It's So Hard For You to Notice

Its Us Against The World

[TODAE POV] A.N. We shall deal with Seungri latur


8:00 am in the morning and the school bell rung. The four boys were looking at each other as they realize they're late. They ran to their homeroom classroom, knocking everything/everyliving thing on their way. They forcefully open the door making their classmates stare at their ruckus.

"Pfft. Look who decided to show up." The guy who started a fight yesterday started to mock them. He points to their tired faces "YAH! If you want to actually study, you should get on time. Look, is this even your class? You have no place here" He says, waving his arms over the classroom.

"Aiish. This jer-" Top growls while GD stops him with his hand. He goes back and checks the name of this section "1053R5".  Ji facepalmed "He's right. Let's go.". The three followed. Taeyang took a glance and laughed "Thank God we're not in that section"  "Wae?" "You can read it as losers" Everyone looks again and their laughs were heard around the hallway while they walk to their classroom. "Fantastic...?" "Kind of a weird name for a class" "Let's just go in.". Jiyong carefully turns the door knob and peeks in cautiously [he doesnt want to attract attention anymore]. He got suprised when he sees the same girl  Daesung was with in their class. Top got impatient and pushed Ji, making him lose his balance and fall. The other three fell like a domino because of Top and Ji, creating a big mess. 

"Oh..Oppa~" Hana claps with delight as Dae waves at her. Their other classmates were murmuring, some fangirling.

"Where's Mr. Lee?" Their teacher points at them with his stick. GD slams his face on the floor before answering with a groan. Taeyang rolled his eyes at Ji for not going after the maknae. "Detention, after classes.". All of them grumbled as they went to their seats. 

------DING DONG DING----- 

Hours later, the bell rang for dismissal but the four were still stuck at detention."Do we really hafta stay here" Top whined.  He was sitting apart from Dae which made Dae a little bit disappointed. "Hyuung~" Dae tries to call his attention as he moves a seat closer to him. Top gives a loud, annoyed sigh as he scratches his head. "Hyuung" Dae's voice was getting smaller now but Top only responded by closing his eyes and crossing his arms, pretending to sleep. Dae tugged his hyung's arms and Top snared at him. Top had never been this harsh to him. [oh the hyungs always hurt the maknaes /cries] He looks down and buries his face in his hands. What did he do? Why was hyung mad at him? 

*knock-knock* Dae's head lifted up. His sadness slowly fled away when he saw Hana, waving at him happily. He stands up to greet her but looks back to check if Top-hyung was looking,which he wasn't, then went up to her. 

*BANG!* Dae's body shook with fear as he hears tables and chairs falling behind him. Hana felt scared at Top's actions and tells Dae to meet her at the cafe. Taeyang looks at Top who looked like he's in a bad mood. "Yah. What's wrong with you?" Ji questions Top "And where do you think you're going, Dae?"  Dae turns around and fakes a smile. His heart sank to the ground when he sees Top's eyes starts to flood with tears but he wipes it in an instant as he notices Dae staring at him. "I-I have to go...Its almost time, anyway." Dae's body was shaking as he walked outside the room. "YAH! Just remember to go by my house later. All of us has to discuss something important we've been neglecting these days." Ji's tone was serious. "Arasso~ see you all later.....hyungs" he walks out but his eyes were only focused at Top as he leaves. He closes the door and slowly walks to the cafe. "OPPA!" Hana surprises him at the main gate. He smiles half-heartedly at her. His heart still thinking about his Top hyung.


TOP's P.O.V. 

A.N. This p.o.v. of top shows what's going on in his head...

-detention room- 

*Who was that girl? Why did Dae even agree to go home with her?* These thoughts still ravage my head. I'm sitting three seats away from him just so it can ease the pain. "Hyuuung" Dae calls out to me. I don't want to answer. I might break down. Why am I so hurt that Dae is giving attention to a girl. I should be happy. I'm making him worry too much. "Hyuuuung" He's calling out to me again. I'm sorry if I'm pushing you away. What should I do? Should I talk to him? But I don't want to. Its gonna be so hard. What If I lose control. I don't know. I'm so confused. Oh, she's there. And he's getting up to greet her. They might be dating already. Why does my heart feel heavy. Why are you leaving without saying goodbye to me first Dae. 

*BANG!* I just kicked the chairs and tables. Why? because I want Dae to stop. I want him to come back next to me and just stay there. Come back here Dae, please. Why are my eyes suddenly so blurry. No sht. Don't cry now. He's looking at you. Good. I wiped it away before he can even see. How dare you. Don't leave me. My Angel, please. My heart is crying inside and my hands are shaking. I want to stop you but at the same I don't. Everything's so confusing right now.



Why do I even feel this way.... Do I..have feelings for him? 



He's getting away Top.

Go after him.

He's getting away..

Why am I still sitting here? Why can't my body move? 




He's gone. 




But no. I will go after him. I stormed out of the room confusing the other two. I think they might have noticed something going on between us but who cares.

Oh. Dae's there, without the girl. Goo--Oh wait. She's there. Whatever. He looks happy anyway. 


Top turns to another direction adn walks away. Ignoring his aching heart for Dae. 


A.N. That is so sad. o-o Maybe its because someone pissed me off = 3=. Ergh. 

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nanamanis #1
Chapter 9: update ASAP..!!!please ^^
nanamanis #2
Chapter 9: OMG...!!!i realy...realy...realy love this story...KYYYYAAAA.... /\(> . <)/\
tayforv #3
Chapter 9: Ri, go and fight for your love! Don't let anyone steal Jiyong from you! Gri fighting!!!!!
Update soon~
Chapter 8: update soon please!
tehsweety #5
Chapter 8: update soon
dans711 #6
I wished if you made it GDYB and TODAE.
omg Daesung dont date another girl!!
Top he still doesn't know that he love Dae
Gri are so cuute poor Taeyang
I love both Gri & GDYB Its so hard to chose
ToDae forever :P
update soon~
letty123 #8
please update soon lol
Nuuuu I like bttom Ji too much, bottom Ji is too y and cute, I gots to have my uke Ji thus... GDYB ALL THE WAY >:D Cmon Bae, u cant lose against baby RiRi! Urm... Take off ur shirt, uke Ji will faint and u can him
:D ccuz in 70% of s, love starts with *shot*
-teacuppie #10
OhMyGriHeart :'D

Update soon~