Three down... (Teaser 2)

Getting the Scoop (Closed)


No more than a few seconds passed before the doors to Christina’s office opened and in stepped her niece. The relatively tall, amethyst eyed woman raised an eyebrow at the wide smile on her aunt’s face. The smile slightly disturbed her, but she figured she shouldn’t be too concerned since the CEO had practically been locked up in her office the past few days, trying to find the right people for her new idea.

“Yes, Ms. Colonna?” the younger woman questioned as she shut the door behind her and walked towards the woman’s desk.

The smile dropped off Christina’s face for a moment, “I told you a hundred times, calls me Zia,” she sighed softly before the smile was back in its rightful place, “I found someone! Actually, I found three candidates that look like they would be great for this assignment.”

Bekah’s eyes widened for a moment before a smile swept onto her olive skinned face, “Really? That’s great! Who are they?”

“Well,” Christina pulled out three manila folders from the large stack and turned them towards her niece, “Two of them work here. They’re siblings actually, Daniella and Deny Kwon.”

The younger woman had picked up the twins’ files and were flipping through them for a moment, “Deny’s a cutie,” she stated with a small smirk.

“Bekah,” Christina practically groaned out as she rubbed her temple.


The CEO looked at the mock innocent face Bekah had on and shook her head, “Anyway. Deny is a great columnist and his sister, Daniella is a well-respected Journalist. Deny always perfects his piece – I’ve never had him half- anything, and Daniella is too stubborn to give up on her target. They’re perfect.”

Bekah just nodded her head as she closed their files and placed them back on Christina’s desk before picking up the third one, “What about this one? Dao Qiao? I’ve never seen her around, is she new?”

“She will be,” at this the auburn haired woman glanced up to lock gazes with Christina’s blue eyes, “She had an interview with me a few days ago and, though she would be new to the world of journalism, I think she will do great.”

Bekah raised an eyebrow, yet again, at her aunt, “You’re going to hire this girl, who’s still in college, who’s never worked in any type of paper company, as a journalist?”

“Oh heaven’s no. She might have potential, but I’m no fool. I’m going to hire her on as our new “Ask Abbie” since Eunji quit not too long ago. Though, I imagine she will, one day, make a good journalist. ”

“Ah, I see.”

Christina stack the twins’ files off on the corner of her desk and placed Qiao’s on top. She opened it up and scanned the file. Once she found the girl’s phone number she placed her finger on it so she could find it again and glanced up towards her niece.

“If you could tell Deny and Daniella to meet me in my office at four? Hopefully, I’ll have the others picked and I can start giving you guys your assignments.”

“Will do, Zia,” Bekah stated with a small smile as she swept her bangs back over her left eye so they partially covered it, before she made her way back towards the doors.

“See, is it that hard?!?” the CEO called out as the auburn haired woman left.  

Author's Note: Congratulations to prettyangel25 and stanleyunique! I absolutely loved your characters! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update... I'm going through some things right now and since it's mainly about a guy - an asian to be percise - it's hard to write anything about K-Pop without thinking about him... But I'm trying. Anywho, I am STILL ACCEPTING applications, and I will be reviewing the other one's I have. Until next time then.

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hey everyone! i am almost done with the next chapter, but july is a huge birthday month for my family. my birthday was actually a few days ago.


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hey author, i was wondering when you'd update this? or are you going to discontinue the fanfic? :(
Chapter 6: Yeay~~~
All of them got their own assignment already.
Its alright spicea-shi. This chappy make me smile at the Qiao's nervousness.
And you don't know how much excited am i when i see that you're update keke..
i'm looking forward to see all of them living together and start to do their assignment..
Wondering what will happen to each one of them when they follow the idol?
Chapter 6: YEAH they finally got their assignments XD and are ready to start workign :D
Deny covering F(x0 and Daniella covering B.A.P will be perrty interesting.
One man and 5 women/ girls in one house....that will deff be something i look forward to seeing how that all plays out :P
I love how they all said their goodbyes while they were leaving the bulidings in their cars.
Chapter 6: they're gonna start their job!!! :DDDD
im so excited to see what the reaction of the idols would be and how their interactions with each other would be. and its okay ^.^
its goood to know you're not giving up on the story or anything. will continue to awit patiently for the updates :D
its cool how they all have cars though! omg beckah!! she got a motorcycle! i wanna ride one of those one day LOLOL
Thank you berry much for choosing me!! ^^
Congratz to the chosen members..
Ah~~am really can't wait for the next update..
And authornim you're portraying Sae Ra characters correctly..
Really enjoy this teaser..Keep up the good job authornim..Fighting!!

@pandagirl84: Gossip is addicting keke
Congratulations to the last chosen members ! I can't wait to see what happens ! <333 Ah , I am so ready for the story to officially begin ! <333
Ah , thank you for choosing me by the way . Sorry for not commenting like I should have but I am definitely thankful for this ! <333 I am off to the next chapter .
thanks for choooosing me!!! :DDDD
LOLOLOL i dont think flats would be any better xD
the boy twin sounds so adorable!! omg i wanna meet him hehehe.
LOLOLOL @ SaeRa loving to gossip!!
congratz to the other girl ^.^ excited for the story to start!
Congrats to the other chosen girls :)
You portrayed my twins perfectly ^^
LET THE STORY BEGIN XD oh I cant wait for the next chapter ^.^
Thank you soo much for choosing my beautiful twins ^^
Congrats to Stanleyunquie as well her character seems interesting :)
I hope you feel better soon and if you can't write without thinking about him I completely understand