The First Mission



Eun Hye’s POV:


            We found a house almost immediately and we got settled in. Actually, it’s an abandoned house and inside was so bare but thanks to Tae Hee’s power of creating things it doesn’t feel as uninviting as before.


            My friends got trouble sleeping since technically were living as humans here on Earth something we have noticed when Min Ah acquired a shallow cut when she accidentally caught her toe on the stairs.


            “It’s blood.” Min Ah pointed at her toe and said it hurts.


            We rushed towards her and Shin Hye patcher her up with just a touch. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed a faint blush across my cheeks, a sign that there’s blood inside me.


             You see, Angels don’t bleed. We don’t sleep nor does our body require food. So, that’s a little problem since we have never lived on Earth.


            “I think right now we’re living on a human body.” I said when Min Ah was okay.

            “Eh??” Yo Won asked. “But why would we need to live in a human body?”

            Shin Hye sits down on the couch. “We’re probably staying longer than necessary so we need this.”

            “I can’t feel my wings!!” Han Byul panicked.

            “Calm down.” Hye Kyo touched her.

            “Do you see this?” I asked and showed them the necklace I am wearing. “This prevents our wings from taking it’s form.”


            They touched their necks and they saw a necklace slung prettily against it. Han Byul sighed with relief.


            “Do we really need this?” Tae Hee asked.

            I nodded. “I don’t think the people will take it when they saw our wings flapping when we’re outside.”

            “It will be weird not constantly feeling it.” Han Byul sighed.

            “We will bear this.” Shin Hye said. “We’re doing this for the Pure Soul that Father has granted a wish.”


            I looked at the window, it’s starting to rain. I listed in my brain all the things I know about what human needs in order to live. I will ask Tae Hee to help me later so all of them can sleep comfortably for tonight. I am almost done with my mental list when Hye Kyo’s power touched me again.


            I looked up as if she has called my name.


            “Gwenchanna?” she asked. “You’re tensed again.”

            “You’re acting weird, Eun Hye-ah.” Min Ah pouted.


            I sat down on the floor and tried to imagine the cold floor as the soft cloud in heaven.


            “Just thinking about how I can help you settle down.” I said.

            “Don’t worry about us too much.”  Yo Won smiled at me. “We will be fine.”

            “Is there something wrong beside that?” Hye Kyo asked. “You’re spacing out when we were talking with Lady Kyo Hee.

            I shrugged. “Not really, I was just tired. Too much Soul interaction, I guess.”

            “I want to see your usual self.” Shin Hye said. “You’re energetic as Min Ah.”

            “Min Ah is a kid at heart.” I said and Min Ah pokes me.


            I gave them a smile. Maybe this is just one of those missions, nothing to worry about. I thought. My mind flashes back to that girls dying face, even at her last breath she didn’t think about what’s good for her.


            Wishing for seven souls to be saved…? That will be a little work.


            I tucked them to bed and made sure they were okay before I let the dreams take me. I know Yo Won will guard them for me.


            I wake up the next day, the ray of sun lighting my face. I walked around the house and saw that everyone is still on bed sleeping. I didn’t bother waking them up because I know they will need all the energy.


            “Hmmm… I should buy some breakfast.” I mumbled to myself and looked for money.


            I stepped outside the house and take a lungful of cold air. I walked carefully on the sidewalk trying not to draw attention but I can still feel eyes looking at me. I glanced myself at a puddle of water and saw my face is still the same. I guess, I know why they were looking… to humans Angels were beautiful.


            “Changkaman.” A hand stops me from behind. I turned around and saw an ahjumma smiling at me.

            “Yes, ma’am?” I asked politely.

            “Do you live in that house?” she asked and pointed at our newly acquired err property.

            I nodded. “Neh.”

            “I didn’t know it’s for sale.” She smiled. “I live next door.”

            “We just bought it weeks ago.” I lied.

            The ahjumma frowned. “I didn’t see you move in.”

            I smiled at her. “We moved really early this day you’re still probably asleep.”

            “But…” the ahjumma said but I cut her off.

            “Mianhe… but I need to go.” I said backing away. “My sisters will be disappointed if I don’t buy breakfast now.”


            I waved at the lady and ducked to a nearby street. I winced when I remembered my lies. Lying is one of those sins… but I have no choice. I say a silent prayer to father not to hold it against me much.


            I have finished buying food and was on my way home when I saw it. I didn’t mean to look at it but I did. My eyes widened and I entered the Music store.


            “Annyeonghaseyo.” A boy greeted me and I nodded at him. “Sorry, but no food inside the store.”

            “Sorry, it will be quick.” I said and went past him. I saw the cd on the top most shelves. Its cover was vintage black and a word was written “TEMPO”. That’s not what catches my attention is words written under it.


            From: Father


            “I’ll buy this.” I handed the cd to the boy on the register.

            He looked at me quizzically. “You like rap?”

            I glanced at the cd. “Neh, neh. I do. Wae?”

            “You don’t look like it. I mean you’re so pretty.” The boy blushed and handed me the cd.


            Judging from his expression I’m the only one who noticed the writing on the cd. Good, a sign that this is really from Father.

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katsmew #1
Chapter 5: Oh wow! I hope this story will be revived!! Its so interesting!!
katsmew #2
Chapter 5: Oh wow! I hope this story will be revived!! Its so interesting!!
Chapter 5: Wish you will update this.
This is so great.
Chapter 5: Oh my angels... why did Eun Hye reacted that way? Did they know each other from before?
Update soon!!!
Your descriptions in this story really gives me goose bumps... I can picture every scene... I imagine that this thing is really possible. You're the only one who know who can make me believe in such fantasies... *Hugs you*
I'm so proud! :)
I like this story very much please do finish this ok? ⊙﹏⊙
Saranghae AUTHOR NIM!!! ♥‿♥
Chapter 5: Yehey!!!!

Finally You're updating after such a long time!!!

Welcome back!!!
Can't wait who is she saving? <3
eunhyeabie #7
i like it
eunhyeabie #8
i like it
EsmerGE #9
Very good story line. I liked the pictured added to the story. Plz update soon :) .
Nice one... I'm so excited for the Angel's love it <3