A Love To Die For (Real Love)

Ji-Eun’s point of view

“I hate all these tests!” For four gruesome and boring hours, I have been undergoing through all sorts of exams and tests where they stick needles in me, or a metal plate on top of me. Finally finishing them, Dr. Noh wheeled me out with the wheelchair, the only one fun thing out of taking these things. “Wait a second, Ji-Eun!” Dr. Shin calls from behind as Dr. Noh slows to a stop. “What is the matter, Doctor?” He asks.

“Nothing, I just need to ask for a favor from Ji-Eun.” Pointing at myself, I tilt my head. “From me?” Nodding, he catches his breath before speaking. “My granddaughter is having a dinner party tomorrow for her birthday and she was hoping that you would come.” Ecstatic, I smile in excitement. “Of course, I’d be delighted.” Joyful, he laughs as he thanks me. “Great! I’ll have a driver pick you up at 5:00 then.” Unable to say anything since it was Dr. Shin that asked, Dr. Noh just shook his head and crossed his arms.

“I haven’t seen Yuri in ages.” I say once we are back in the room. “Remember not to eat too many sweets or spicy things.” Dr. Noh says, sitting on the single chair besides me. “Yes, I know. I’m already seventeen Dr. Noh. I got it.” Checking his watch, he stands up and heads towards the door. “It has already gotten late. Go to sleep.” Saluting to him, I wish him goodnight, before burying myself under the covers.


Ji Young’s point of view

“Ji Young…Ji Young!” Opening my eyes, my dreamless sleep is interrupted by Rin’s voice. “What?...” I ask groggily. “Your phone.” He says, pointing at glowing white and black phone. Reaching for it, my eyes widen as it flashes “Father.”

“What does he want?” I grumble before picking it up. “Yes?”

“It’s me. Jin Young, come to the house today for dinner. I have a few things I want to talk to you about.” Before I can refuse, the line goes dead. Annoyed, I hang up the phone and tell Rin to head towards my house.


The gates open as the car enters the gravel driveway of the geometric styled glass house. Stepping onto the stony path, I tell Rin to pick me up in an hour. “It probably won’t even last that long.”

Greeted by my father’s butler, he leads me into the extravagantly decorated interior as I recall the last time I came here. It was a year ago, before I debuted as B1A4, the day that I choose to drop all ties with my father. Now a year later, he suddenly decides to summon me.

Entering the main dining hall, my father is sitting at the end of the table, slicing a piece of steak when he looks up and smiles as if he had just seen me this morning, and not a year ago.  “Ah, you’re here. Come sit.” Taking a seat by his side, I stare at the high class meal, unsurprised to see that he was still indulging in his luxuries. “What did you need to talk about?” I ask coldly, wanting to leave as soon as possible. It was a mission to just stay here for five minutes in this hellhole. “Eat. I’m sure you haven’t  had dinner. Besides, you haven’t been here for an entire year and I’d like to know how you’ve been getting along.”  Rolling my eyes, I resist the urge to throw the plate and quietly pick up my fork and knife.

What the heck is with all this Western food?...

Biting into my steak, I swallow it and place the utensils back on the table. “I ate, now what do you what?” Chuckling, he places his knife and fork down as well. “As impatient as always… Fine, I’ll get straight to the point.” Wiping his mouth with the white linen cloth, he stares at me with those same unknown dark cloudy eyes. “Tomorrow, you have a dinner appointment with your fiancée.”

My eyes grow wide at the sudden news. “What?” I say, my mouth hanging open. “She’s a fine girl.  I met with her father, the CEO of our partner company at the hospital, and he and I both think you two should meet. “Marriage? I’m only eighteen.” I declare with disbelief. “So?Your mother and I married when we were both young.”

And you cheated on her…..

“I’m not you.” Standing up, I turn to leave when my father grabs my arm. “It’s what your mother would have wanted.” Frozen by his words, they echo in my head as I clench my fists. “Since when did you care about what Mom wanted?” I say, surprised by shapr icyness of my voice. Taken aback, his poker face breaks, flashing a split second of surprise. “I’m just asking you to meet her. Please.” The knuckles of my hands grow white as I grit my teeth in anger. Closing my eyes, I force myself to calm down.

“Fine,” I mutter, shaking his hand off me. “But don’t expect anything more than that.”

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Real Love Chp. 8-9


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 14: please update :(
uaenaland #2
Chapter 14: When will you update?? I really love your story
Chapter 14: Waaaa your so good plz update sooon hwaiting
Annellise25 #4
Chapter 14: waaahh!! really interesting story.. hope you update soon!! :)
oh my gosh i can't believe i haven't read this story till now ;-; i noticed this hasn't been updated for a while.. if you're still willing to update please do so~ i really like it c:
Jinyoung, you pabo!
update soon >.<
your story is A-W-E-SO-M-E~~~!
TheGermCafe #8
Please update soon I love this story!!!
LadyAthena #9
Omg they are going to live together now?!?!!!! *o*
I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens! :)
stayuptonight #10
Yaay there they meet again! :D