S.M Ent. New Girl Group W/S의



Group members - Hailey Lee and 7 other unknown members

Group name - W/S (Wandering Stars) W/S

Group fanclub colours - Navy and Violet

Debut song - unannounced

Debut album - unannounced

Other accosiated acts - SMTown


Later this morning a strange, hidden message from one of Koreas leading entertainment companies, S.M Entertainment, was shown on their official website. It's frontsite went blank for ten minutes only showing these words:

Coming Soon


S.M Entertainment


곧 가게



The netizens who visited the site under those ten minutes caused a lot of commotion to the other fellow k-pop fans and it was quickly spread that S.M. Entertainments website was changed. Millions had visited the page before another font of the site showed up. This time though, it showed exactly these symbols and words:

MercuryVocalist Lead Dancer Lead Rapper


VenusVocalist Main Dancer


EarthMain Vocalist

MarsMain Vocalist


Jupiter  Vocalist Main Rapper


SaturnVocalist Main Dancer

UranusVocalist Lead Dancer


NeptuneLead Vocalist


Thifont was shown on the site a bit longer, in a whole hour, from 3:PM to 4:PM Korean time. The strange symbols are confirmed to represent each, eight planet in our solar system: Earth, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. Netizens have discussed this strange happening, and believe it's S.M.s way of showing that another group is set up to debut. They have also guessed, since it was eight symbols showing, that it is a eight membered group. Wethever it's a girl or boy group is not certain yet, but netizens believe strongly that it's a girl group, since S.M.s boy groups EXO-K and EXO-M only recently made their debut.

The tension is rising up and the discussions are getting even hotter. What are exactly S.M's plans with this?



Excited or bored after reading this text?



Well I do hope you got excited for this group, because that was what I was aiming for.

The ''netizens'' guessed right: this group from S.M will be an eight membered girl group. And its YOUR characters that will be in it! So you better make them unique and awesome, hehe. My char will probably be in it, so it will be seven who'll get chosen.

In that statement, it would help a lot if you guys would apply for this group...! The application and the rules for applying will be on the next chapter. Until then, please show supportment by commenting and subscribing! Thank you!!!


Table of Contents~


Chapter 1 : Rules and Application form

Chapter 2 : Applicants and Reviews on them

Chapter 3 : First/My member

Chapter 4 : Second member

Chapter 5 : Third member

Chapter 6 : Fourth member

Chapter 7 : Fifth member

Chapter 8 : Sixth member

Chapter 9 : Revelation of the Debut albums track list

Chapter 10 : Seventh member

Chapter 11 : Final chosen member

Chapter 12 : Story start

I noticed that JooHyes blog post about her character that was chosen is gone.. Plus she unsubscribed. Gotta choose another one now I guess.


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Chapter 13: When are u going to update? :(
this is DawnandDusk! changed my name! ^^
Hopefully it's just as good or better, than the first^^
Ahh, Joori is really pretty.~ Congrats!
oooohh~ The new member looks very pretty!!! XD I'm so jelly! Congrats to the chosen members~!!!!
YAYAYAYAY. Thank you for picking meh hurhur. c':
You lazy . cx but you have to update soon and reveal new members. \0/
congrats to eizanyeol! ^0^
Congratulations Seuljae, our newest member!<3
Omg, I didn't even notice I was chosen! XD Thanks! Congrats to whoever will be picked!