
Learn to Love [Temporarily Paused]


It was 6:01 am. Key was up before his alarm clock threw its daily tantrum, like every other morning of the week. He had already planned his outfit the night before, so getting dressed wouldn’t take but a few minutes. And planning his outfits carefully was very important, especially at his workplace. Key worked as a writer for a fashion and music magazine, so dressing nice was a must. He didn’t mind it though; it was fun creating outfits for each day of the week.

Key was probably one of the best writers in all of Seoul, South Korea. Perhaps it was because he never did anything else, really. After Key and Taemin’s parents died in a car accident three years ago, Key took his younger brother, Taemin, into his life. Key gladly welcomed Taemin into his home. Key was always saddened when he thought of the situation with their family. It was three years ago, when the accident happened, but Key had already moved out then. So his only sibling, Taemin, was left alone. Their extended family members refused to take young Taemin into their homes. Key never admitted it, but he was still angry with his extended family for not caring about abandoned Taemin. Key tried not to hold a grudge – he wanted to forgive them – but the last time he contacted them was three years ago, shortly after the accident.   

Key was extremely close to his brother and would do the world for him.  He spent all of his time working, so he could provide for Taemin, which certainly wasn’t cheap. But Key never cared how much more he had to work to take care of his brother.  That was the only thing he cared about…making sure Taemin had a good life. And he was the only person Key loved.


He had promised himself he would not date anyone until Taemin finished college and was able to support himself.

Key walked down the stairs of their 2 bedroom, apartment and into the small kitchen. Key had a bigger house before, but had to downsize in order to pay for his brother’s education. Key insisted on Taemin attending the best school, even if it was costly.

The older male fixed himself a cup of coffee and went to check on Taemin, who was peacefully eating oatmeal and reviewing homework, in the living room.  

“Morning Hyung!” Taemin chirped.

“Good morning,” Key replied with a warm smile. Taemin was the only one who could make Key smile like that. Such a bright, uplifting, and warm smile.  

The older male walked back into the kitchen after greeting his dongsaeng. “How many times have I told you? Don’t leave the milk out! It’ll spoil.” Key said from the kitchen. He couldn’t help but laugh, though. They did this every morning. Key scolded his dongsaeng, and Taemin acted as innocent as small child.

“Ahh, sorry. I’ll try and stop.” Taemin said. Key could hear him chuckling in the living room.

The brothers had a daily routine – and they actually enjoyed it. There wasn’t much excitement in their lives, but they loved their peaceful routine and days together.

Taemin got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, where Key was looking over work papers and drinking his coffee. Taemin put his empty oatmeal bowl in the sink and gave the wall clock above the table a quick glance. 6:45am.

“Have a good day at work Hyung!”

“Have a good day at school! Study hard!”

Taemin walked out the door with his backpack, ready to start another day at college. He left a little early because he had to ride the city bus. Key spent his income on bills and providing for Taemin. The little money he had left was spent on their clothes or taking Taemin to the cinema on the weekend. There was absolutely no way Key could afford to get a car for Taemin, he barely had enough to pay for his own.

Shortly after Key’s younger sibling left for school, Key put the coffee cup in sink, gathered his papers, grabbed his jacket, and left the apartment. He locked the door and entered the streets of Seoul. He closed his eyes for a moment and took in the scent of the city. The smell of fresh morning air, street food, and flowers blossoming around houses, delighted his senses. It was an odd mixture, but Key enjoyed it. He smiled and said aloud, “Another new day.” 

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Awww~Cant wait to meet jonghyun!!
Not to love anyone other than taemin.
Im looking forward for ur update:D