The Line Between Destiny And Chance 19th Day

The Line Between Destiny And Chance


---[19 - FRIDAY]

HeeChul woke up early in the morning. He felt warmth surrounding him and looked to his left where SiWon was lying, still embracing him tightly just like how they fell asleep.

HeeChul smiled at that and snuggled closer to him, closing his eyes once again and kissing the other's skin near his collarbone softly.

That moment, the door flew open and crashed to the other wall, revealing Chin-Sun who ran to the bed.

She stopped at the sight of SiWon and HeeChul sleeping like that and thought for a moment if she should disturb them or not.

HeeChul chuckled when he realized his daughter's cute attitude and opened his eyes. He backed away slightly to make room between him and SiWon and smiled at her.

"Come here, baby girl," he told her with a soft voice and she grinned brightly while climbing between them. "But I told you not to call me-"

"-Baby girl. I know. But you can't change it, you'll always be my cute, little baby girl," HeeChul announced with a smirk and Chin-Sun laughed silently, not too loud, so SiWon wouldn't wake up.

When Chin-Sun was comfortable with how she was lying right now, HeeChul pulled SiWon's arm over her and around his own waist before he put his own arm over his daughter and to SiWon's body, so that the little girl was hugged by both.

Chin-Sun grinned happily.

"Appa, will I really have a brother or sister soon?" she asked then with big eyes. HeeChul heard her excitement in her voice and nodded with a small smile.

He still didn't want this but SiWon gave him enough strenght and Chin-Sun's beautiful smile due to the anticipation made him more confident. "But not that soon. I've still some more month in front of me," HeeChul explained to her and she hugged him with a big grin.

"I love you, my baby girl," HeeChul whispered and leaned down to give her a kiss on her head.

She beamed and answered quickly. "I love you, too, Appa. Soooo much," she announced and squeezed him as tightly as possible to make her point.

HeeChul coughed. "Ah. I can't breathe, Chin-Sunnie," he managed to say while he was panting, but somehow still laughed as well.

Chin-Sun smirked. "Appa, will SiWonnie stay with us from now on? Can he live with us?" the little girl then asked seriously.

HeeChul smiled a warm smile. He loved his daughter too much. Even though he didn't know SiWon's opinion to that, he still told Chin-Sun: "Yes, I hope so."

"But you want that, too, right, Appa? And he surely also wants that, too. Soon, we can all live happily together," Chin-Sun exclaimed and HeeChul laughed. "Yeah. Chin-Sunnie baby, of course I want him to live with us. He still lives with his parents, so maybe we can get our own house someday and he can move in with us."

"I really want him to," Chin-Sun stated and closed her eyes. "I love you both, Appa," she murmured and snuggled closer to them.

HeeChul chuckled and kissed her head once again. "We both love you, too, little Chin-Sunnie," HeeChul replied and hugged the two most important people in his life even tighter.

"Hmhmm," SiWon's sleepy voice was heard and Chin-Sun turned around in surprise as well as HeeChul, looking at SiWon.

SiWon smiled softly.

"I didn't know you were awake," HeeChul stated with a raised eyebrow but smiled nonetheless.

"I just woke up," SiWon told them with a chuckle and tightened his grip on both.

"Can we go shopping today?" Chin-Sun asked with a big smile. "And afterwards we go to the beach," she suggested and grinned happily.

"But Chin-Sunnie, you know I've no mon-" HeeChul began but was quickly interrupted by SiWon. "Alright. We'll go there, okay?"

Chin-Sun nodded in satisfaction while HeeChul shook his head in disbelief. "You can't allow her everything!" he stated, causing Chin-Sun to pout and SiWon to laugh. "I know but we are on vacation. Let's enjoy this. Don't worry for the money. I worked hard until now and I'm happy to spent my money to make you happy, so it's okay. Only this time," SiWon explained and HeeChul sighed but nodded with a small smile.

"Then let's go, wash yourself and change your clothes," HeeChul told his daughter and she nodded eagerly and jumped out of the big bed, leaving the other two quickly.

HeeChul observed SiWon carefully with a small smile. SiWon returned the smile. "Have you been serious before, HeeChul?"

HeeChul frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

SiWon's smile was so lovingly when he replied. "That you want me to live with you," he said and HeeChul blushed. "You were awake? Didn't you just say you woke up right now?" he asked shocked.

SiWon smirked. "Well, back then, I was awake."

HeeChul looked away in embarassment but SiWon pulled his face quickly back, so that they could look into each other's eyes. "Tell the truth, HeeChul," SiWon demanded seriously and HeeChul gulped but then smiled. "Chin-Sun's missing a whole family. She wants you to live with us," he said.

"I heard her. But I'm asking about you," SiWon stated and now, HeeChul really had no other choice. "Yeah. Actually, I would like that, too. But I also understand that's not possible and you want to live in your parents' house. It's okay," he explained, making SiWon quite surprised. "Why is it not possible?" he wondered loudly.

"Well, you know. Because..." HeeChul looked helplessly around as if that would help him to find an answer.

"Honestly, HeeChul, do you want that or not? Me living with you?" SiWon asked once again. HeeChul thought for a moment about it and then he answered with a silent "Yes."

"Why not do it? I really want to be with you the whole time. I think we work quite well together. Look at the years we are together now. Also, you are pregnant and I want to be there for you and support you," SiWon announced with a confident smile.

HeeChul stared at him for at least a minute before a smile appeared on his face as well. "Can you really move in with us?" He didn't know why but it didn't feel real. It felt like a dream, so HeeChul just had to ask.

"Yes," SiWon answered and pressed HeeChul's body tightly to his own.

"...But there is still my uncle...," HeeChul murmured quietly.

"Somehow we'll find a way. I love you, Chullie," SiWon whispered into his boyfriend's ear and kissed HeeChul gently.

HeeChul smiled briefly but then looked down.

SiWon followed his gaze. He smiled and let his hand slowly go down to HeeChul's tummy, pulling the shirt up and starting to caress it softly.

HeeChul felt uncomfortable at first. He wanted to back away, even though there was not much of a chance that he could turn away when he was lying on his back.

"I really do love you. Trust me. I'll take care of you and be there for you," SiWon murmured against HeeChul's stomach and placed a kiss onto it.

HeeChul pulled SiWon's head up to his own. "Don't. Kiss me here," HeeChul told him and SiWon was smiling softly and he did what he was told to do.

HeeChul sighed into the kiss while SiWon's hand kept on caressing the other's stomach. Of course, SiWon couldn't feel that HeeChul was pregnant but it made him happy to know that there was something that belonged to them. Something that belonged to HeeChul and him. Something that they had created and wasn't even a something. It was their own child.

"I love you, too, SiWonnie," HeeChul eventually answered silently.

SiWon looked in his eyes and placed another kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

HeeChul pulled him closer to himself and soon, SiWon was lying on top of HeeChul, kissing him passionately.

" you think...this...this is such a good idea...right now?" HeeChul panted in between kisses but still continued to kiss back nonetheless.

"Appa!" was suddenly heard and the door flew open, revealing a brightly smiling Chin-Sun.

HeeChul and SiWon let go of each other immediately.

"I'm ready!" Chin-Sun exclaimed with a grin. HeeChul wasn't sure if she caught them making out but going by her bright smile, she hadn't.

"Fine. SiWonnie, you go next," HeeChul decided and pushed SiWon out of their bed and afterwards he quickly pulled his shirt back down before Chin-Sun would notice it.

SiWon nodded and left the room after he had ruffled through Chin-Sun's hair.

"Yah!" Chin-Sun exclaimed with a pout but couldn't help but laugh with her Appa when HeeChul started to chuckle at his daughter's reaction.

"Ah, my baby girl," HeeChul murmured and stood up to hug her tightly.

"Appa, I love you," Chin-Sun told him and hugged him back.

"I love you, too. I love you even more," HeeChul answered back and grinned.

SiWon was quick with his shower and it took him only a few minutes to come out of the bathroom, already fully dressed and smiling brightly.

"I'm ready as well," SiWon announced and Chin-Sun ran towards him, jumping in his arms.

SiWon was quite surprised but was quick enough to hold her.

He smiled thankfully because Chin-Sun started to treat him really like a father.

HeeChul chuckled at them even though he felt a little bit jealous.

"Chin-Sunnie, come down," he stated and Chin-Sun stared at him in question. "Why?" she asked and SiWon looked at HeeChul in surprise and wonder as well.

"Don't worry. I can hold her. She isn't that heavy," he stated teasingly and Chin-Sun glared at SiWon and hit him. "You're mean, Appa," she announced and turned her face away, although she didn't show a sign that she wanted to be let down. She had remembered calling SiWon 'Appa' once again.

SiWon held her and smirked. "You are so cute," he murmured and patted her head.

HeeChul watched how Chin-Sun turned to SiWon with a big smile on her face and kissed his cheek.

Without a word, HeeChul went to the bathroom and took a shower. He loved to take long showers, more so when he was in a bad mood but he also knew that his daughter wanted to go to the city, so he couldn't take the time he would have wanted.

HeeChul sighed and let the water fall on top of him. He didn't even understand why he was jealous. He loved them both. He just didn't want to lose Chin-Sun.

"That makes no sense at all," he groaned and looked down at his stomach in frustration. His anger disappeared and was replaced by worry.

"I so don't know what to do...," he whispered to himself and put his hand on his tummy. "Am I afraid...?" he wondered himself silently and closed his eyes, only feeling the moment.

"Maybe...," he answered eventually and sighed once again. At least, he didn't feel sick today.

"Damn, but SiWon told me he wanted to take care of me and us," HeeChul remembered. He just had the habit to talk to himself when he was alone because then it felt that there was someone who listened to him. He did this since his school days, since he had been alone and by himself. Since the time, everyone talked about these rumors after he had been pregnant for the first time.

HeeChul closed his eyes even tighter. He hated to remember his old days because that led him to all the bad memories like his mother's death or when he had been .

"....I feel insecure about me and SiWon," HeeChul admitted to himself. He wished his mother would have been there right now. He missed her but the illness had changed her a lot just before she had died.


It was late in the evening and SiWon, Chin-Sun and HeeChul had been shopping the whole time although HeeChul refused to choose something that SiWon could buy him, so in the end, only Chin-Sun had a new cute dress.

They went back to their suite and left the bag there. Then they headed for the beach. The sun was still shining but it could be noticed that soon, it would go down.

"Let's play together," Chin-Sun exclaimed and took SiWon's and HeeChul's hand before she dragged them along the beach, collecting stones and shells and everything, she thought, was beautiful.

They enjoyed the warmth and each other's presence. It was a good feeling to just have each other and not have to think of all the stress of their usual lives because now, they were far enough away.

They didn't need to care. Not right now on their last day of vacation.



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samirajoon #1
Chapter 33: it was a happy chapter.i love it.but you always update in like years...or decade ...
mangafrick #2
Chapter 33: OMGi has been twice to read this fanfic and haven't update yet update fast please
Chapter 33: update pls i like it really
heepetal, heechul's #1 fan
mangafrick #4
Chapter 33: update soon please i'm so curious to know the next what will happen to them
When do you continue this story?:) I've found it a few days ago and start to read the first part and now I'm finished with these chapters, too^^ And I saw that your last update is far away, so please do us a favor and update soon?
proudtobe-ELFandCass #6
I'm patiently waiting till you update...but come wanna give me a hard time...update please
proudtobe-ELFandCass #7
I loved this chapter alot
Hmmm maybe i'm reading TOO much in to this, but Siwon is ALWAYS tired... Hmmmm... Something is fishy...
proudtobe-ELFandCass #9
Thank god...the end of tragedy(i hope)...finally they got together...
Aww... Ugh that's adorable.