( 01 )

My Doll Is Alive!
      C H A P T E R  O N E

Humming softly along to the song you were listening to, you ed your hands into your jeans pocket and kicked the air infront of you.

You frowned to yourself as you recalled the incidents that happened in school a while ago. Firstly, your classmates laughed at you because you were the only person who failed the maths test. Secondly, you spilled orange juice all over a queenka's new blouse, who happened to be the wretched girlfriend of your all-time crush, Lu Han. Thirdly, you got detention for falling asleep in class, making you suffer another round of humiliation from your classmates.

"Nobody's probably going to befriend me now, and it's only the start of the school year," you mumbled under your breath, sighing softly to yourself. "And how am I going to explain my maths results to my parents?"

Walking across the park as a shortcut, you passed by a playground that was occupied by some toddlers. "Annyeong, Chaerin noona!" one of the toddlers waved at you in an estactic manner. Then, he started running towards you with his arms spread open. You took your headphones off, stuffing them inside your bag before spreading your arms too. "Annyeong, Yoogeun-ah!" you chuckled, welcoming him into your embrace.

Mrs Jung approached the both of you with a warm smile on her face. "Long time no see! How's school going, Chaerin?"

Mrs Jung had a close relationship with your mother, and you were afraid that she would tell your mother about your maths test. "O-oh I'm doing fine Mrs Jung! How's Chaewoon?" you stuttered. Chaewoon was Yoogeun's elder sister who was older than him by a few years.

"That's good. Oh and Chaewoon's doing fine, both in her health and academic results!" Mrs Jung let out a hearty chuckle. "Oh well look at the time! Me and Yoogeun have to pick up Chaewoon from her school now. See you soon!"

Yoogeun pouted. "See you soon, noona!" He kissed you on the cheeks before running towards his mother. They waved one last time before leaving.

You continued your way home through the park. You decided not to continue listening to music because you were lazy to take your headphones out. A few moments later when you reached a more deserted area of the park, you saw a little girl under a tree playing with her doll.

The girl suddenly looked up and got on her feet before running away, probably to her mother, leaving the doll behind.

"Wait! Little girl!" you exclaimed, running towards the tree. "Little girl you forgot your-" you looked around your surroundings but the girl was nowhere to be found, "doll." Your jaws went agape. 'Oh gosh, am I seeing things? But it's still afternoon, and ghosts only come out during the night... Aish! Stop spouting nonsense, ghosts don't exist and you're probably just imagining things after a tiring day in school.'

But the doll which was still lying under the tree proved your thoughts wrong. You jumped a little bit after taking in the sight of the delicate porcelain doll but regained your composure soon after.

Kneeling down, you picked up the porcelain doll which weighed quite alot. Brushing your fingers against the fragile doll's features, you gasped in amazement. This was the first time you actually touched a porcelain doll after seeing displays in countless of shops and you were fascinated by the sharp features it had. Once again, you looked around your surroundings to see if the little girl was back.

'Oh well. If she's not coming back, might as well keep this. I heard that porcelain dolls cost a bomb. I can sell it on eBay or something,' you thought, hugging the doll against your chest as you got up and strolled back home with a pleasant smile. 'Maybe today's not that bad after all.'

Twisting the doorknob gently, you pushed the door open and entered after slipping off your sneakers. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" You shouted, gently placing the porcelain doll on an unoccupied telephone stand.

"Welcome back loser. I was hoping that you wouldn't come back so I can host a hell of a party here." Your 'babysitter', Heeho groaned, throwing her head back in disappointment.

You sighed when your eyes fell onto the back of the familliar figure. "My parents are on a business trip again? They didn't inform me before I went to school today though..." You pouted to yourself, throwing your bag onto the sofa before plopping down. Heeho rolled her eyes and opened your bag of potato chips that you have secretly kept in a drawer so your father wouldn't eat it. "Hey! That's mine!"

"Tsk tsk." Heeho clucked her tongue, digging her hand into your bag of potato chips. "I'm 2 years older than you and you should respect me. Plus it's not like I want to be here anyways, I don't care if you die of starvation or whatever. I just want some allowance."

Your eyes twitched with irritation before standing up and dragging your bag up the stairs to your room. You slammed the door behind you.

"Yes, loser! Stay there and don't come out!" Heeho yelled. You ruffled your hair before plummeting onto your bed. "Out of all the babysitters in the world, my parents just had to hire Heeho. Great choice indeed." you muttered, your words bursting with sarcasm. It was not long before you fell asleep.

After a few hours, you woke up to the sound of footsteps. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes tiredly, not entirely awake yet. You felt something smooth brush against your arm so you looked onto your bed. It was the porcelain doll. "Oh... when did you get here?" you mumbled, stretching your arms, "Heeho probably placed you here when I'm sleeping." Suddenly, the door flew open and revealed Heeho, with her hands on her hips. She had a tight outfit on which showed off her luxurious curves.

"It's time you wake up, loser. I made some ramen for you in case you die of starvation while I'm out club- HOLY !" her eyes suddenly widened. "W-what the hell is that?!" she exclaimed, pointing to the spot next to you.

You looked down and rolled your eyes. "That's a doll, like duuh." After hearing that, Heeho regained her composure and exhaled slowly. "Well, your doll scared the hell out of me. Damn you, Chaerin! Why are you so weird? Proper girls don't collect such scary stuffs." Heeho sighed in exasperation, running her fingers through her long, silky hair. You just shrugged absentmindley, getting up from your bed and started walking towards the door when you suddenly stopped in your tracks. "W-wait a minute. Didn't you put the doll on my bed when I was asleep?" you asked with an eyebrow raised, turning around to face Heeho.

Heeho just looked at you like you were crazy. "Why would I even touch that thing?!" she scoffed in disbelief, brushing past you to exit your room.

You raised an eyebrow before shaking your head. "Maybe I was so tired that I forgot I placed the doll on my bed before falling asleep."

Walking down the stairs, you saw a bowl of ramen placed neatly along with a pair of chopsticks on the dining table. Your heart warmed at the sight. 'At least Heeho didn't cook cup noodles for me.' you thought, the sides of your lips threatening to curl up.

"I'm heading out, loser. I won't be back until tomorrow morning so try not to burn your house down, alright?" Heeho asked. She was putting on her 7 inch heels and her right hand was clutching onto an elegant purse.

You nodded, sitting onto one of the dining chairs before digging in. Heeho looked at you one last time before leaving for the night.

      A U T H O R ' S  N O T E S
i hope you liked the first chapter!
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❛my doll is alive — i'm back from my hiatus, expect an update soon, guys! ♡


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Chapter 2: Y U NO UPDATE
Foreverbaby12 #2
Chapter 2: Update now pleeassseee!!
Nanairu #3
Chapter 2: Update soon!!
I wanna know whose become the doll!
Great story!!
Aliiioooo #4
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon ;w;