All Start When I Join Student Council !


okay, .. so..,it's my first fanfict, and., this story inspired from my own life, yup, i'm in a student council too in my senior high school. .

snd, everything happen when i joined this..

and., i'm sorry ifmy story make all of the readers get bored, then for my english, because i'm still studying about english, and.., because i'm an indonesian so my english isn't good enough ..

and you will found soooo many typo ( wrong alphabet or something like that ) here .. ^^

hope you will enjoy my story ..

waiting for subscribes .. kekeke .. ^^

also, don't forget ti leave comments.., very very need that ...


Thank's ..



Aufa's POV

Aufa, it's my name.. , Rahmaatul aufa , and, now i'm here, in my senior high school ..

Okay, here,now, in my new school, this day, 11.00 a.m is veryyy hot..., and unluckyly,  i didn't eat my breakfast cause i'm late for pre-student's orientation .. and, now.., my head began like.., the world spin, everything turn became yellow, ah, now it's a blue,no, no,  then it's pink, what next ? i want green too, but before i get my green colour change, i fell down, but someone catch me, i try to look who is 'it' ?, but i can't . , the only thing that i know just 'it' was a girl because she has long hair. only that.

i don't know, where are she bring me ..


and now, where am i ..?

i am in a room, and.., yippie, it's green, i like green so much ..then, i am in a small bed, but clean, a cupboard with sooo many medicine .., i think it's student health's room, .., and i think now, my head stop spinning, .., thaks to God ..

i try to look at everybody here, there are 4 boys an 1 girl, but she's not the girl that bring me here, because she has short hair,. i'm socurious with the girl who helped me it jiyeon ?, oh, ya.., she's my friend from my junior high school, ..

i began to sit, but the girl ask me.

" do you get better ..? "

all that i can do just nodded, and.., something i know that she was my senior because her tie was purple, and i take a look to the boys too, 2 of them was in 2nd grade, and 2 others in the 3rd grade because they wear brown tie.

"and,i have to go .., take care of her " she said and pointing to the 4 boys ..

they just nodded, then look at me.., oh.., as a girl,i feel a bit scary with 4 boys here, i don't wanna stuck here with them, not to say they're scaried, they seem nice, i'm just scared.

" sunbae, i -", she just run, maybe she came back to the pre-student orientation, oh, god, please save me ..

"soo.., what's your name ?", one of them ask me .,

" vaa "

"do you still feel dizzy or somehing like that ..?" still the same sunbae

i just shooking my head ..

"do you need anything ?" still him -__-

i shook my head again ..

"do yo-"

"do you, do you, do you .., hey,leeteuk why do you ask so many question to her, ?, don't you look at her ..?, she  look very tired .." the other one told the boys that ask me before

" no i'm not, it's okay for sunbae to asks me .."

"look, she's okay, i just concerned with her .."

"thanks a lot for concerned me .."

he just nodded..,

the otherboy just pouted of my defense for him .. i donn't know, this is so childosh, so that i can't hold my laufh ..

" b--b-- bwaahahaha.."

"why ..?" the other one again ask me ..

"nothing .., it just funny for me .."

they look at me at a weird look ..,

"whatever ..."

when i see 1 by 1 , i just realize 1 of them is veeeeeerrrryyyy handsome .., so that i think how to know his name.. and ..,




gotcha .. ! try to act confused

first, make all of them look at you

" euum.., sunbae .."

all of them look at me .., got it !, second, make them confused too

" not you, but.., eum,, i'm confused how to call you 1 by 1 because i don't know your name .."

"dis you mean me ..?" leeteuk sunbae ask me ..

"or me ..?" the other ask, but not the handsome one..

"mmh.., no, but . i'm.. just confused to call you.. aissh, hope i can know your name one by one .." do you know, i get i more formula, taht's

put a hopefull look + puppy eyes one =

" i'm leeteuk "

" i'm zhoumi "

" i'm dongho " mm, he's cute i think ..

" i'm siwon " yup.., MISSION COMPLETE ! , got his name.., and his name was SIWON,

" soo, which one of us do you want to ask ..? " zhoumi ask me ..

" ask ..? oh., ya.., mm, uh.., waht.., aissh..., i forgot .. what do i want to ask i forgot it..?" plus act like i'm very guilty .., hit my head ..

" don't hit your head, i don't want you to collapse again, " SIWON said .., OMG, it's SIWON .. !

" huh..?, oh.., yah ..," i stop hitting my head .. he smile then ..

i think i can't breathe right now ..

"did she attacked by siwon virus ..?" this time dong ho said ..

" really ..?" siwon said, then look at me

" what ..?, siwon virus ..?, what s that ..?" God, thanks to gave me this act skill .. so i'm not look like embrassed right now , or blush or something like that

" yes you are, ", zhoumi said ..

" huh.., whatever .." i said, like i'm not interested again ..

" wow.., she's okay., she's not attacked by siwon virus .., great .. !" leeteuk said ..

siwon just pouted ..

" that was nothing , i have soo many others fan .." he keep pouted, i just hold my laugh whaen i see it ..

after that, we just talk about this school, the sunbaes told me everything interesting about this school.., and i forgot about i'm scared to stuck here with them .. i get a lot of fun with them ..


and i think that's only in part 1 .., i'm sorry if my story was bored .. ^^

please comment .. ^^


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