Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight


Sung Jong’s POV

Every weekend, I always go the library.  Even though it’s my free day so I can rest, I would still go to the library. How can I be like this? Well, that one girl, just that ONE GIRL changed my life. I’m not a stalker, but I always want to see her. I don’t know her name, but all I know is that she is one of the smartest girls in her school. At first glance, you can see that she’s a nerd, but once you look at her again, she is very pretty, with her beautiful hazel eyes, hiding underneath her spectacles.

Now, I’m sitting across her, pretending that I’m reading a book. I was looking at her, she was reading a novel. Then she looks at me. I looked at the other way. OMG, did she noticed that I was STARING at her? I think I should go somewhere else. Or she’ll be suspicious…


~~~~~’s POV

I love to go to the library. Because of my family issues at home, the library is the only place for me to have peace and quiet. But lately, I think that someone is watching me. I ‘m not trying to brag, but I can feel it.

Today, I was reading a novel. There was a guy sitting across me. Suddenly, I noticed that he was looking, I mean, STARING at me. Is he the guy that always looks at me? Do I have something on my face?

Phew… That guy finally left that table… But wait… That guy looks familiar… He walks like someone, but who?


The next day…

Sung Jong’s POV

There  she is, sitting there, right in front of me… Perhaps I could get to know her today. So I approach her, feeling a bit nervous… Here it goes…

“Em… Hi…”

“Oh… Hi…”

“I’m Lee Sung Jong, what’s your name?”

“Erm… Kang  ~~~~~~.”

“Can I sit here with you?”



~~~~~’s POV

Hmm…. That guy is walking towards me… Oh, what should I do? What should I do? Ok, Kang ~~~~~, stay calm. Oh, here he comes…

“Em… Hi…”

“Oh… Hi…”

“I’m Lee Sung Jong, what’s your name?”


“Erm… Kang ~~~~~~.”

“Can I sit here with you?”


Ok, what should I say? What should I say? Now, a star is in front of you. At least say something…

“You’re from INFINITE, right?”

“Em… yeah, are you a fan?”

“Well, yeah, but I only know some of your songs… Like Nothing’s Over, Paradise, and Be Mine…”

“Erm…have you been to any of our concerts?”

“No, when I want to buy them, they were all sold out… Why are you asking?”

“Well, as a lucky fan, I’m inviting you to our next concert. Want to come?”

LEE SUNG JONG, inviting me to a concert?


SungJong’s POV

“You’re from INFINITE, right?”

“Em… yeah, are you a fan?”

“Well, yeah, but I only know some of your songs… Like Nothing’s Over, Paradise, and Be Mine…

Wow, she’s an INSPIRIT, how cool… wonder if she’s been to one of our concerts.

“Erm…have you been to any of our concerts?”

“No, when I want to buy them, they were all sold out… Why are you asking?”

Hmm… my chance to ask her…

“Well, as a lucky fan, I’m inviting you to our next concert. Want to come?”

“Err… Sure, why not?”


“Ok, but only on one condition… Can I have your phone number?”

I can see the look on her face, a bit shocked, and she suddenly turned red.

“Sure, you can…”

And then we switched numbers.

“Em…~~~~~-ah, I have to go now. I’ll text to you later. Bye-bye!” I said to her with my smile.

“Oh, ok… Bye-bye…” I saw her face starting to get red again.

Ok. Plan A done. Now for plan B.

~~~~~’s POV

“Well, as a lucky fan, I’m inviting you to our next concert. Want to come?”

“Err… Sure, why not?”

 “Ok, but only on one condition… Can I have your phone number?”

WHAT? He wants my phone number?

 “Sure, you can…”

And then we switched numbers.

“Em…~~~~~-ah, I have to go now. I’ll text to you later. Bye-bye!”

He said to me with his cute smile. Oh why is he so cute?

“Oh, ok… Bye-bye…”

After he left, I quickly pack my stuff, then I went home, still grinning from ear to ear. Everyone was looking at me, wondering why I’m acting so weird, but I don’t care.


After a week,

~~~~~’s POV

It’s been a week since I’ve known Sung Jong. The more I get to know him, the more I know that he’s a different guy from the shows that I watch. He’s very hardworking, a gentleman, and can be a diva at certain times.

Now I’m currently studying at my room. I was also on my Twitter at the same time. Suddenly…

1 new tweet

Well, who could it be? Yup, you guess it right, it’s Sung Jong.

@speckykang   Watcha doing?

@jongie93  Nothing, just doing my homework.

@speckykang   So are you ready for the concert tomorrow?

@jongie93  Yeah, but not sure what to wear tomorrow…

@speckykang   How about something simple, black and white?

@jongie93   Oh, okay, better start searching now… See you tomorrow… Good luck! Sung Jong hwaiting! :)

@speckykang   Ok, thanks for the boost! See you tomorrow, can’t wait!

Then, we ended the tweet just like that. Now time for searching the perfect clothes… Kang ~~~~~, hwaiting!

Sung Jong’s POV

Phew, so tired after a long day of practice. Just went into my room and turn on my laptop. I noticed that ~~~~~ is still on Twitter. How about I tweet to her…

@speckykang   Watcha doing?

@jongie93  Nothing, just doing my homework.

@speckykang   So are you ready for the concert tomorrow?

@jongie93  Yeah, but not sure what to wear tomorrow…

Hmm… how about… Good idea, Sung Jong!

@speckykang   How about something simple, black and white?

@jongie93   Oh, okay, better start searching now… See you tomorrow… Good luck! Sung Jong hwaiting! :)

@speckykang   Ok, thanks for the boost! See you tomorrow, can’t wait!

After twitting with her, I felt much better. Now I can sleep soundly… Night, night Sung Jong…


The next day…

~~~~~’s POV

I’m at the Olympic Park Gymnastics Gymnasium where the Second Invasion concert was held. I wore one of my best clothes that I’ve found from my wardrobe. 

Then, I took my place at the gymnasium. The concert started soon after. I saw INFINITE dancing and singing on the stage. But my eyes were only on Sung Jong. He looks very different, very manly. I hope he notice me.

Sung Jong’s POV

Phew, just finished Cover Girl. Later, there will be a lucky fan that will be chosen from each of us, to receive a rose from each of us. And I know just the right person to call…

~~~~~’s POV

“Now, each INFINITE member will pick a fan from all of you to give them a rose.” I heard Woo Hyun told everyone. OMG, I’m so excited. Wondered who Sung Jong picked?

Yup, it’s me, alright. Wondered how he noticed me…

Then, he pulled me up to the stage. He kneeled and gave me the rose.

I’m starting to turn red.

Then, he whispered something to me…

“Meet me later at the park near this gymnasium after this concert.”

His action makes everyone screaming.


Then, he lead me off the stage to continue the concert.

But, why would he want to see me later?

Sung Jong’s POV

“Now, each INFINITE member will pick a fan from all of you to give them a rose.” I heard Woo Hyun hyung told everyone. Then the other hyungs search for the lucky fan.

Wonder where ~~~~~ be? I asked her to wear something black and white. I bought her a ticket to sit at the front row, so I can spot her easily. Then, there she is. Oh, she looks so beautiful… Cut it out, Sung Jong! Bring her to the stage already!

So yeah, I took her to the stage. I kneeled infront of her and gave her a rose. And I whispered to her…

“Meet me later at the park near this gymnasium after this concert.”


Everyone was screaming when they saw my actions.

Then, I led her off the stage, to continue the show…

~~~~~’s POV

It was the end of the show, then, I went to the park that was stated by Sung Jong. I noticed that the park was pretty. Then I saw on the ground, filled with rose petals. And it formed…

You bright up my day…

Will you be mine?


PS. Look behind…

I looked behind and I saw him, Sung Jong walking towards me, bringing a bouquet of roses. And he hugged me. I was a bit shocked. Then he said…

“I liked you from the first time we’ve met, can you like me back?”

“Yes, Jongie…”

“P.S. Can you be my girlfriend?”

When I heard that, my brain stops functioning...



This is my second one shot fanfic...

This is dedicated to my sister and all Sung Jong fans...

Hope this is interesting to you all...



P.s. Just a little Infinite from me

In this gif, Hoya looks more like a diva than Sung jong, do you agree?

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sungjong is like the machoist person in infinite despite being hella cute XD
Chapter 1: Sweeeeeeetttttttt ~
This is so sweet!! Omg! It makes me love sungjong more!
>w< so cute luv it! SEQUEL!!!!!!!
OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THIS STORY >,<! how sweeeet >♥<!!! MORE...!more Sungjong fics!! and because of this fic i will subscribe you ♥ looking forward for your other fics ^♥^
Sungjong fanfics are very rare! there are some but most of them are fanfics... but i found this...I am very very happy!^^ THANK YOU VERY MUCH! you made my day ^♥^ㅋㅋㅋ!.. i love your sister becuz i'm a fan of Sungjong too ♥♥♥! 사랑해 ♥ 파이팅!