April 14th, 1912. Lee Taemin.

Never Brighter (SHINee) (Titanic)


April 14th, 1912. Lee Taemin.

The crew took us to the deck, where we had to wait with the other first class passengers. I tried to struggle and get away, but Jonghyun was holding on to me like I was his life vest that would save him. I hated it. I hated him. I hated being someones possession. 

"Stop struggling!" Jonghyun hissed. I spit in his face and stomped on his feet. A loud curse sounded form his mouth as his grip on me loosened. I took off right away and ran back inside, bumping in to a crew member. "You!" I yelled. "Where do they take arrested passengers?"

"That would be back of the 3rd class, why?" I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me towards the elevators. I pushed him inside and closed the doors behind us.

"Take me there." I commanded. 

"A- are you out of your mind?!" He said back. "It's one big chaos down there!" I grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall, my face close to his. 

"Take. Me. There." I hissed. I could see the fear in his eyes as I slowly let go of him and he made the elevator go down. Satisfied, I walked towards the doors and waited for them to open. When they did, water started to seep inside, which caused the crew member to scream in shock.

"Sir! We should go back!" He said, panicking. I didn't reply, pushing the doors further open and stepping out of the elevator, my shoes immediately soaked by the cold water, that was about 20 cm deep. I started to walk towards the back section of the 3rd class, ignoring the crew member as he screamed that I was crazy. I could hear the elevator go back up and I sighed, starting to feel the panic myself. 

"Minho!" I screamed. "Minho! Where are you?!" The water was freezing cold, and my heart stopped for a second when the lights started to fade. They immediately turned back on, and I started to run into one of the hallways. "Minho! Can you hear me?! Minho!"

"Taemin?!" I felt tears of relief creeping up when I heard his voice. "Taemin! I'm right here!" I followed the sound of his screams towards the last room on the left. I pushed the door open and saw him standing on a chair, his hands cuffed to a metal bar that was up against a wall. 

"Taemin, you idiot! Why did you come for me?" Minho half yelled, half laughed, with tears appearing in his eyes. His emotions were about as mixed as my own. I ran towards him, cupped his cheeks with my hands and kissed him. He immediately kissed me back.

"I… I had to come for you." I whispered, looking deeply into his eyes before kissing him again.

"You're an idiot. I love you." Minho replied, breaking the kiss. I nodded and turned around.

"I'll look for the keys." I said, pointing at the handcuffs that had kept him from running away. 

"They are the small, silver ones." Minho said, while I opened every drawer in the room and searched it, but the keys were no where to be found. 

"." I hissed, the water now reaching up to my knees. 

"Hurry up Taemin!" Minho said, panicking. 

"I can't find them!" I cried. 

"Wait! The gun! Grab the gun!" Minho nodded his head towards the desk that was now starting to get pushed away by the water. 

"What?!" I yelled in horror, looking at the hand gun that was placed on the desk.

"Grab it and fire it at the chains of the handcuffs!"

"Are you crazy?!" I screamed, "I can't shoot properly!"

"Do you have a better Idea?" Minho said, still pulling his handcuffs, trying to break the bar. "Just try not to shoot my hands." I swallowed hard at the Idea.

"Thanks for the pep talk." I murmured, grabbing the gun and pointing it at the chain that kept his hands together. 

"Wait!" Minho screamed. "Please be careful." I could see that he didn't trust me with the gun, and he was right. I had never even hold one in my whole life, let alone shoot one. I swallowed, nodded and pointed the gun close to the chain. I screamed when I heard the shot right after I pulled the trigger, and so did Minho. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands, that were still cuffed, but no longer chained together. He smiled at me and pulled me into an embrace.

"We have to go!" I said, puling him towards the door. The water was up to my waist know, and I can't remember anything being as cold as that water was. I thought of when Minho had saved me from falling, and what he'd told me about the water feeling like a thousand knives. He lied. There were at least millions of them stabbing my all over my body. 

"The stares are right there!" Minho screamed, pointing in a certain direction. I nodded and started to go to the stairs as fast as I could. The water rose quickly, and when we started to climd up the stares, almost the entire back section of the 3rd class was underwater. We looked back for a moment and then continued to run toward the sound of people yelling.

"Let us out! The ship is sinking!" A man yelled to the two crew members that were standing behind the closed gates that led to the 2nd class section and eventually to the main room of the ship, from where they could get to the deck.

"We have to wait until the first class is ready." The crew members said, trying to calm the people that were pushed against the gate.

"Give us a chance to save ourselves! Where's your humanity?!" Minho looked up hearing that voice, seeing Jinki grabbing one of the crew members through the gate. The crew members backed down so he had to let go. "You bastards!" Jinki shouted. 

"Jinki!" Minho yelled. Jinki's had turned around when he heard his name and he ran back towards Minho when he recognized his friend.

"Minho! I'm so glad you're okay! Hello Taemin." I nodded awkwardly as Minho embraced his friend. One of the 3rd class passengers started to lift up a big, wooden bench that was standing in the hallway. Minho and Jinki ran towards him to help, and I quickly followed.

"Move! Out of the way!" I screamed. The passengers that were still trying to convince the crew members quickly got out of the way and Minho screamed as the bench hit the metal gates. 

"Stop it!" The crew members yelled. "I order you to stop!"

"I order you to shut the up!" Minho growled back, and we rammed the bench into the gate again. The lock gave in and Minho started to pull one of the doors, opening it with a loud roar coming from his mouth. He grabbed me and pushed me through the gates. He followed after me and we started to run. Soon after, a huge wave flooded the 2nd class, making us fall over.

"Minho!" I screamed, looking for a sign of him in the ice cold water. The water led me towards the stairs and I grabbed the railing to keep myself from getting pulled away further. I looked around, panicking, to find Minho on the other side of the hallway. 

"Minho!" I yelled. His skin was unusually pale. He quickly came swimming my way and I grabbed his hand to keep him from getting pulled away by the stream. He pushed me up the stairs and followed right behind me as we ran towards the main hallway of the ship. We reached the deck, finally, and I somehow felt relieved. That was until my eyes met Jonghyun's.




Thanks everyone for reading, subscribing and ofcourse for your nice comments! It really helps to know that you guys like what I write. If you'd like to read another story written by me, you can check out 'Key's Lullaby', a story in which Kibum suffers a rare case of amnesia, and he forgets everything from his life as trainee and as a SHINee member and the others must slowly help him regain his memories. Ofcourse, not without troubles. It's a comedy! Check it out right here!

Ah.. We're almost at the end of the story. Maybe one or two chapters left... Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I'll start working on the next one after updating Key's lullaby! 



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Chapter 16: I love this movie, it's one of my favourites, I cried every single time ._.
and this story.. I love it. It's perfectly written. I cried so hard! I love the quotes from the original movie, it just adds to the feeling of the story.
Chapter 16: I already knew the end, of course, but I couldn't help but cry... This is so sad TT-TT
luciole #3
Told myself that it was stupid to cry reading this knowing the end by heart but well... I must be really stupid... What do I look like at 12:50 (supposed to sleep) crying in my room witg my cats as my only mental support?
espiral852 #4
Chapter 16: REALLY a beutiful story
ahhh!! I cried DX
This was beautiful
This story makes me want to watch titanic....I think i'll like the movie more now after watching this because of 2min.
OMO!! I CRYED!! So sad that Minho died ㅠㅠ and onew died too! Your such a good writer~ <3
I love your writing.
This is written beautifully!
kpoplover101 #9
gosh..........i'm depressed. it's funny how the next time i watch titanic all i'll be seeing is 2min.
jabbers23 #10
so sad....aish...making me cry
well, this is really really well written and i'll think of 2min when i watch the titanic..