I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry


Eunhyuk hissed, “Not again, Kyuhyun!” he stared at the mirror wall and turned to stop the music player.

“What?!” Kyuhyun asked while tried to catch his breath.

“You did it wrong! Again! At the same place!”

Other members slipped away and sat on the floor, rested their body on the wall, and ready to watch a fighting scene.

“Just how many should I tell you? You made a wrong move! It should be like this!” Eunhyuk said, showed a part which Kyuhyun got it wrong before.

“I did it like that!” Kyuhyun shouted.

“Now show me!”

Kyuhyun danced, yet he still did it wrong.

Eunhyuk turned to the other members, “See? He did it wrong, right?”

Some members nodded and some others have the I-better-do-not-involved look in their eyes.

Eunhyuk sighed, “Learn it until you get it right and then we’ll continue the practice,” and turned to took his water bottle in the corner of the room.

“No,” Kyuhyun said.


“I said no. I’m tired.”

“And you think we’re not tired?!”

“So why don’t we just stop?!”

“It’s because you keep doing the wrong step! Look, we’ll have our comeback soon and I want it to be perfect!”

“What’s the matter if I do it wrong? You are the center of attention anyway, the dancing machine. Isn’t that what you want?” Kyuhyun put the sarcasm tone in his words.

Eunhyuk opened his mouth but no words came out.

Leeteuk stood up, “Okay, that’s enough, kids. Let’s rehearse once more. Kyuhyun, try your best not to make the same mistake. Come on kids, stand up!” and clapped his hands.

They practiced their comeback song. It has been more than three hours and eveyone was tired. When it reached Eunhyuk’s solo dance part (not totally his solo dance, some members help that part, including Kyuhyun), Kyuhyun accidentally hit Eunhyuk's face with his hand. Eunhyuk gasped and stopped his dance immediately.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Eunhyuk shouted, made the members flinched in surprise.

“That was just an accident, I didn’t do it in purpose. Stop over-reacting!” Kyuhyun shouted.

Again, Eunhyuk opened his mouth but no words came out.

“I’m done!” Kyuhyun walked away and packed his things.

“Not yet, Kyuhyun. Come back here!”

“You can’t imagine how tired I am! I have to practice singing for Immortal Song and I still have to practice dance at night! Not adding that you always yell at me everytime I make a mistake!”


“I have to practice to be perfect, in singing and dancing! And what are you doing? Gag-ing and laughing on shows? Fortunately you have this born-to-dance talent so you don’t need any special effort to learn the dance moves!”

Eunhyuk’s jaw hanged open.

“Look, I’m not you, I can’t always do the perfect dance! And if that’s bothering you, then that’s your problem, not mine!” Kyuhyun left the practice room and went to the dorm by himself.

Tears started forming in Eunhyuk’s eyes. “We’ll take 15 minutes break,” his voice shook. Eunhyuk walked out from the practice room, but everyone knew that he wouldn’t catch Kyuhyun up.



The dorm was in silence the next day Kyuhyun woke up. Only the sound of some kitchen utensils collided each other could be heard. Kyuhyun assumed that the members were still in their deep sleep. Ryeowook was the only one who already woke up and cooked.

“Oh? Kyuhyun, you woke up already?” Ryeowook asked from the kitchen when he saw Kyuhyun sat on a chair in the dining table.

“Hm,” Kyuhyun replied and took a glass of water.

Kyuhyun looked at Eunhyuk’s room which is beside the kitchen. The door already opened. Kyuhyun leaned forward to see if Eunhyuk was in his room or not.

“Eunhyuk Hyung’s already left to the gym,” Ryeowook informed, as if he knew Kyuhyun’s curiosity.

Kyuhyun looked at the clock. 7 AM. He was already in the gym at this early morning? “Who said that I’m looking for him? I’m not.”

“But you took a peek into his room.”

“I’m not.”

After some seconds of silence, Ryeowook spoke up, “You know, maybe you should apologize to him.”

“Why should I? He’s the one who mad at me!”

“I know. But you shouldn’t fought his words back. He’s right, somehow. And last night your words were...a bit harsh, you know? Remember, he’s still your hyung, he’s older.”

Kyuhyun knew it. He just...didn’t want to admit it. “I was tired,” he said, not sure if that was just a statement or a defense.

“You know he’s tired as well. He has many schedules everyday. And when we’re resting in the dorm, he still have radio broadcast to do. ... I don’t mean to comparing, but he needs to find a way and space to show himself on the shows. In Immortal Song you’ve been set on the spotlight, you’ve already given a space to show yourself. You know...those are...different.”

“Leeteuk Hyung has more schedules and he still have to look after us, every single member.”

“Eunhyuk Hyung is in charge of our dance, you know that. He have to fix anyone who does the wrong moves. He have to teach every single member if he sees someone does the wrong moves. He is the one who get stress if there’s any mistake.”

Kyuhyun stood up, didn’t want to hear Ryeowook’s lecture anymore. That was when Eunhyuk came in the dorm.

“I’m home,” Eunhyuk said, a bit shocked when he saw Kyuhyun.

“Oh? You’re home. Breakfast, Hyung?” Ryeowook offered.

“Later, Ryeowook. I’m dead ti... Ah, nevermind. I’ll go to my room first,” then he locked himself in his room.

Ryeowook turned to face Kyuhyun, “You can see how tired he is. He have to train his arm muscles so that he can do the handstand in the coreography.”

Kyuhyun hissed, “I’m not asking!” then left Ryeowook.



Kyuhyun thought he was the first one who arrived in the practice room that day. But he knew he was wrong when he heard a loud music from the practice room. He peeped from the door. Eunhyuk was there, repeating the handstand for tens or hundreds maybe.

Kyuhyun watched how his hyung fell sometimes or blame himself because he couldn’t do the handstand in the right way. Eunhyuk would hissed in annoyance or hit the floor with his fist when he did wrong. He couldn’t blame anyone but himself, of course. Kyuhyun left the door. Now he knew how hardworking his hyung is.

They were practicing for hours. Kyuhyun did the same mistake, added with some new mistakes because his mind was a bit blank today. But no words came out from Eunhyuk. Everytime Eunhyuk saw any mistakes, he would hiss quietly and tried to control his breath so his anger wouldn’t come out. Kyuhyun felt it, how his hyung controled himself not to yell at Kyuhyun. And he felt more sorry toward Eunhyuk.

They finished practicing at dawn. Everybody was so tired. They was packing in silence, adding with the weird aura between Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun packed his things slowly in purpose so the members could leave first.

There was only Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun left in the practice room. Kyuhyun stood quietly against the wall. He watched Eunhyuk practicing some moves, including the handstand. Eunhyuk jumped in shock when he saw Kyuhyun from the mirror, just realized that Kyuhyun was still there.

“Oh! You surprised me!” Eunhyuk said, turned to Kyuhyun.

“Hm. You worked hard,” Kyuhyun offered a white towel to Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk took it, “Thanks. I thought you already left.”

Kyuhyun shook his head.

“Why are you still here, then?”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “Umm...about yesterday...I’m sorry.”

Eunhyuk who was wiping his sweat stopped, left the towel on his head, “What?”

“I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that harsh words to you. I didn’t mean it that way. I was just...”


“Are you angry...Hyung?”

Eunhyuk smiled and shook his head, “No. I was afraid you won’t talk to me anymore.”

Kyuhyun sighed in relief, “Even if I want, but I know I can’t stop talking to you. You’re one of the hyungs I can talk to comfortly,” Kyuhyun stepped forward and hugged Eunhyuk, “I’m really sorry. I’ll try my best not to make a wrong move again.”

“That’s okay. I’m sorry. We were just tired yesterday,” Eunhyuk tapped Kyuhyun’s back.

Kyuhyuk broke the hug. “Now let’s go home and sleep. You worked to much today,” he packed Eunhyuk’s things.

“Thanks,” Eunhyuk said, stretched his arm to take his bag from Kyuhyun.

“I’ll bring it,” Kyuhyun put Eunhyuk’s bag on his shoulder and shoved Eunhyuk out from the practice room.

“You know, I’m not that tired, I can-,” Eunhyuk stopped when he felt Kyuhyun’s hand massaging his shoulders. “Oh, that’s refreshing.”

Kyuhyun was still massaging Eunhyuk’s shoulder when they reached Eunhyuk’s car. “I’ll drive!” he took the key from Eunhyuk’s bag.

“You know? You can be so nice sometimes,” Eunhyuk said and then chuckled.

“I act nice only when I want to,” Kyuhyun smirked before drove out.




kyuhyuk again! hehe...my fav pairing~

hope you'll like it. leave comment please... thank you ^^

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Zimteulee #1
Chapter 1: I like it, its a really cute Story. Thanks for writing :)
Chapter 1: ayeee kyuhyun so sweet la :))))
restyaaa #3
Chapter 1: such a great story kaaak :)
mungkin pernah nih mereka beneran ngambek kayak gitu... *cubit kyu*
Chapter 1: "I act nice only when I want to" this sentence,, I love it when it came from kyuhyun's mouth,,
I like this story :3
Thank you for writing such a nice fic like this :)
woa!! that felt so real, yes, Kyuhyun can act nice just when he wants ^^ and Hyukja, he is always so hardworking and nice since he forgive so easy.
I love you!! and how you write! >//<
That was a wonderful story!!!
I really enjoyed it!!!
ffloverespukiss #7
Okay... I'm in love with this story.. I don't know why, but at intense scenes I would have these weird feelings... and at the fight and the I'm not talking to you part, my tears fell. I don't even feel this is angsty, yet I just got carried away. You are really a special writer. I like how you write.
BTW, sorry for spamming your notifs, I just love your stories so much.
silverfishey #8
Vey nice story.
I can imagine that this kind of situation was happen in their real life.
Thank for sharing this awesome fic. XD
carolina #9
hehehe... its very nice story..
I dont know why, but the way you write KyuHyuk story is so Awesomeee!!
you're the best!! ^^