Dream Boy !


This story is for my Alien Cousin , Ayumi :)


There was a girl named Yumi . She always want to meet her dream boy .  Every day she talks about him to her friends . Every day she hopes that she can meet her dream boy .

So one day she wakes up . Before she goes to school  she asks her mom if she can ever meet her dream boy . Her mom says that 'one day u will meet him' . She happily leaves the house and went to school by bus .

When she arrives at her schoool . Everybody is so swizzle . She asks her friend 'why is everyone so noisy?' Her friend said that there is a new student transfer from Korea . She wants to meet n greet that boy . She pats his shoulder . The boy turns around and Yumi says in her heart 'OMG ! He's the one!!!' . Then the boy saya 'hye ! i'm Kyunhyun' .

Several days later , Kyunhyun and Yumi become best friends . They studiest together , walk together , even eat together . Everytime Kyunhyun look straight into Yumi's eyes , She become blussing .

One month later  Kyunhyun asks Yumi 'do u want to be my girlfriend?'


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