythm was completely wrong; but it was the most sweetest and touching love song that LuHan had ever heard.

"That's my answer," SeHun whispers, placing a light kiss on LuHan's forehead. "My feelings won't change just because we're separated by land and water. I've always held these feelings close to my heart, and I'll continue to do that."

LuHan makes sure SeHun doesn't see, or hear, the tears that were steadily falling from his eyes. An emotion, one of which LuHan couldn't quite place his finger on, flourished in his chest like a flower. Burying his face in the crook of SeHun's shoulder, LuHan lets the tears be soaked up on the younger man's shirt as he nods in agreement.

"We can do this," LuHan says firmly, a newfound confidence supporting him.

"Of course we can," SeHun chuckles, repeatedly the elder's hair in comfort. "With your powers of telekinesis, and my control of wind, we can conquer--"

SeHun smiles into the darkness when he feels the laughter vibrating through LuHan's body next to him. He didn't like it when his beloved gege(哥哥) cried.

"Two households, both alike in dignit--"

"Don't tell me," LuHan cuts in, reaching up to poke SeHun's cheek in the dark, "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, This isn't what you were trying to get at, right? You're not cheesy enough to do that, right?" LuHan chuckles as SeHun grumbles in offense.

"Tomorrow, is a start of a new journey," SeHun whispers. Silence finally enveloped them as sleep waited just around the corner.

LuHan hums in agreement, his fingers unconsciously grasping the hem of SeHun's shirt.

"Make us proud over there," he whispers, snuggling closer to the warmth beside him.

"Make me proud."

널 사랑하게 돼버린 난 이제 더 이상 (I, who have fallen in love, with no other place)

돌아갈 곳이 없어요 날개를 거둬가셨죠 (to return, my wings have been taken away)

영원한 삶을 잃었대도 행복한 이유 (Even though I have lost my everlasting life)

나의 영원 이젠 그대이니까 Eternally Love (You are my eternity, Eternally Love)


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Chapter 1: :)

Chapter 1: Freaking beautiful~ the emotion just flows out from every sentences straight into my heart. omg~ i love this
Exotichiii #3
i love your story sooooooo much <3 can i translate it to vietnamese, i really want to share this amazing fic to all exo fan in Vietnam :")
This story was just so adorable, but with a little hint of sadness. OMG, as I was reading this story, I thought that you would put in this story but, I'm glad you didn't (although I love ). It really made the story more meaningful, if that makes any sense? LOL. Very well written and one of the best Hunhan stories I've ever come across. Dankie very much for writing it! =D
beautiful indeed TT~~~~TT
HunHan ~ <333
I want to cry and smile at the same time. <3
This was soooo great, ooh the sweet sweet emotions!
So wonderful!!! just love it! so sweet and cute and adorable and touching and fabulous! love it <3
Waaah so beautiful <3
Loved the Romeo and Juliet line near the end!