"i don't want to die..."

The Die is Cast

“I’m sick Kang-in.”

“I don’t want to die…”

Those words echoed within Kang-in. He dared not believed it but he knew, deep down, he knew that Kibum would never be the same again. He could hear his heart shatter in to pieces at every tear that came out of Kibum’s angelic face. It’s going to be fine he wanted to say it but he knew it was a lie.

A week later, Kibum packed his things up and bought a ticket for America. It was the day after his flight that everyone knew he wasn’t enrolled at the university anymore and only his friends knew why.

Although Kibum constantly keeps in contact with them it never put Kang-in at ease, he could see behind the pretense Kibum has come up with. But he tried to cheer up for his sake as well, and every after call he would lock himself in his room and cry silently or get some comfort from the others.



Raccoon:How are you doing over there? I thought you’d only stay in U.S. for a while?

* asked Kang-in through chat. It took a while before Kibum replied.

Sleeping Beauty:I’m having my rehab here. Don’t worry I’m doing fine.


Sleeping Beauty:… don’t be like that Kang-in

Raccoon:You said that you’d just talk to your folks so come back and do your rehab here!

Sleeping Beauty:Doctor said I can’t travel anymore… I’m going back to rehab send my regards to the others.

Sleeping Beauty signed off…


Kang-in punched the wall in frustration.

“Why don’t you go?” asked Donghae who was observing him from the kitchen and eating ramen.

“We have school Donghae.” Answered Kang-in.

“There’s the semestral break, summer, Christmas… there’s a lot of holidays hyung,” suggested Donghae as he continued to enjoy his ramen.

“Ah,” sighed Kang-in, hitting his head for his own stupidity. “How can I be so stupid not to think about that?! Thanks Donghae,” he said a bit lighthearted now; Donghae smiled and returned to the kitchen.


When they finally had their semestral break Kang-in bought a ticket for the U.S. with the hopes of seeing Kibum. He knew Kibum wouldn’t give him his address so he begged it from Dr. Choi.

“Please! Just the address of the hospital he is taking his rehab… please… I beg you… you surely must know something.” Begged Kang-in his voice was already shaking.

Dr. Choi sighed deeply. “Alright, I’ll give it to you. Just stand up from there,” he said just to stop Kang-in from genuflecting and gave him a piece of paper. Kang-in held on to the paper as if it were some precious stone.




Kibum was in one of his sessions when Kang-in came to the hospital. Despite Kibum’s current condition, he still did his best and the site of him enduring so much made Kang-in’s heart break. He has changed; he wasn’t the Kibum he once knew. That angelic face, although still saintly, looked gaunt and thin; his strength decreasing that even standing for at least a minute needs more effort from Kibum.

“Hey.” Kang-in greeted, after Kibum’s session.

Surprise was surely written all over Kibum’s face, then there’s sadness but also joy. “How’d you come here?” asked Kibum, wiping sweat off his face.

“Plane?” replied Kang-in sarcastically.


Kang-in, for his three-week stay spent almost every day with Kibum. Keeping a smile always in front of Kibum and crying silently during his sleep wishing that all of these were just a dream and that Kibum slowly slipping away was just a joke.

He saw Kibum fall and stumble, watched his face contort and grimace just to breathe normally and witnessed how Kibum’s functions are slowly degrading back into infancy.


“I’ll come back on Christmas. Wait for me then,” he said, his day of departure nearing.

Kibum smiled and nodded. “Thank you for coming and sorry for using up your vacation time.”

Kang-in punched Kibum’s arm as lightly as he could ever hit. “What are you talking about? We’re friends, right? This is the least I can do..” he replied forcing himself to sound chipper and waved goodbye.




Kibum wanted to stay away from the hospital, if he were to die, he wanted it somewhere cozy. Somewhere that brought in happy memories and more.


 At Christmas break, Kang-in returned to the U.S. with the others.

“Surprise!” they greeted Kibum.

“You guys!” exclaimed Kibum. The happiness he felt was so much that he cried.

“Whoa! Kibum cried!” teased Donghae as he nudges Kibum.

Everyone played with Kibum as if nothing happened, as if it were like old times. They partied at Kibum’s parents’ chateau and slept there. It was only Kibum and Kang-in left.

“How did you like our Christmas gift?” asked Kang-in, drinking the last of his beer.

“It was… unexpected. Thanks,” replied Kibum. “I just wished I could drink some beer.”

Kang-in laughed and tried to share his can. Kibum refused. “Stop torturing me. You know I can’t have one… I can’t have most things now, since my swallowing reflex has also weakened.”

Kang-in noticed that Kibum didn’t eat much. His smile faded.


“How’s the rehab going?” he asked casually.

“As you can see, I’m as weak as a toddler,” answered Kibum, sounding cheerful, he even managed a smile.

“Don’t try to act tough Kibum! You’re making it even more difficult,” retorted Kang-in, he couldn’t stop the tears anymore they’re already falling. He wished there was a faucet somewhere in his brain to shut off the emotional outflow.

“Kang-in its all because of all of you that I managed to be strong,” Kibum explained. “Thank you for that…. If Donghae didn’t made that mistake I wouldn’t have made a friend…” Kibum paused and turned to look at the sleeping Donghae, “and I thank him for that.”

“Kibum, stop! You’re saying things as if it’s your last,” Said Kang-in anxiously, wiping away his tears.

“If you didn’t show up I wouldn’t make more friends..” another pause, then Kibum’s lips turned into a soft, genteel smile, “and I thank you for that…” he said as he placed his bony appendages over Kang-in’s trembling ones. “When I went to Korea I was alone but you guys came, again thank you.”


“Lastly, I thought, when I learned about this disease, that all hope is gone but you guys keep cheering me on, that promise we made was the only thing that made me hold on to life longer though it already hurts,” Kibum’s voice was shaking, his breathing ragged, and his tears flowing down like streams over his cheekbones. He noticed that the others were already awake and smiled at them; he knew they were listening somehow.


Though it had become harder to breath but he went on. “I’m really grateful to have friends like you guys. Please face life with a smile and don’t get caught up with the past. Promise me, especially you Kang-in,” Kibum said as he put pressure on the hands below his palms.


They were hesitant but Kibum looked so ethereal. “Alright, we’ll try.” They said in chorus.

Kibum smiled. “Good. Now we can have our sleep,” He looked at the clock at his bedside table. “Hey! It’s already Christmas! Merry Christmas you guys.” He said rather ecstatically.


They partied again when they woke up, it was Christmas after all, and in the midst of the party, Kibum took a nap. Kang-in tried to wake him up, but Kibum was still asleep. Suddenly, Kang-in’s heart wouldn’t stop beating nervously. Everyone fell silent and tried to wake him up.


Hankyung went to get Kibum’s parents and the private doctor and nurse.

“Kibum! C’mon stop joking around!” exclaimed Kang-in, shaking Kibum.

“This isn’t funny.” Said Donghae.

Yesung placed his index and middle fingers at Kibum’s wrist and felt for his pulse, but found none.

They were already in tears.

“Kibum! KIBUM!” shouted Kang-in, called Kang-in. He had to be held down while the doctor and nurse tried to resuscitate Kibum, however, fifteen minutes later the doctor gravely, regretfully officially declared Kibum dead.


 “Don’t go Kibum… I haven’t told you..” Kang-in went on, hugging Kibum’s lifeless body…




Kang-in was asleep, mumbling something.

“I haven’t told you that I – I –“ he murmured. He was sleeping on the couch, hugging a pillow very tightly.

“Tell me what?” answered a curious Kibum.

“Tell you that…” answered Kang-in, waking up groggily. When he saw Kibum in front of him he stopped. 


“Kibum, you’re alive!” he explained.

Kibum looked confused.

“What’re you talking about?” asked Yesung who was watching t.v.

“Of course I’m alive! Stupid. What were you dreaming about?” said Kibum with a laugh.


It was just a dream?Kang-in thought happily as he scanned the room filled with everyone including Kibum.

 “Nothing.” Kang-in said with a laugh and went for the door. “I’m gonna go for a walk and maybe I’ll go get something, what do you want?” he said trying to sound casual. He was at the door when Kibum volunteered to join him.


“What were you dreaming about?” Kibum said while they were in their walk.

“It was nothing,” answered Kang-in.

“You seemed distressed,” Kibum probed more.

“I dreamed you died cause of some disease. Funny right?” he said laughing.

“ah… that seems unlikely,” replied Kibum.

“Really? You’re not hiding something right? Coz if that would come true I would..” said Kang-in. Kibum stopped.


They were in front the fountain at the park, they were practically alone now. The sun was setting.

“You would what?”

“I’d really make sure that this time, unlike the dream, I’d show you how much you mean to me.”

 “You’d wait till I’d be engulfed by some illness?” said Kibum sarcastically, smiling lopsidedly.

Kang-in shook his head. “I don’t want that to happen! It already broke my heart in the dream, I don’t want to experience it again! I don’t want to lose you Kibum. You’re a very important person to me.”

Kibum stepped closer to Kang-in, this soft, vulnerable side of Kang-in was something he hadn’t seen before and he found it cute and charming. Kibum gave him a peck in the cheek.


“Thank you but where’s Kang-in and what have you done with him?” He said as a joke.

“I’m being serious here and you act like it’s a joke! That dream really got to me,” retorted Kang-in, annoyed and flustering bright red; he folded his arms in front of him, pouting.

Kibum laughed. “Sorry… Kang-in.” he called.

Kang-in looked at him, still pouting.

“You’re also a very important person to me.” Kibum said smiling, hitting a warm spot in Kang-in’s heart.


I’d never get tired of this angelic face, and I’m glad that it was just a dream. Forever. I want to be by your side forever…Kang-in mused happily as he and Kibum went to buy something for dinner.

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when Kangin woke up i was like... HALLELUJAH KIBUM'S ALIIIIVE! >.< everyone was staring at me after. hahaha! love this story so much. :)
naznew #2
I thought kibum is really die...
So is just a bad dream...
memoire- #3
I thought it was real and that scared the hell outta me T^T Thankiew for making the ending sweet :D
Akira_kpoplover #4
I'm happy that was just a dream...TvT <3
The disease is real right?
This reminds me too much of something.
I loved this. Either way.
But really,a dream? XD
ahem. dont mind me.
was. spazzing over the.
tasticallyamahjjiiiiiing poster
It's so romantic, eventhough just dream,..

KangIn and Kibum,mmm... Unique couple

And there is donghae too :P

Keep going write my firend... ^_^