but i am not that strong to hold on any longer...

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listen to the song here.




The morning light of December immediately crept into my room. Slowly, I walked towards the opened window of my room and touched the pink flowered curtain which gracefully swayed as the wind blew stronger. This scent, I could still remember, was the same scent I used to love two years back and the years before that. This month used to be my favorite. With hot chocolates and sweet cookies served on the table. And the music playing on the background that had always makes my mood lighter. The little kids we used to see play across the street, having fun from their school break. And the less number of cars that passed along the way probably headed to faraway towns from the city.

This scent, though I don’t want but I still do remember, came to me and immediately the thought of him and the things we used to spend together during this time of the year immediately crept into my mind.

Two years back, we were happy and content from one another. I never have thought that it would last.



Lifting her cup and sipping a little of the chocolate, Seohyun stared at the kids playing ‘chinese garter’ across the street. From the window glass of the coffee shop they were at, and with the country songs she had always loved playing at the background (and with a surprise since these songs were rarely played in shops), her interest was now on the street instead on the empty microsoft word opened on the screen of her laptop.

She heard a soft chuckle and immediately realized that Kyuhyun had arrived.

“How many do you want?” he asked the second their eyes met. No ‘hello’s’. No formal greeting. That was Cho Kyuhyun. That was him. That was the boy she has always loved. Funny as it seemed since Seohyun has always loved being and being with a polite and formal person, her heart though had never felt twice about this man who obviously have never been a fan of formality.

“Pardon?”, Seohyun asked innocently, placing her cup back to its place, and back again to the eyes that owned her heart.

“A dozen of kids sound interesting. With twins, of course. How’s that?”

Now realizing what he meant, Seohyun’s cheeks turned into a little shade of pink as she put her eyes back on the cup of coffee. “If that’s what you like, sure.” She answered in a soft voice.

Kyuhyun chuckled even more at this, seeing her blush has always been his favorite. It was the cutest thing for him. Slowly and even dearly, he placed his hand over hers—Seohyun’s eyes now set on him.

“I love you.”

It was, and always has, the sweetest words she ever had heard. And the fact that Kyuhyun was the one saying those words had always makes her heart go flutter and her breathing go faster as if choking for air. A million man could say those three special words to her but it only take a man like Kyuhyun—no, only Kyuhyun—that could make her into such situation, and feel such emotion—such happiness, love and contentment.

“I love you, too.”

Moving his hand forward, Kyuhyun pushed the hair that was falling at one side of her face and clipped it under her ears, “You are the only one for me, Seohyun.”



I tried to hold back my tears as the memories of him played through my mind. I wish to stop but they won’t.

Closing the window, and stopping the wind—and the scent—from entering my room, and from making me feel this way, I felt better now. If feeling better meant feeling less hurt and shattered for a split second from the pain I have gone through since that night. That particular night.



Yuri placed her hand over Seohyun’s shoulder and said, “I’m glad to know you’ve gotten over him now, Seohyun. He does not deserve your tears.”



A tear finally fell from eyes down to my cheeks. If my eyes have the ability to talk, I am pretty sure they would now complain about giving off tears and feeling swollen after after almost crying every night in my sleep.

And it wasn’t night time yet either.

I wiped off my tears and went to sit by my table.

That was because this time (of the year) was different. This time it was special.

And my friends were wrong when they said I finally got over him. And yes, Kyuhyun does deserve my tears. If there was anyone in this world that deserves my hurt, it would be him. He has my heart. He will always have it. Forever.

I would cry every night. I would cry every second I am alone.

Why? Because the thought of him (us) hurts me like hell. As cliché as it might sound, I have always been thinking of him every second of every day. There was not a time when I don’t think of him. I’m even pretty sure he’s always the one inside my dreams. Ever since that night, I think of him since then.

I looked at the picture placed at the right side of my table.

Taken at Bohol, Philippines with the beautiful scenery, the Chocolate hills at our back, he was looking at me dearly like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever met while I was laughing heartily, slightly looking at the other side. It was a stolen picture, a very rare and special one diff

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a sequel/ back story of 12


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Chapter 1: so sad... when seo realizes it Kyuhyun has another girl already TwT
SamanthaSuju #2
Chapter 1: So sad. :'( almost cried. Wuhoo... Sad ending. Do another one.
sica_ice_princess #3
So heartbreaking...aww!
ouch that was hurt~
she was rushing in making the decision..
well she's jealous D:

anyway this is good ^^
cliche plot but love it still
I really love that song, specially when it's played in PBB. Haha! You did well on this, Valerie Unnie :D
you made me CRY!
pinaiyak mo ako T_T
this is so sad!

yet it was beautiful :D
Why sad ending? T-T
I hate sad ending yet I still read this. This is so good that I'm crying. Or maybe just because I hate sad ending. I don't know. But still... why sad ending? T^T
Okay... I'm being incoherent. Overall, the story is nice. I can almost hear the sound of her heart breaking. X33
I hate this story T.T

I really wonder if you even wires