The Nieghbor

I'm Sure You're The One

Your POV

After "playing" with my cousins for a while and while oppa prepares snaks for us. We all sat down in the grass. We're all relaxing but then I heard a loud noise, someone's playing a loud music.

"Dang it! they're having a party, AGAIN" I heard Hara said with her mad face. "I totally love the house, I was the one who's begging my parents to buy this but I realize I made the wrong choice because of my neighbor." She added I cxan sense that her blood is boiling 

"Well, your neighbor is really nice, it's his friend who's not" Jieun quickly added, it sounds like she's defending him, lol

"Kate, meet our neighbor" Hara said

"Are they always like this?" I asked

"Well not that often, at least once or two times a week, sometimes zero per week" Hara said

I can only reply with a blank face

"Well on the bright side, it's only loud when you go outside, but in the inside, its not, our house is SOUND PROOF!" Hara said

"Do you want to go inside?" Jieun questioned me

"YES please" 

We all went inside, and we met with Hyun Joong oppa on our way

"What's wrong? Are you guys that hungry that you went inside? Can't you wait for me??" Oppa said jokingly

"Nah, our nighbor is having a party again" Hara said to his brother

"I see, well if they're having a party, don't you think we should too? I say that we should since I'm in charge in this house" oppa commanded and we all just agreed to his plan

"Are you sure about this?" I asked my cousin


"But what if Jieun's parents pick her up and they'll find out that we're having a party and they're gonna get mad at us and, and, and, and, and," I couldn't finish because Jieun held my hand and said

"Unnie, don't worry, I'll be staying sleeping over and they won't come and pick me up until tomorow evening" Jieun said to calm me

"Plus, mom and dad gave us permission to put up a party when ever we want as long as people won't break our things and we clean up after, PLUS, it's a welcoming party, it's exceptional" Hara added

The next thing I knew, Hyung Joong oppa already called his friends over got ready for the food. I was SHOCKED! My cousins have  a pretty sweet life. I thought to myself.

I remembered when I asked my parents if I can have a party in our house, i begged and begged and begged but they said NO. But here, my cousins can have parties WHENEVER they want.

Hara brought me to the couch and made me sit, she mesaged some of her friends to come over.

After 30-45 minutes people started comming, loud music was going on. I even saw a DJ on the gazebo.

I thought to myself, are they having a party to celebrate my arival or just to mock my neighbor

Either way, I'll just make sure that I'll have  a great time!



sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling mistakes

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AbbyYoYo #1
LOL !! Kate has cute character !!