You Are My Everything

You Are My Everything

Jung Min Chan’s Pov...

“Oppa..Stop this..”I tried to stop him from keep tickling me.

“Do you dare to say that you will leave me again?”He asked me.

“No..No...”I screamed as he was still tickling me.

“Okay..Please don’t ever leave me.”He stopped tickling me and hugged me instead.

“Oppa,i was just joking just now.Don’t take it serious.”I hugged him back.

“I am scared if you will leave me,i love you.”He said it while hugged me tightly.

“I love you too and i won’t leave you no matter how.”I said it to him.

Suddenly Hyung Jun oppa came back home and he saw both of us were hugging each other..

“Ehem..ehem..Just think that i am not here.”He closed his eyes and walked to his room.

Ki Bum and me was laughing cause of Hyung jun oppa.


6 Months later...
Hyung Jun’s Pov...

“What should we do now?”Ki Bum asked me in worry.

“i also don’t know.i don’t even know how he took our company’s files and he change the owner of  the company  to his name.”I am stress.

“He is too smart to do that even though we kept it in a secret place.”Said Min Chan.

“Now we are not the owner of our comapny and we lose our job.”Ki Bum punched the wall.

“OPPA!!!”Min Chan screamed.

“I am so tension Min Chan.”He sat beside Min Chan.

Min Chan hugged him to calm him down.He hugged Min Chan tightly.


2 Months later...
Ki Bum’s Pov...

“Min Chan what are you doing with him?”I was shocked when i saw she was with my enemy,the one took my company from him.

“Excuse me,she is my girlfriend now,she have right to be with me.”Said Yu Kwon while kissed Min Chan’s cheek.

“WHAT??!!!”I was shocked.

“He love me and i love him too..Some more you have nothing now,why should i be with you again? “Min Chan’s word really hurt me.

“This what you said by love me and promise me?”I asked her.

“Hahaha..It is just a words,people can matured please.”She really too much now.

“Oopa,can we just go now?I don’t wanna break my mood now.”She said to Yu Kwon.

Both of them get into Yu Kwon’s car and they  left me.i was so angry and stress,i lose my job,company and my girlfriend cheat on me and go with my enemy.Since that day,i became a drinker,i will go to pub every night and went back late,i never listen to my Hyung’s words,i even be so rude to him.


4 Months Later..
Min Chan’s Pov...

It have been 10pm KST,i went to Ki Bum’s house with a file in my hand.

“Min chan?what are you doing here?”Hyung jun oppa asked me.

“Can i come in?”I asked him.

He was quiet and after few seconds he nodded.

“I know you hate me but i come here to give you this.”I gave him the file that i was holding just now.

“What is this?”he asked me while opened the file.

“Just read it.”I said.

“Oh My God!!This is...”Hyung Jun oppa was speechless.

“I act like i love him but actually i don’t love him.I just act like that cause i wanna take this file,i have changed back the Company’s owner name and it is under your sand Ki Bum’s name now.Now that company is not his.”I explained to him.

“Oh God..Thanks a lot..You might be suffered a lot.”Said Hyung jun Oppa.

“Well,i do but i don’t mind.Cause i do this for both of you.”I smiled.

“i heard Ki Bum said he kissed you in front of him.”said Hyung Jun oppa.

“OMO!!I washed my face for more than 50 times on that day.”I hold my cheek on that time.

Hyung Jun oppa laughed.

“Ki Bum..he..”Hyung jun oppa stopped his word.

“I know oppa,it is normal,he is stress,well just give that to him and he will be okay back.i got to go now.”I said while walked to the main door.

“Thanks again.really appreciate this all and i am sorry to misunderstanding to you.”He apologize.

“It is okay.”I said while walked out.


Hyung Jun’s Pov...

The next day,i talked to Ki Bum.

 “Can you just stop be a drinker?”I scolded him.

“Who cares?”He said while watching Tv.

“Other people is suffering cause of you and you never appreciate her.”I scolded him again.

“Who is the one suffering cause of me?”He asked me in a cynical tone.

I throw the file that Min Chan gave me last night.Ki Bum read it and he was shocked.

“This...”He looked at me,

“Min Chan gave this to me last night,she said she act like she love him but actually she don’t love him.she just act like that cause she wanna take this file,she have changed back the Company’s owner name and it is under my sand your name now.Now that company is not his but ours.”I explained to him and he was speecless.


Ki Bum's Pov..

“Oh My God!!!i wanna meet her now.”I ran to my room to change my clothe but my phone rang on that time.

I pick up the phone and i got news that Min Chan is in ICU now,Yu Kwon shoot her with a gun just now morning,now Yu Kwon have been in jailed and police said that now he is having a mental problem because of stress.i drove my car to hospital as fast as possible.Hyung Jun hyung also followed me.When we reached the hospital,the doctor have just went out from the ICU room.

“How is her condition doctor?”i asked the doctor.

“She is still in coma and if she never wake up within 24 hours,she will be...You know what i mean and we as a doctor have tried our best.i’m sorry.”Said the doctor while leave.

 I was shocked.

“This is my fault.”I said it to myself.

“Ki Bum..Try to calm down..Now is not the time to say that.You should make her wake up.”said Hyung Jun hyung.

i wore the hospital dress and walked to the ICU room.I sat beside her and i hold her hand.

“Min Chan,Ki bum is here.hey..Wake up dear..Why are you still sleeping like a Sleeping Beauty?Do you want me to kiss you first?then only you will wake up?”i kissed her forehead but there is no reaction.

“Hey..sto this game if not i will tickle you again.”i tried to be strong but there is still no any reaction from her.

“Min Chan,why you become so weak now?Don’t you want to see me become a success CEO?if you keep on sleeping like this,how should i be suceess if you also still sleeping like this?i know i did mistake,but can’t you forgive me?i need you in my life.don’t you know that?”i sighed.

“Fine,i will get out from here,no point i am here if you also don’t want to wake up.”i scolded her.

Suddenly i heard her voice,she was trying to called me.I ran out and called the doctor.The doctor checked her condition and they told me that now she is stabil and she have just woke up.i was so happy on that time.i ran to her room and hugged her.she was smiling in a weak condition.Hyung Jun hyung also smiled at both of us.


2 Year Later..

 “OPPA!!”I have just went back from work and i straight huggedMin Chan tightly.

“How is my baby today?”I asked Min Chan.

“Your baby is fine.”She answered me.

“How is my princess today?”I kissed her cheek.

“i am fine oppa,but your baby keep making me hungry.”She answered me.

Min Chan was two months pregnant.We have just married last year and now she is pregnant and that make me love her more.

“Okay..What do you want to eat tonight?i will cook for you.”I said to her.

“i”She laughed.

“Naughty girl..”i pinch her nose.she became more aegyo since we married.

“Okay,i am going to take a shower now.wait for me.”i said to her and she nodded.

I am so lucky to have her as my wife,”Min Chan,you  are my everything.”i said in my heart.


                          ---------------------------The End--------------------------------

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lingling94 #1
lingling94 #2
marrahman:aww..That is sweet..:)Happy that u love it..:)
lingling94 #3
kirafatha:LOL..That is ur imagine..hehe..Thanks dear..:)
wow... what a sweet story :) kyaaaah,,, i feel like i am minchan :)) ehhehe.. Kibum's one and only ^^v ayee!~~ nice story ^^