Are you happy now?

The haunted memory


Joon's muscles finally gave in as he slid down the cold wall. His eyes gazing into the nothingness of the empty apartment, he still couldn’t comprehend that it was all gone. Everything he once had, was here. His heart and soul that were now the shadows of the past. The memories were still fresh to him as they kept replaying in front of his eyes over and over and over again. Without a stop his heart has been stabbed by the vicious pain. The memories were like and endless movie, without an end playing again and again.

Was it all an illusion? Was he really going mad?

He could still see her as she stood there right in front of him. If he had the strength to reach out he might have even touched her. He saw the tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Like crystals they sparkled, while her eyes were left empty and dark. Her voice still echoed between the empty walls reminding him how she poured out her heart to him. ‘’Joon, I can’t take it anymore!’’ She sobbed. ‘’It’s just too hard. I can’t wait for you no more. The pain is just too big.’’ Her sight was lost behind the flood of drowning tears. ‘’Do you even know what they’re doing to me? The pain, the bruises they leave on me?’’ Her screams still tore through his head as he denied that those who loved him with all their hearts could hurt the one he loved. ‘’Baby please don’t do this. Just wait for me for a little bit longer.’’ He begged as she resisted with all her strength. ‘’I can’t.’’ she mumbled just before he took her in his arms, embracing her fragile body. ‘’Please, for me.’’ He pleaded until she finally gave in and nodded in despair. He kissed her gently on her salty lips before he left and she sends him off with a tiny smile of regret.

He can still remember that image. That smile. The smile that now haunts him day and night. The one that will stay with him forever, no matter how much time might pass. As the week passed by it seemed to him as things went back to normal. He finally had some time to call. The phone rang and rang, but he did not see it as a worry. Redialling the numbers again and again he stopped as a weird, dark feeling crossed his mind and he could not even stand from the sever sickness that erupted in his guts. Without a second thought he ran. He ran as if he was running for his life. Drenched in the warm summer rain, he finally reaching the door and knocked. Nothing, just an echo followed by another echo. He knocked again and again but no noise escaped the fort behind the door. His impatience grew with every knock as he finally decided to take action and he barged in. The reckless act was soon regretted as he saw the sight that would change his life forever. His heart stopped and his body just went numb. The motionless apartment air choked his breaths and he even almost fell. She was there, motionless, just lying on the couch. His muscles trembled and never in his life was taking a step forward as hard as it was at that moment. He knew that if he moved it would all become reality. The gruesome reality he refused to see.

It’s been more than a year since he was last here, since his life turned upside down. After a year the place still crushed his existence and the smell of death still lingered in the air. He deeply inhaled the air and the stench, trying to get up from the floor. Crawling up the empty white wall, he paused and took one last look at the rooms that gave him so much joy and pain at the same time. Bitter sweet tears drenched his now completely red cheeks.  Not knowing if things would get better, he slowly took a step forward, trying to leave it all behind.

Locking the closing door felt as if he locked away the monster that was trailing him around ever since the day that changed his life. It was all over now. He took one last look at the building. The only question he kept asking himself and never got an answer to was ‘’is she happy now?’’


Thank you for reading even though it's a short story! xD

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looshyhooshy #1
Chapter 1: I really looved your writing ..
Specially lee joon's angst stories!..
I looove lee joon a looot ..
I really wish that you'll write a story about him soon.
I know he left MblaQ .. but still Lee joon is still present and we love him even more!
Can you write something about Lee joon after mblaq??
Something about his bipolarity??..
Self harm or suicidal thoughts or attempts??
However,can't wait for more work of Lee joon's, please?!
Your words are so smooth and emotional!
OMG... i really liked this... it was subtle yet it gave me chills... (PLUS I LOVE LEE JOON) omg... author-sshi, i hope you write more angst one shots<3 Thank you for this!