I'll admire you forever

I'm not One in a Million [ONESHOT]

"Thank you very much for coming. Hope you all appreciated and enjoyed my perfomance and continue to support me!"


Video ended. Minho sighed. How many times had he watched this video? It was one of his favourites, that's for sure. He really liked the choreography...


How precise Taemin's movements were.

How... clean and powerful, yet elegant. This certainly was a very personal dancing style; really unique.


It was a late Sunday. The clock almost hit 1am, yet Minho wanted to spend more of his precious time on watching Taemin's perfomances, gag shows visits, commercials and so on. He even created a special playlist on his YouTube account that only consisted of Taemin. Hell, he was so infatuated that he kept on trying to search for facts about Taemin.

He wasn't sure why, but he looked up what Taemin's 'ideal girl' was. It ached his heart, knowing for sure that Taemin was straight. He would probably be disgusted by someone like Minho, or if with little luck, he could be a tad open-minded and polite if he ever got to meet him.

But nope. Minho lived in Europe. It's so ing far away from Taemin, and the boy never visited Europe before. His parents didn't have money to let him go to Korea, yet his hopes will only shatter in pieces on the day he dies.

Ah, yes. Minho has been a fanboy for around 2 or 3 years. At first he had a crush on Taemin, then he didn't. He found himself having a crush on a guy at school, and surprisingly it was because the boy was similar to Taemin... personality-wise.

Despite not knowing much about Taemin's personality, he really loved him. If it was just looks, he'd get a from the instant he saw him.


"Taemin..." Minho muttered. He admitted he cried several times over the boy. He had countless dreams about him. Dreams where he'd receive a kiss on the cheek, or just a dream where they were really good friends. "Just what about you makes me feel like this."

Then again, he admitted he was glad Taemin was famous, despite having so many fangirls and possibilities. First his so-called 'ideal girl' was Emma Watson, now it is Kaya Scodelario. From the looks of it, Taemin seemed to have a liking for British girls. Maybe Minho should practice his Britsh accent while speaking English.


One part of him made him feel like a creep. He found himself having a crush on Taemin again.


However, upon seeing millions and millions of fangirls (and fanboys) together in an enormous building, Minho smiled sadly. Tons of other girls are probably going through the same, and he just happened to be one of them who liked to think he was special. In fact, he decided to hunt his dreams when he was a toddler. He always wanted to be on stage and entertain others by doing what he enjoyed the most: singing, dancing and rapping. Perhaps showing off sometimes.  And he thanked Taemin to make him hunt his old dream again. He knew he had the skills and talent to do so, and decided to enroll in the same entertainment his crush was in.


He's not 'one in a million' to Taemin. He knows that.


"I love you," Minho said with a smile as he stared at an adorable photo where he had blond hair. "I could only say that to you... the others are just a liking..."

When he shut down his laptop, he headed straight to bed. He unconsciously started to cry, only a few tears soaking his pillow in the dark room he was in.


I'll wait for the day I'll meet you.



The whole story didn't really have a huuuuuge plot behind it; I just wanted to write this out? And I thought it'd be more interesting if it were Minho to be the fanboy here instead of Taemin, ahah.

Yes, this was a really short chapter. I didn't expect it to be something huge, and it didn't turn out to be huge, so... er-hem.

Perhaps I should just keep some stories to myself.

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huehuehue #1
Chapter 1: (below) yeeeeep! story of my life. -sigh-
Story of my life