Chapter 2

Love is Gone


Zico stood at a distance as he watched the girl’s shoulders sank, her head buried in her hands. She’s crying, again.

He felt his chest tightened and his stomach churned. He clenched his fists. Zico closed his eyes shut. No, I can’t go over there and comfort her, he thought. With a heavy heart, he turned his back on her and began walking. Away from her.

As if on cue, her cries got louder. Zico stopped in his tracks. He listened to her sobs, with his back still facing her. She needs me right now, he thought. His mind is telling him no, to just leave her there and walk away. But his heart, it’s telling him to pull her into his embrace and wipe away those tears. He wants to tell her that everything was going to be alright. No one would be able to hurt her again with him by her side.

Zico took a deep breath and spun around. He looked at the girl sitting on the brown bench. it, he thought. He was going to follow what his heart tells him to.


Tears were b in Hana’s eyes. Despite how many times she had told herself not to cry, the tears keep coming. Funny thing was, the tears were not because of the pain from her body. It was from the pain she felt in her heart. She was used to getting new bruises every day. She had grown numb from it. But this time, she has had enough.

The dam in Hana’s eyes finally broke. She felt herself trembling from her own sobs. Not being able to keep her head up anymore, she buried it in her hands. All that was running through her mind at that moment was to give up.

 In the midst of her crying, she suddenly felt a warm embrace. She smelt a familiar scent. Knowing who it was, she buried her head into his chest and held on to him.

“It’s okay, Hana,” he whispered, her hair. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“How would you know, Woo Jiho?” Hana questioned him, lifting her head up.

Zico shifted a little so he was seated right in front of her. He held her tiny face in his hands and gazed into her big, brown eyes that were filled with sorrow.

“Because I’m here,” Zico assured her. “As long as I’m here, no one will be able to hurt you ever again. As long as I’m here, you’re going to be okay. I promise.”

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miiivp #1
continue, please? :3