Never A Right Time

Never A Right Time

“You wanted to talk to me?” I sighed. She’s here. Here goes nothing.

“Yeah. Take a seat first.” She stared at me confused but took a seat in front of me anyway. I let out a breath first.

“Is there something wrong?” I couldn’t answer right away. I paused for a bit before speaking.

“There’s just some stuff I want to get off my chest, okay? This won’t take too long.” She seemed nervous now. I think she knows what’s going on. We haven’t been doing well these last few weeks. We keep on suddenly having fights and things just suddenly weren't working out.

“You’ll understand once I finish. Let me start by saying I love you."

"I really did..."I took her hand in mine and it with my thumb. She looked down on our hands and stayed quiet.

“But honestly, these days, I don’t think I’m feeling the same way I did back then.” I practiced this so many times. I got this tattooed in my mind but… when I saw her expression after those words, every single word flew out of my mind and I just got this aching feeling in my chest. I don’t ever want to see her cry. But, I don’t want to lie to her either.

“Kevin, let’s talk about this first.” She gripped my hand hard but I let go.

“No. I’m sorry.” She looked crest fallen as she looked up to me. I kept avoiding looking at her.

“I never meant to break your heart. Heck, I never even thought there’d come a day where we would fall apart.” We were both silent for a while. With every moment I took telling her this, my heart clenched. Why am I taking so long with this?

“It’s not you, it’s me. You're a beautiful girl with great personality but I don't unnderstand why my feelings are fading away... I just can't seem  bring myself to get those feelings back."

"I don’t exactly know what I really want but… I just know that we were never meant to be.” The pain that she felt in her heart seemed to reflect in her eyes. She was quiet and the silence was killing me.

Everything right now is killing me but… we just really have to break apart. And I had to take the first step and because of that, I’m breaking her heart.

She looked down on the table between us and she seemed to be thinking about what was happening right now.

Her expression spelled confusion.

I decided to speak up again.

“Please understand.”

That was the final draw and she was shook from her thoughts, her eyes were lined by tears now. She abruptly stood up and ran out. I was shocked. I ran after her immediately and grabbed her hand before she could’ve walked out the door. I pulled her into probably the last hug I’ll be able to give her.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I could feel her tears soak through my shirt and even I feel like I’m about to break out into tears.

“I guess, what I’m trying to say is we just can’t go on once the feeling is gone. We can’t pretend to like each other. I can't pretend to like you now..."

"And I know that once you've understood sooner or later, you'll also find it hard to pretend that you like me.” She was breathing hard now and I hugged her tighter.

“I know that you know this too. Listen to your heart. I know it’s also telling you to let go." My voice was shaking and the pain of seeing her like this chocked me.

"We gotta break apart. I know it hurts a lot and it’s killing me just as much as it's killing you…”

My eyesight turned blurry and the I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks.

I look up trying to stop the flow and even screaming in my head. Help us get over this. Help us move on.

For a moment, I lost my words as the tears that just couldn't be stopped flowed down. I decided to continue my speech.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that there’s never a right time to say goodbye.”

Both of us were quiet for a moment. Only the sobs and the hard breathing from crying filled the silent air.

After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled away from me and I could still see her tears.

I let go of her.

And it felt like I was really letting her go and she was doing just the same.

“I guess… I understand. I’m sorry too.” She looked up at me and showed me a smile; a smile filled with heart break.

Before she went out the door, she looked at me, obviously still hurt and feeling regret. It tore my heart apart.

“Kevin, there’s never a right time to say goodbye but there is a right time to stop before we start pretending.” And just like that she walked out the door and out of my life.




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And there you go! Another dramatic fic.
This is completely the opposite of my other Kevin fic XD
Well, I hope ya'll enjoyed!
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Just edited it a bit and stuff


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Kimmie_asian_17 #1
one word amazing . it was so sad , but it was very beautiful with so much meaning . good Job it brought emotions out of me as i pictured it in my mind .
kissme99 #2
omgg...that is so sad...beautiful story...but iam so interested what happened before? hahaha well great short story..but really sad )':
sooo sad...
PressSkin #4
oh god, so sad T_T
ExoticKissMe1125 #5
it was so sad, but ended very well. :)
huhuhuhu my eyes teared up now hiks hiks.. nice story beautiful love this wow amazing lol
that was so sad ;-;
very well written!!
strawberrylumps #8
WAAAH. That is so freaking sad. -.- Good story, tho. ♥
Eh ? A sad story ... T____T
Heart breaking :((
But it's beautiful :)
And so good to read it today, as they just released Dora Dora