Return to my side.

Love isnt easy.

The whole weekend, all he could think of what Hara said and their shared memories. Why didn't he realize what was going on earlier? Why didn't he picked up her unease and insecurities before. What she said to him made perfect sense. No matter how much his mind want to blame her for the ache his heart received, his heart just kept telling him that Hara did not do anything wrong. He just couldn't take the ache anymore, he did not want to think from her point of view and be understanding anymore! As a result, his mood just got worse with each hour passing.  It wasn't until he spotted a silhouette hovering behind his curtains at the door, his temper got the better of him. "Yah! Why are you lurking behind the curtains like a thief! Come here! The silhouette step out of the comfort from the curtains while trembling and timidly inform him that the his parents is looking for him. Yonghwa glared at him despite that it wasn't the poor servant fault that he was in a bad mood. Luckily Jessica came in just in time to rescue the poor boy. 

Jessica: What are you still doing? Leave if you had done your job. 

The servant dashed out the room, terrified. 

Yonghwa: What do you want noona? I'm on my way to the main palace. I'm not free to entertain you right now. 

Jessica: That's practically the reason I'm here. Your noona is here personally to fetch you, be appreciative you punk. 

All the heartbroken crown prince could do was to roll his eyes at his older sister and follow her to the main palace. Although he knows that his sister and his personal assistant is talking to him, the only thought that occupy his mind was:

Return to my side, Hara yah. 

Expectedly, he received news that he was to wed soon ,when he arrived at the main palace to meet his parents. How could he wed someone when all he could think of was Hara? How would it be fair to whoever that's going to be the future crown princess? He tried to focus on his parents words and Jessica's occasional tease and snide remark. 

He know he look pathetic like this. 

But all he could think of was Hara, return to my side. 

Stay tuned!

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ela2807 #1
Chapter 23: they are indeed truly cute. yaahh,, love yongseo more.
Chapter 23: Whaaa i tottally love yongseo interactions ! <3
update soon pls
zeroard #3
Chapter 22: Keep em coming
yurissi #4
Chapter 21: I cant wait for yongseo chapter authornim :3
Btw glad jessica loves his husband keke
Feel sorry to jay but yeah it was the past.

update soon authornim :3
sy5280 #5
Chapter 21: I'm so happy that Jessica gets to love her husband Dong Wook back.
ela2807 #6
Chapter 20: Waiting for hyun n yong marriage. Please make sica still with dong wook..
sy5280 #7
Chapter 19: Good update .... But I hope Yonghwa will put in his effort to get to know Seohyun and fall in love with her fast after they marry and spend time together!
offtheride #8
Chapter 4: Iiiiiiiiii luuvv it! Only read to chapter 4, but I'm already loving it. Keep writing, author-nim!
sy5280 #9
Chapter 18: I forward to more YongSeo interactions as well as how Jessica become shy when her husband Lee Dong Wok stare at her lovingly!
New reader is here author-nim~~ hehehe. Update soon!! ^_^