Chapter 2

My Piggy Bride


Present Day------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After my painful farewell 2 years ago, my dad had turned back to working and I had turned to food. FOOD. It helped me forget my pains and I realized how much better I felt as I ate. Of course, naturally, as I lost my baby looks, I also gained more fat. By the time I was 16, I was 2 times heavier than the most muscular boy at my new school. But there in Busan, it was peaceful here in the countryside, no one harrassed me. I felt free and my dad also accepted me for who I was. I had no regrets until my dad decided the most stupidest thing ever.
"______-ah, I have some exciting news to tell you!" He smiled, We're moving back to Seoul! Aren't you excited?! You can see your old friends again and also the Yoon family"
I was dumbstruck..."A-Appa....Why so sudden? Why now?! WHY WHEN I'M SUCH A HORRIBLE PIG?!"
He gave me a solemn smile, "_____-ah, you're not a pig. Don't bring yourself down...We'll find a way to work it out. We always have."
And I am. Back at the place of my childhood, staring up at my old house. Honestly, I am a bit excited. I could finally see Doojoon oppa again! I bet he must be the most handsomest person in Seoul I wonder if he thought of me at all, these years.
"OMO! Is that you _______-ah?!" A familiar voice called from the house next door. "You've changed so much. But through all that fat, I can still see how beautiful you are..." Mrs. Yoon said.
I blushed and bowed. "Annyounghasaeyo omonim. How are you and Doojoon oppa?"
"OH! He's doing well, he'll probably be excited to see you again. Oh look! There he comes now!"
I turned around and looked at where she pointed. Sure enough, he was coming towards us while listening to his music. He looked up when he heard his mom's voice.
"Doojoon-ah! Look, this is ________-ah. Remember? Your old childhood friend" She grinned.
Doojoon looked at me and I blushed. *What does he think about me? I hope he doesn't mind that I've put on weight. Oh no! What'll I do?!* I looked back up at him and saw him give me a smirk for a second, but then he quickly composed himself and reached out for my hand. 
"______-ah!!! How are you?! I thought we'd keep in touch" He exclaimed, while patting my back.
I was embarrassed for two reasons: 1. He was touching me so closely. 2. I could feel his body against mine and I knew I was at least 2 times as big as him. But then again, this is YOON DOOJOON. He wouldn't mind, right? 
whooot!! :) please read and subscribe 
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