Catching up on what we missed.

Ghost Beside Me.


“How have you been Luhan?” Sehun asked the smaller man as the three of them sat at the park eating their ice cream. Luhan nodded, “Good, and you?” he answered and asked Sehun.


“Good too,” Sehun replied.


Luhan stuffed the rest of the ice cream into his mouth, chewed, and the swallowed, “Your daughter?” he asked while watching Ahyeon played by herself. Sehun looked at Ahyeon and nodded, “Ah yeah,” he said quietly.


Both men sat there quietly as they watched Ahyeon ran here and there, chasing after a white butterfly.


“Luhan,” Sehun started, “about…”


Luhan got off the bench and dusted off his , “It was nice to meet you again Sehun ah,” he told the taller man.


“Where are you going?” Sehun asked Luhan.


Luhan looked at Sehun and cocked his head to the side, “Home of course,” he told Sehun, “I don’t like to stay out at night.”


“But I thought you always did”


“Ah well that used to be back then,” Luhan chuckled.


“Oh…,” Sehun said and averted his attention away from Luhan.


Luhan looked at the sun setting over the buildings. He stuffed his hands into his pocket and turn to walk off.


“Wait!” Sehun called after him. Luhan stopped walking and spun around, “Yeah?” He answered Sehun.


Sehun got off the bench and ran up to Luhan, “Lets meet up again,” he suggested, “after all, you took off back to China for so many years. I think we should catch up again.”


“Wouldn’t it be bad for you?” Luhan asked.




Luhan nodded, “I mean…after all you’re married,” he reminded Sehun.


“Ah~ that, don’t worry my wife don’t mind,” he said.


Luhan kicked an imaginary rock, “I don’t know Sehun ah,” he said, “I mean…we…us…I…”


“Hey look,” Sehun cut him off, “we were in the past and I know how you feel about us meeting each other again, I promise I won’t do anything stupid,” Sehun promised.


“Promise?” Luhan asked and Sehun nodded.


Luhan smiled, “Okay,” and with that the both of them exchanged numbers.


“Lets hang out tomorrow,” Sehun suggested while Luhan saved the number into his phone. After saving, Luhan looked up and smiled, “Sure, but at what time though?”


“What time works best with you?” Sehun asked.


“Anytime, I’m always free.”


“Okay well since I have a meeting tomorrow at 5 til 6, we can meet up at 8, at our usual café,” Sehun told him and he nods.


“Alright, see you tomorrow then Sehun ah,” Luhan said.


“Oppa!” Ahyeon called and ran up to him, “oppa, you’re going home already?”


Luhan nodded and squat down to ruffle her hair, “Oppa will see you another time okay?”


“This won’t be the last time Ahyeon will be seeing you?”


Luhan shook his head, “Nope,” he answered her, “you be a good girl to your appa okay?”


Ahyeon giggled and nodded, “Ahyeon is always good oppa.”


“The next time oppa comes, oppa will buy you candies.”


Ahyeon’s face beamed with happiness, “The next time oppa comes, Ahyeon wants to show oppa Ahyeon’s doll collection,” she said.


Luhan chuckled and ruffled her hair once more, “Oppa can’t wait.”


“Ahyeon, Luhan has to go now,” Sehun said softly to his daughter.


Luhan stood up and looked at Sehun in the eyes then smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow Sehun ah,” he said and then walked away.


“Appa, Luhan oppa is very nice,” Ahyeon said while watching Luhan disappear from their sight. Sehun smiled to himself and nodded, “He’s a wonderful oppa Ahyeon ah,” he said without looking at her. Ahyeon looked up at Sehun and grabbed his hand, “It’s getting late appa, lets go home,” she said.


Sehun looked down at her and nodded. The both of them then walked home.






Sehun was the first one to reach their usual café that they always hung out at in the past. He sat in a booth and looked at his wrist watch.


“Where is he?” he asked himself while scanning the entrance every once in a while. After what seems like forever, Sehun sees Luhan’s figure walking into the café. Seeing Luhan brought a smile to Sehun’s face and butterflies to his stomach. Luhan said something to the host and she led him to Sehun’s table.


Luhan saw Sehun and smiled then took a seat across from him.


“Sorry I took so long,” Luhan apologized.


Sehun shook his head, “No I just got here…hyung.”


The waitress placed a glass of cup in front of Luhan, “May I take your guy’s orders now?” She asked while pulling out her pad and pen.


“If you don’t mind, I’ll order for the both of us,” Sehun told Luhan.


Luhan shook his head, “I don’t, after all you usually do that anyways,” he said and chuckled.


Sehun chuckled as well and ordered their usual, “I’ll be right back with your orders,” she told them and walked off.


Luhan took the cup and sipped the water through the straw.


“So…,” Sehun cleared his throat, “how’s China?”


Luhan’s mouth let go of the straw, “China? Good,” he said.


Sehun nodded and started to draw random pictures on his cup of water, “So…um…”


“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend your wedding,” Luhan told him.


Sehun looked up at Luhan and shook his head, “Ah, it’s okay hyung…I mean..I didn’t expect you to be there in first place…I’m sure you were really angry at me for what happened,” he said quietly.


Luhan chuckled, “Why would I be upset? Hyung is glad that you’re now walking down the road with a family by your side,” Luhan added.


“Oh…,” was all Sehun said back.


Luhan looked outside at the busy lighted streets of Seoul and sighed, “I haven’t been here for many years now…brings back so many memories of us back then,” he said.


Sehun looked at Luhan, “Hyung…” he began.


Luhan averted his attention away from the window and onto Sehun, “Hm?” He asked.


“Ha…has hyung gotten marry?”


“Hyung don’t want to get marry,” Luhan said with a smile.




“I’m enjoying the kind of life I’m having right now,” Luhan told Sehun and leaned back into his seat, “I don’t have anyone to hold me down.”


Sehun stabbed the ice with his straw, “I guess you’re right,” he said.


“But hyung is very glad for you though, you were able to find yourself a wonderful wife and now the both of you have a beautiful daughter together,” Luhan told him.


Sehun pouted, “I was forced to marry her hyung,” he said without looking up.


Luhan nodded, “Ah…right…”


Throughout the whole night, both Luhan and Sehun got the chance to catch up on the things they’ve missed out on each other’s lives.


“Going home now?” Sehun asked as they both walked out of the café together. Luhan stretched and nodded, “I’m tired,” he said.


“Eh hyung”




“Come to my house tomorrow? I want to show you what I have succeeded while you were away, I want you to be proud of your dongsaeng,” Sehun requested.


Luhan looked at Sehun and then smiled, “Sure.”


Sehun smiled back, “Let me send you home hyung,” he offered.


Luhan shook his head, “No,” he refused the offer, “hurry on home, hyung will be fine.”




“No buts Oh Sehun”


Sehun sighed in defeat, “Fine, I’ll see tomorrow then, at 6pm at my house.”

Luhan nodded.


“Oh wait,” Sehun had forgotten that he did not give Luhan the direction to his house yet. He quickly found a piece of paper in his pant pocket and took the pen from his suit pocket. He quickly scribbled his house address and then hand it over to Luhan, “If you need someone to pick you up, just call me okay?”


Luhan took the paper from Sehun’s hand, “Thanks Sehun ah, if I need anything I’ll give you a call,” He told him, “now hurry on home,” Luhan added.


Sehun nodded, “Are you sure you…”


“I’m sure Sehun ah,” Luhan chuckled, “you’re still a worry like always.”


Sehun pouted, “Hyung I’m always worried about you, be it the past or now,” he said.


“Yes yes hyung knows and hyung is grateful, but I’ll be fine, I promise,” he said.


Sehun sighed in defeat, “Fine, I’ll be going now,” he told Luhan and walked away.


Luhan watches as Sehun disappeared from his sight before leaving the café as well. 

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And again another beautifully written story that I have to let it go unfinished. What a shame... :(
exo-snsd #2
Chapter 1: im not sure if he is dead or not also it is similar
to a story that i read but a little bit also good job
with your story d^^b
#3 he dead....o.o lols omg
Llama_96 #4
OMG don't even talk about people being being dead because I cant take it!
interesting! update soon!
so uh... same question. is lulu dead? hunnie was forced to marry so is that why they broke up? update soon!
So is lu the ghost or is someone gonna die... I'm confused but I'm subscribing anywayzzz