

Taemin’s eyes were glued to the screen. He glanced once in a while at the sugary donut in his hands. He was watching an old video of Key eating a donut in a seductive manner. Key kept his eyes to the camera and took a bite of the donut, letting the icing sugar stick on lower lip on purpose. Jonghyun was seen hitting the empty chair beside him that was supposed to be Key’s. The camera went back to Key who was winking and his lips. Taemin gulped.

No, no he wasn’t in love with his Umma or anything. It’s just that he’s trying to catch Onew’s attention by doing the same thing Key did. Seriously, look at Jonghyun’s reaction to that! Jonghyun was ready to take Key right there if he could. Taemin practically the replay button and kept watching Key devouring the sugary treat, not noticing Jonghyun who was standing behind him.

“Yah, maknae. What are you doing watching a video of my Key?” Jonghyun said, peeking over Taemin’s shoulder and Taemin jumped in his seat, almost dropping his donut. He thought everybody was busy so he made himself comfortable on the dining table.

“Jonghyun hyung! Don’t scare me like that! Gosh, you almost killed me…” Taemin pouted. Jonghyun laughed and patted the maknae’s head.

“Answer my question, what were you doing with a video of Key? And holding a donut too.” Taemin shifted in his seat.

“Just wanted to eat some donut, hyung…” Taemin whispered. Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

“Key bought you those donuts two hours ago, Taemin. And that has nothing to do with Key.”

“Aish, hyung, why are you pestering me like this?” Taemin whined and smacked Jonghyun’s arm, getting some sugar on Jonghyun’s skin.

“Cause you were concentrating so hard, I’m amazed the laptop screen hasn’t melted yet. Not to mention the way you click so furiously.” Jonghyun poked Taemin’s cheek and the younger just sighed.

“I want to be able to do what Umma did in this video.”

“What? You want to eat donut seductively?” Jonghyun raised his eyebrows and smirked. Taemin whined and flailed his limbs all around.

“See! I shouldn’t have told you, hyung! You won’t understand!” Taemin laid his head on the table and sulked.

“But why would you do that? I mean, Taemin…. Just why?” Jonghyun laughed at the way his maknae was acting.

“………..” Taemin didn’t answer. Well, how could he answer? Saying that he wanted to make Onew spasm from his y face?

“Oh! Oh! Oooohhh! I know what you’re trying to do~” Taemin snapped his head up with eyes as wide as Key’s favorite pink cat saucers.

“Hyung! Please don’t tell anyone that I want to impress Onew with how y I can be!” Jonghyun laughed out loud at this. He clutched his hurting stomach and practically rolled on the floor.

“Thank- hahaha! Thank you for telling me, Taemin. Ahahahaha!” Taemin threw the donut in his hands to his laughing hyung on the floor. Thankfully Key bought him half a dozen of it.

“Hyung, stop it already…” Taemin whined and gently knock his head on the table.

“Oh, God haha. Ahem. Come on, Taemin. You don’t have to go through all the troubles. You know Onew hyung likes you for who you are.” Jonghyun peeled himself off the floor and sat on the chair beside Taemin.

“But hyung, I want to show Onew hyung that I can be attractive like Key Umma too…”

“Well you can try, but I’m telling you, you really don’t have to. Well good luck with it, okay?” Jonghyun got up and grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and walked out of the kitchen.

“Should I?” Taemin wondered.

.: :.

Taemin gave up watching and decided to play some online games. He was in the middle of killing a mutant hotdog when suddenly Onew showed up.

“Hey there, Taeminnie baby. What are you doing?” Onew peeked to look at the laptop screen. “Killing a mutant hotdog?” Taemin nodded and continued hitting the hotdog with a baguette.

“Wait a minute, hyung. I’m almost there… HA! Look hyung! The mutant hotdog is dead!” Taemin’s face beamed in happiness and Onew could only laugh at the cuteness.

“You’re adorable, Taemin.” Onew sat down beside Taemin and watched him play against a mutant pizza. Taemin paused the game and gulped, reaching for the donut beside his laptop.

He knew Onew was looking at him so he tried his best to steady his breathing and his shaky hands. He brought the donut near his mouth and took a bite out of it, exactly like how Key did it while staring at the screen. He saw Onew raise his eyebrow from the corner of his eyes. Taemin waited for Onew’s reaction, anticipating the same reaction Jonghyun had in the video.

“Taemin, you got sugar all over your lips.”

The poor maknae’s hopes vanished into thin air. He felt like disappearing, wished the earth would swallow him up or something. Taemin his lips clean and pouted at Onew.

“What’s up? Are you okay?” Onew asked.

“Hyuung, didn’t you find that attractive at all?”

“What?” Taemin facepalmed.

“Hyung, I was trying to eat a donut and be attractive at the same time…”

“Taemin, you looked funny eating the donut that way.” Onew said in a straight face.

“Aaah, I can’t be attractive or y, can I?” Taemin pouted and nibbled on his donut.

“Awh, Taeminnie. Your kind of y is being like this.” Taemin nibbled some more, looking confused. “Being all cute and adorable.” Taemin stopped eating and blushed a deep pink.

“Really, hyung?” Onew nodded and gave Taemin a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah, really.” Taemin hugged Onew and giggled happily.

“I told you, Taemin.” Jonghyun laughed as he entered the kitchen in his boxers.

“Hyung, shut up!” Taemin threw the half eaten donut at Jonghyun.

“Taeminnie, I walked down the street to get you those donuts. Don’t waste it.” Key, who was in Jonghyun’s t-shirt, walked in while yawning. He kissed Taemin’s forehead and walked over to Jonghyun who immediately hugged him.

“Sorry Umma… I still have 4 for each of us?” Taemin grinned and offered them a piece.

“Hey! I want one too!” Minho came in and snatched one from Taemin.

“Hyung! You thief!” Taemin tried to snatch it back but Minho took a bite of it already.

“You can share with me, Taeminnie” Onew bit the donut and held it in his mouth.

“Thank you!” Taemin bit the other end of the donut and everyone in the room roared with laughter.

A/N : Forgive my mistakes, I'm only human.

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Chapter 1: Why suddenly minho appeared in the end? .__.a
Just curious, but dunno why my ontae's fantasy faded away when minho coming. Nah lol.
Chapter 1: LOL.
Taemin trying to be y for Onew. Gahhh, I love it!
This is totally cute and fluffy :)
susumiya08 #3
pretty good for a human!!! hahaha it was funny, and cute!!! hahaha
I ship jongyu but ur ontae is always so cute. I love it!
fantastic loved this so, so much, I remember the video with Key, it was soooooooo y, keke; really loved that Taemin wanted to be y for Onew, he just doesn't realise that he already is, keke, these two are just so adorable and cute together their perfect; love that they shared the donut at the end, it was cute and y, just like them; ONTAE AND JONGKEY FOREVER, keke, love it. ;-P
Taeminnieah #6
I loveeed it xD I actually have Key's donut video on my mp4 to watch it any time I want~<3
iMaoPaddington #7
The feels :'3 oh the cute!
awwwwwwww . onew is so cheesy . :') MY ONTAEEEEEEEEE AND JONGKEY . <3<3<3
I really find this CUTE!!!

I can recall the video, and I swear.. KEY is really Y in that...