Bad day

Behind SM's doors

--Yubin's POV--

I was finally back to training. So many things happened in just a few days, it felt overwhelming. I had missed two full days of training. It was now awkward between me and Kai and Taemin. My head was hurting from all the confusing things I've heard and my best friend had left.

I finally got a locker from the Entertainment and that apparently meant for pressure, because I wasn't being let go. Yet. I didn't know having a locker posed new challenges:

After some awkward stumbling around the hall looking for my locker and weird whisperings around me, I finally found my tiny locker. It definitely said 133 on the top and that was my number, but there was lots of writing all over my locker. I brushed it off, thinking someone who used it before must've messed it up, but when I opened it, expecting to be empty, I saw a bunch of little notes and letters in it. I randomly picked up one and it read "Stay away from our innocent Taemin oppa!"and another one said "Best friends? Really? You has got more brains than I thought. Don't you DARE!!!" and the last one I picked up read "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM OR YOU WILL DIE HERE!". All notes had similar messages on them. I finally realized why there were people looking at me weirdly and whispering. They thought I was, I don't even know what! Sure, I liked them as my sunbaes and idols, but what are these people talking about?

"I see you got some of our messages", an icy voice whispered behind me. *Oh no, oh no, not NOW, I can't handle this now!!*

"Hey I'm talking to you!" I heard her say before I was pushed against the locker. My head hit the metal locker and I felt sharp pain. I also felt like I was in one of those high school movies where they bully the nerd and get away with it. This wasn't going to be like that, was it?

"Listen to me well, I don't like to repeat myself. Stay away from our sunbaes, okay? They've got enough to worry about. Who do you think you are? Do you know SHINee's much awaited comeback is being delayed because of you distracting Taemin oppa? YAH! LOOK AT ME!!"

I had a stupid, stupid habit of tearing quickly when I was angry or hurt. But, This wasn't the time to do that. I promised Jen I wouldn't let them do that! An image of Jen flashed before my eyes and it made me stronger. I pushed the hand away from my shoulders as harshly as I could and glared at the bunch of girls surrounding me. I always heard that my glares were scary and intimidating, and now was the time to use that.

"No, you listen to ME well. *my voice was a bit shaky, but loud* How your Taemin oppa or whoever it is you're talking about spends their own time is not my fault and if you think they're being distracted, why don't you go ahead and tell THEM that, okay? *I stepped a little closer to them* DO NOT DO THIS TO ME AGAIN, you jealous es. I am a nice person, but I will not stand for such stupidity! So stay away from me and leave me the hell ALONE before I report you!"

I shouted the last part as courageously as I could and walked away. I could feel their shocked stares on my back, and felt my eyes tear, but I was proud of myself. I stood up to them. I made them shut up. The thought made me giddy and I smiled through my tears.

Jen, I'm strong now, see?

But did she really hear that SHinee's comeback was delayed because of Taemin? Was that because of me? But, but why? I suddenly remembered yesterday in the hospital and my heart skipped a beat.

I woke up sometime in the night from an uncomfortable weight on my right hand. I opened my eyes to see someone's head resting on my forearm. My arm twitched from surprise and waked the sleeping boy. I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep as I felt him get up. I heard an iPhone lock being opened and a number dialled.

"Ah hyung, I'm sorry. I, I, I know, I'm sorry, I'll be right there. I know hyung! I just couldn't leave-- Just, just-- Jonggie hyung! Please, stop, I'm coming already."

I heard footsteps getting closer to my bed and a soft voice whisper "I'm sorry, Yubin-ah. I'm sorry." I almost gasped when I felt soft, plump lips make contact with my cold forehead and pull away.  "Get better soon". And with that he left. Lee Taemin.


What bothered me about the kiss was that it didn't make my heart melt into a poodle. It didn't make my ears and cheeks go red. But just the thought of my almost kiss with Kai would do all that and his lips didn't even touch me!

I entered dance class nervously, not wanting to let these thoughts bother my dancing. As soon as I entered, there were tens of pairs of eyes focusing on me, some with surprise, some with judgement and some with interest. I was expecting Hyoyeon with Taemin in the front, but I only saw Hyoyeon sunbae. I went to the back of the class and was saved by the music.

Were those girls right?



Hey guys! Thanks for your comments :))

Umm, just wanted to mention I'm kind of starting a story about Kris and Lay. Please check it out if you've got time:

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will update faster from now on!


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fidoucha #1
Wow miss this story I think it has Ben like a year!
Chapter 35: Please please please please please update sooooooon! I'm in love with this story!
izzian #3
update soon pls.. thanks ^ ^
Nooo! ! Yubin and Taemin!
charlotte0234 #6
aigoo..poor taemin ):
shineegirl155 #7
HARDER BETTER FASTER STRONGER. GO YUBIN!! Oh and please just go out with Kai >.<
Yes!! I'm glad she's coming back stronger!! :D
Loved the update! :)
I hope to know what happens next :)
Horray for Yubin! you go girl!