
Be My Angel

Youngbae had been pacing the halls of the large school, practicing his lines to himself when he looked up to see a boy, slightly taller than him, walk into one of the dace rooms. He stopped, staring at the burgundy haired male, his heart skipping a beat. He clenched his chest slightly before walking into the dace studio. He  scanned the room for a moment before his eyes caught what he had been looking for. The male was in the only free corner, his eyes closed and his plump lips were open slightly. Youngbae couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. So he decided to test it. He walked over about ready to say something to the male when he paused. The papers in the boy's hands caught his eye. Scribbled up at the top in big black letters was the word Cats. Taking a deep breath Youngbae leaned in a bit more to crane his neck to read the rest of the paper. A sly smirk pulled at his lips.

"Hello?" No answer.

"Helloooo?" Nothing.

"HELLO!" Finally the boy snapped his eyes open, making Youngbae gasp slightly. His almond shaped eyes were dark, and deep. Youngbae gulped slightly as he tried not to stare. But he realized the boy was staring at him.

"Yah! What are you looking at?" He said, giving the boy a small pout.

"Oh...ah...sorry..." the boy mumbled, looking down at the papers that were in his hands. Youngbae smiled, sliding down the wall to sit beside the boy, turning to the side to look at him.

"Can I help you?" The boy asked, looking a bit nervous. Youngbae let out a small chuckle pointing to the papers in the boy's hands.

"Your audition piece. It's the same as mine. So I thought maybe we could maybe practice together." Youngbae said with a smile, trying to be as friendly as possible as to not scare the boy.

"You're doing Cats as well?" the boy's eyes widening just a bit at the new found information. Youngbae nodded, holding up his script for the boy to see.

"See? Same act, line and everything!" Youngbae said excitedly.

"Bwo? Jincha?!" His eyes stayed wide.

"Yah, don't be so shocked. Cats is a popular play. I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't the only people with this play. But I do guess that it's strange that we have the same act." Youngbae said, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyways, want to practice together or not?" He asked, a bit more direct this time.

 "Sure..." the boy mumbled, looking down at the papers. "but I would like it if I knew who was helping me." he said, his voice finally a bit less shaky. Youngbae held out a hand for the other to shake.

"I'm Young Bae, and you?" he said, the boy took his hand.

"Daesung..Kang Daesung."

"Well Daesung. Lets get to practicing!" Youngbae stood up quickly, taking the male with him.

The boys practiced their lines from the musical, getting a few stares from people who weren't sure what they were doing. When soon a voice rang clear through the room.

"Number 63!" Daesung stopped, mid-line, looking at Youngbae, making Youngbae blink slightly.

"That's me. I better get going now. Thank you Youngbae!" he said, giving Young Bae a small bow before running to the door.

'Yah! Daesung!" Young Bae shouted. Daesung stopped at the door, turning to look at Young Bae.

"Fighting!" Youngbae shouted, making his hand into a fist, and giving Daesung one of his eye smiles. Daesung repeated his actions, smiling with his brilliant eye smile before running out of the room to go for his audition. Youngbae smirked slightly, holding his hand over the area of his chest where his heart should be.

"I think I may be in love." he chuckled, leaning back slightly, catching himself and turning the would be fall into a spinning dance move. He jumped up slightly before going back to practicing. When he heard his number called he ran out, hoping to see his new friend Daesung, but Daesung was no where to be seen. He shrugged his shoulders figuring he'd see Daesung during the freshman tour of the school if they both had made it. While walking he wasn't really paying much attention, keeping his eyes on the paper instead of right in front of him, making him run into someone. He bounced back slightly, doing a 90 degree bow.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled before looking up to see just who he had ran into. He gasped slightly. A tall man, about 6 feet stood in front of him, dressed in all black, even his hair was black.

"Watch where you're going shorty." The fear invoking, yet handsome man said. pushing past Youngbae without another word. Youngbae winced slightly as he flew from his spot into a wall from just the small push the other had given him.

"Jeez...what's his problem?" He mumbled to himself before running into the audition room. He passed the audition flawlessly. Youngbae ran out of the room, grabbing his cell phone from his pant pocket, dialing a number. He smiled hearing a small somewhat weak voice on the other end.

"Youngbae? How did the auditions go?" The woman asked, coughing slightly.

"Great mom! I can't believe I did it! This will show those kids back home!" He said, grinning ear to ear.

"I'm so proud of you honey...if only your father were around to hear this news as well, he would be jumping up and down right in front of me." His mother said. Youngbae sighed, his smile fading slightly.

"Mom, dad is here. He's watching over me. Just like you said." Youngbae's sentence trailed off slightly.

" always know how to stay positive.." his mother said with a small chuckle.

"I get it from dad." Youngbae's smile turned into a frown hearing his mother start a coughing fit. "Mom, you should page one of the nurses. You need your medication. I knew this was going to happen if I left..."

"Youngbae! Don't you dare worry about me!" she coughed. "You just go and be the best you can be at that school. Remember to call me at least once a week ok?" He could hear the small smile in her voice,

"Ok mom...but be careful, and try not to stress out. I love you."

"I love you too Youngbae." and with that he hung up. He sighed, pushing the phone back into his pocket before making his way out to the school courtyard. He scanned the area, looking for-

"Yah! Dae-..." He stopped in mid sentence noticing the same man that he had ran into the hall way was backing Daesung up to the fountain. And he looked angry.

Author's Note: And here we have Taeyang's side of everything! xD Not much more interesting but at least it's an update. Oh and can anyone guess who that tall handsome yet scary stranger is? ;P

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Tomogachi17 is now OrenjiJoose


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Claudiavv153 #1
Chapter 13: Espero que algún día puedas terminar esta historia... Estaré esperando
Chapter 13: i'm gonna cry.
'cause this is sooooooo good. T__T
pls update soon and hope your months are better ^_^ (your writing is one of those perfect pieces were it'd still be good if you wrote it at 4am at the peak of exhaustion. not sure if that makes sense LOL it probably sounds quite creepy but yeah.) <333
Chapter 13: I just found this fic and alksdkaslk it's so good ;A; please continue when you can and i'll be waiting for your next update ^3^
yoohyun #4
Chapter 13: i feel sorry for TOP, he is going to be so hurt when he wakes up
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun, a posseive yet protective boyfriend to Daesung.
MizzPeel0007 #6
Chapter 7: Oh, what a turn if events for the both of then. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 13: Yay! I happy you updated! I like this chapter too. Aiish daesung you liar!
Chapter 12: Go to Seunghyun! He will do something about it for sure! He wouldn't just let you go away, much less when you're dragged somewhere out of your own will!
Chapter 12: Aaaah! Daesung cant leave~ his aunt is so greedy! What will seunghyun do! Aiish now im all excited for the next chapter! Please update soon ~ im gunna go watch running man now bye~