
Cheated OR Not

" Hey babe I can't go for dinner with you tonight. Sorry the band members wanted to celebrate that we successfully debuted in Japan. " " It's okay. I am having something on anyway. Anyway, congratulations." " Bye see you. " " Bye. " I sighed as I hang the phone. I guess he forgotten. I guess all the effort I putted in to make his favorite red velvet cake just went down the drain. I left the cake on the counter top, walked towards the sofa and my body sank in the comfy cushion. I switched on the television, flipping through the channels. Nothing interested me. My  mood was just destroyed through a phone call. I guess you got to let things go and not be a over protective girlfriend when you're dating an idol. I decided to go for a jog. I changed into my tracksuit and when to the park. I started jogging then running. I wanted to get things off my mind. When I was on my way home after I bought dinner I saw Myungsoo in a shop with a girl and his fellow members, he seems so happy with them. I clenched my fist when I saw the girl. She and Myungsoo were whispering and giggling. Anger boiled in me. But then I restrain myself from barging in. Maybe she was just a sister of one of the members? Or a friend ? I went home the thought of them together couldn't get off my mind. I went to sleep but woke up because of a very terrifying dream no more like a nightmare. 'She' was in the dream with my boyfriend. They were cuddling together. I was bothered with that thought for the next few days. He have not called or texted me not even once. Maybe he is really with that girl. I'll just have to wait for him to confront me.

" Hello. ~~~ ." "Yes speaking. " " Are you free tonight?" " Yea ." " Meet me at our usual place." I have a bad feeling about this. But I just push that thought away. I changed into my best dress. I putted on light make up and wore my plumps. I reached the place were he wanted to meet. My day lightened up when I saw him there looking as God like as ever. But the it was destroyed in a few seconds when I saw the girl from 'THE DAY' there beside him. I stood there with tears streaming down my face. " ~~~-ah." he said. I ran as fast as I could. He is a bastard. He said that that place was our place. We cannot bring anyone their not even your best friend. But then he lied, HE FREAKING LIED. " Honk, Honk." I looked to my right a car was coming towards my direction. The last thing I heard was the the siren of the ambulance. Then everything turned black. 

I opened my eyes. All I see was the color white. " Where am I ?" I felt weight on my left hand. When I turn my head I saw a stranger beside me. He woke up and was glad to see me awake. He looked tired as if he hasn't slept for days. " ~~~ ah." " How do you know my name? And why are you here. Why am I here?" I felt pain at my head. I clutch my head enduring the pain. " ~~~ ah are you okay? I'll go get the doctor. " The doctor came and did check ups. " Sir it's an after effect. As you see she hurt her head. And she does not remember you because she lost her memory due to the accident. It maybe temporary or even permanently. You can try to help her gain her memory again by doing things that you guys did before." " Thank you doctor. " with that the doctor left. " ~~~ so you really dont remember me?" 



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Teenfinite896 #1
Chapter 3: i cant read the sequel T.T
off to read the sequel! ><
I hope he not ot..sequel please
ailisu #4
sequel >A<
OF COURSE WE NEED A SEQUEL FOR THIS!!!! Anyway, all the best with studies!! HWAITING!! ^^
hahaha xD
sorry to disturb!! =)
chunkymonkey #8
Sorry to leave you guys hanging like that :) sorry. Maybe I'll post a sequel next month as I am having my exams now :(
Now I understand , why the title is Cheated OR Not ..
Rabbito #10
I need a sequel , please!