Your Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel

( Your P.O.V. )

It’s been two weeks since HyunJung dumped me for my best friend. My best friend! Can you believe that?! Me and HyunJung had been in love for three years. Everyone left me. My parents died from a car crash, leaving me with my brothers; MinHo and SiWon; who are barely home because of work, and my love left me for my best friend. I have no reason to be in this world.


It was 11:40pm and I decided to take a walk on the bridge of Han River. I haven’t eaten anything for three days. I lost my appetite and I haven’t been to school. It hurts when the person you love is with your best friend. While I was walking there were so many memories running across my mind. 

. . .

'Oppa! Can I have a piggyback ride?!' I asked as we walked through the park. He smiled and got down. I jumped on his back and he tried to scare me by jumping. He put me down gently and it started raining. 

'HyunJung! It's raining! Wahh!~ I love playing in the rain!' I smiled and jumped into the puddle. 

'What happened to Oppa?' he asked as he tickled me. I looked down and blushed. HyunJung tilted my head upwards so that our eyes meet. He leaned in and kissed me under the rain. It was my first kiss...

. . .

I wanted to stop remembering, but I can’t. These memories were just to painful.  I looked out at to the river and suddenly I felt that I wanted to kill myself. I climbed on the railing and balanced myself. A car passed by stopped and got out to grab me.

“What are you doing?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” A voice that sounded really familiar grabbed me. I couldn’t see who it was because my tears were making my eyes blurry.

“Yes! Now let me go!” I struggled and suddenly my mind went blank and I fainted into the person’s arms.


The next day I woke up on somebody’s bed. I looked around to find out whose house is this. I looked around and saw men’s clothes in the closet. I looked down and saw that I was wearing an over sized t-shirt and someones shorts. What happened to me? Didn’t I die? The door open and a guy with water and some pills walked through the door. 

“Ahh...I see that you are up, ______. I brought some water and pills for you. You had a fever when I grabbed you.” He smiled and took out some pills and gave me the water. I took it from him and swallowed the pills he gave me. I didn’t say anything about my name and I left my wallet at home. How does he know me? And how did I get into these clothes?

“If you’re wondering how you got those clothes on you. I asked my maids to put them on you,” He stood up and took the tray downstairs, “I’ll be right back. I’ll put this in the kitchen and make you something to eat.”  How did he know what I was thinking? I tried to remember what was his name...i looked around and saw this necklace I had since third grade. I remember I gave it to a boy because he was being a bullied by fifth graders. I also remembered that I told him that I would be his guardian angel. I froze for a second,

“Dong...Hae...” The name escaped out from my mouth.

“ do remember me, ______.” I looked at him with my eyes widened. He pointed at the bed and patted the space beside him. Without thinking, I followed his orders like I was his little puppy. He grabbed the spoon of porridge and put it against my lips. I opened my mouth and let him feed me. After he fed me, he was going to put the food in the kitchen but I grabbed his arms before he could leave. “Why...why did you save me, Dong Hae?” I looked at him with a serious face. I searched his face for answers but he just smiled softly and left to put the food away. Why won’t he tell me anything?


It has been a month since I’ve been by DongHae’s side. He took care of me and protected me from his “fan girls” from school. I told DongHae why I wanted to kill myself. He promised me that he’ll stay by my side no matter what. And I believed him. During lunch I saw HyunJung and SooCha eating together while me and DongHae were walking to our table. DongHae saw me glaring at them, so he stood right beside me so I wouldn’t have to see them. Once we were almost there SooCha saw me and smirked.SooCha and HyunJung walked up to us and she folded her arms. HyunJung looked at me and laughed at me because I look so weak and pathetic. 

“______ I see you starved yourself because of me. How pathetic.” HyunJung chuckled.

“Leave her alone HyunJung. ______ is the most prettiest and sweetest person I met. ______ is NOT pathetic. ______'s perfect.” DongHae defended me.

“Soo DongHae. I see you have a toy to play with...______.” SooCha smiled. I can tell that was a fake smile. I went up to her and gave her a glare. 

“I see you turned into a snotty brat.” I smirked at her. Ever since she stole my love, she didn’t even notice that she changed a whole lot. She raised her right hand and slapped me across my face making me fall on the ground.

“How dare you call me that!” She growled. DongHae wiped my tears on his white t-shirt. My tears and blood were all over his shirt. SooCha has really long nails and it made me bleed. DongHae snapped his fingers and out of nowhere four bodyguards appeared and took them to the principles office.

“Don’t forget. I own this school.” DongHae smirked. He went by me and hugged me, 

“I have a confession to make,” I looked at him and he wiped my tears. 

“I love you, ______.” When I heard those words I was happy on the inside. Have I found a guardian angel that will always be my side?

“I’m now your guardian angel, ______. ” He lifted up my chin and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. I pulled away and hugged him,

“I love you too, oppa.”


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chas_ssmentrok #1
wow! i ddnt expect donghae owned the school =))
cute ending :D
that was awesome! good job!
wow :D
Wahh~ thank youu!~
HOW CUTE!!!!! 10000000 OUT OF 10!!!!!!