47 /// I'VE SAID IT

A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.
You looked at your watch, "6:00 PM," it states. 
"I'm sorry. It's late and I've got to head home now for dinner," you said as you stood up from your seat and bowed.
He stood up immediately in front of you.
"It was nice talking to you, Haewon-shi. It was great, having a change of company for a moment," you continued.
"Would you like me to send you home, TaeAh-shi? It's raining badly outside," he said as both of you looked out of the window.
"And, you don't have an umbrella," he continued.
You smiled, "It's ok. I'll be alright. I'll just flag down a cab," you replied.
- - -
"Ahjussi, please make a left turn here, please," you said to the cab driver politely.
You were lucky enough to get a cab as soon as you stepped out of the cafe. The downpour hadn't stop. It was pouring even greatly.
You squinted your eyes slightly as you tried to make out the surroundings of your neighbourhood.
You spotted a figure sitting down by the front door of your house.
"Who could that be?" you thought to yourself.
Not wanting to distract your aim of going home, "Ahjussi, please stop at that house," you said as you pointed towards a direction.
The cab driver did as per instructed and you gladly paid him for the transportation charge.
You said your thanks to the cab driver and exited the cab quickly, trying your best to avoid the rain.
You made a mad dash towards the front door as it was the only shelter.
"TaeAh-shi," you heard a voice calling you softly from nearby.
You turned to look as it seemed to be coming from the stranger who you were standing beside with. He was squatting beside you and had his hood over his head while his head was looking down. You couldn't make out who it was.
"Huh?" you said as you slowly bend down to his level.
You placed a hand on his shoulders. You could feel that his clothes were wet. He must have been drenched in the pouring rain. 
"Excuse me, mister," you said and you slowly patted his shoulders, hoping that he'll turn his head to face you.
"TaeAh-shi," he said as he slowly reveals his face to you.
You were slightly taken aback, "Ghun-shi?" you said.
"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" you continued as you stared at him.
He smiled, "I was here.. Waiting for you as you had instructed," he replied cheekily.
You smacked his arm, "Oh my god. You fool, I was just kidding earlier. You didn't have to listen to everything I say," you said as you stood up.
"How long have you been waiting out here, huh?" you asked as you slowly took out your keys from your pocket.
"Since you hung up on me," he replied as he smiled at you.
You push the door open and grabbed his arm, "Come on now, get up. Let's get inside," you said as you pulled him up and dragged him into the house.
- - -
You heard some noises in the kitchen and you figured that it could be your mom preparing the dinner. 
You turned to look at him, "Wait here and don't move an inch," you instructed before disappearing into the kitchen.
- - -
"Oh, TaeAh-shi, you're home," your mom said upon seeing you entering the kitchen.
"Omma, Ghun's here...," you said as you saw her grabbing a bowl from the counter.
"Ghun-shi?" she interrupted as she placed the bowl down in front of her.
She looked at you and smiled, "Where is he, dear?" she asked as she walked towards you.
"Err... I told him to wait in the living room...," you replied.
- - -
"Why are your clothes drenched, my dear boy?" your mom asked as she looked at him.
"It's ok, Mrs. Park. I...," he said.
"Wait here while I go and grab some clothes for you to change into. Poor boy, we wouldn't want you to fall sick, won't we, TaeAh-shi?" your mom said as she shot a glance at you.
"Huh? Errr... Yes, omma," you replied.
"Ah yes... Ghun-shi, stay for dinner while we wait for your clothes to dry, will you?" she asked with a smile on her face.
Upon hearing those words, you stared at him. 
"Oh omma, no," you thought. 
He smiled as he glanced at you, "I would love too," he said.
- - -
"I hope these clothes fit you, dear. They belonged to Mr. Park when he was a fine, young man like you," your mom said, chuckling briefly as she handed the clothes to him.
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Park," he replied and bowed in respect.
Your mom walked towards you with a sinister smile on her face. She's up to no good with that look.
"Omma, what are you going to do this time?" you thought as she wrapped her arm on your shoulders.
"TaeAh-shi, dear, would you kindly show Ghun to your room to change?" she asked as she looked at you.
"Huh?" you replied, "My room?" you continued.
"You must be kidding me, omma," you added.
Seemingly to ignore your reaction, she turned to look at him and said, "Dear, please follow TaeAh-shi to her room to get change, will you?" as she winked at him.
She moved her arm away from your shoulder and placed both of her hands on your shoulders, she turned you around and gave you a push forward.
"Go on now, I don't want Ghun to fall sick," she said from behind you.
"Omma," you said as she pushed you again.
"Ghun, take her, will you?" you heard your mom said as you turned your head.
Instead of facing your mom, you were facing Ghun instead. He looked at you and grinned. He slowly slipped his hands into yours.
"Shall we go now? To your room?" he said, winking at you.
You started walking when you heard your mom said, "I'll call for the both of you later. Come when dinner's ready, will you? Both of you, you love birds."
"And, TaeAh-shi, you should get changed too. I don't want you to fall sick too," she added.
You saw Ghun looking at you with a sinister look on his face.
"Oh god," you thought.
- - -
All fresh and clean in dry clothes, you turned the door knob and pulled the door open, "I'm done. You turn next," you said as you stepped out of the room.
He took a step towards you and sniffed, "You smell good, gorgeous," he said, smiling.
"Get in the room and change. Now," you instructed as you look a step back away from him.
He chuckled and entered the room as per instructed.
"Aren't you coming in, gorgeous?" he asked as he placed the dry clothes on your bed.
"Nope, I'll just wait outside here while you change," you replied.
He started to take off his jacket, revealing a gray t-shirt underneath it.
"Oh my god, how could he have forgot to take off that t-shirt along with it," a voice in your hear said excitedly.
"TaeAh-shi, watch him as he strips in front of you!" another voice added.
You shook your head furiously, trying to remove any lust thoughts in your head as you quickly placed your hand on the door knob.
"Wait! Let me shut the door before you start stripping your clothes," you said as you slowly pulled the door closer towards you.
"Come on, gorgeous. Don't you want to see me change?" he replied as he slowly walked towards you.
He had begun to his jeans as he walked.
"TaeAh-shi, come in. You're going to like it," he teased as he got nearer.
Shocked, you shut your eyes and pulled the door shut, "Stay where you are and change," you said with your back against the door.
You sighed with relieved, "That was close," you continued as you murmured underneath your breath.
You heard him laugh from behind the door.
And, you heard him say, "Oh TaeAh-shi, you're cute when you're shy."
- - -
You leaned against the wall by the door. Ten minutes had already passed.
"What's taking him so long?" you thought.
Seconds later, you heard the door swung open.
"I'm done," you heard him said from inside your room.
You popped your head at the door to see what he was doing as he didn't come out of the room.
You spotted his clothes, piled up just beside the door entrance.
Your eyes roved around to see where he was. It shocked you to see him lying on your bed as he smiled at you.
You quickly rushed into the room and had your hands on your hips.
"What are you doing on my bed? Get up," you said as you motioned him to move.
"Make me," he teased as he folded his arms.
You stared at him, "Why you...," you said.
"Come on here and get me out if you don't like me lying on your bed," he replied with a smirk on his face.
 "You're so going to get it from me," you said as you walked towards your bed, cracking your knuckles at the same time.
"I love it when you get mad, gorgeous," he teased.
"Shut up," you said.
You grabbed his arm and tried to pull and drag him out of the bed. No matter how hard you tried, he was too strong for you. Not wanting to give up, you continued while he laughed at you whole entire time.
"Just give it up, TaeAh-shi," he said sarcastically.
"No," you replied.
Sensing that you were exhausted, with just a few swift moves, he grabbed your arm and forcefully pulled you towards him.
Shocked by his sudden action, you lost your balance and fell on top of him. You looked at him to see him smiling at you as he some of your hair behind your ear.
"Tired much, huh?" he joked.
You sneered as he slowly moved you to his side. You wanted to get away but he still has his grip on you.
"TaeAh-shi, stop moving. Aren't you tired?" he said as he wrapped both of his arms around you.
"Stay still and I'll move my arms away, or we'll just have to stay in this position till we fall asleep," he continued.
"Aish...," you said as you stopped fidgeting.
"That's more like it," he replied.
His arms was still wrapped around you.
You pointed to it, "So, what are you waiting for now?" you asked.
He looked at you and grinned, "Can we stay like this just for a while more?" he replied as he blinked his eyes.
"Huh? What? But you said...," you said.
You could feel him tightening his arms around you.
"Please?" he said as he pouted his lips at you.
He looked too cute for you to resist, with his pouty lips and fresh -looking face just inches away from yours. He smells good at the same time.
"Fine," you replied as you calmed down.
He released his arms from around you and used the hand from underneath you to bring your head towards his chest. 
You could hear his heart beating fast and his body felt welcomely warm to you. You closed your eyes, trying to embrace his warmth as you felt his placing his chin on your head.
One of his hands was on your waist while the other was rested on your shoulders.
"I love you, TaeAh-shi," you heard him say.
You opened your eyes but you stayed silent while he said those words.
"Don't you love me too, TaeAh-shi?" you heard him ask.
You stayed silent as you didn't intend to reply him.
"You know, when I was a young boy, I've always dreamt on getting married and starting a family of my own. And most importantly, to find the girl who would share my dreams with me," he said.
You felt him placing a kiss on the top of your head.
"You're not like the rest of the girls. You're different, TaeAh-shi. You're so hard to please. Do you know that?" he continued, jokingly.
You nudged his stomach slightly. He chuckled at your reaction.
"But I love you despite all that. Everyday I wake up and I look forward to see you or even hear your voice," he said as he pulled you closer.
"Come on," you said as you fidget slightly.
"I love you so much, TaeAh-shi, and I want to live the rest of my life with you," he replied.
"I want to marry you and have cute little babies with you. Four, perhaps? Two girls and two boys? The girls would look as gorgeous as you with all of your everything-ness. While the boys would be as good-looking as me and of course, with everything of me. We'll raise them up with so much love and warmth that they'll grow up and pass the love on," he continued.
Your eyes widen in surprised upon his words.
"We'll both grow old together and live the rest of our old age happily. Just the two of us... And our kids... Plus their kids too," he added as he chuckled.
- - -
Your heart was racing like wild fire. You do care for him actually but you just didn't want to show it to him yet.
For sure, he's very much different from Dongwoo. Absolutely sure, he's way far better than Dongwoo.
"I don't know what to say, Ghun-shi. I'm touched. But now, for sure, that if I were to be with you, I know that you'll make me happy for the rest of my life," you thought as turned your head slightly to face his.
"This is it," you continued.
- - -
You looked at him, "Ghun-shi," you said, breaking your silent streak.
He looked at you with a smile in his eyes, "Yes, gorgeous?" he replied.
You moved your head slightly closer to his face and you placed your warm lips against his. You kissed him slowly yet with full of love and warmth.
You pulled away from the kiss, slowly and looked at him with a smile on your face. He looked back at you, surprised yet elated.
"I know that I've been harsh and hard on you all this while but you never gave up," you said.
"You kept trying to win my heart despite my constant rejection. But, you've got me now," you continued.
You gave him a quick peck on his lips.
"I love you, Son Hyunseok," you added.
He looked over the moon upon hearing what you're just said to him. He cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss.
"But, I love you more. Don't you forget that," he said as he pulled away from the kiss slowly.
You chuckled, "No worries about that. I know you won't make me forget it," you replied, jokingly.
"Of course, I won't," he said confidently.
He then looked at you and your hair, "Should we go out after this?" he asked.
"Huh? What for? It's still pouring," you replied, confused.
"Well, we need to go and get married, don't we? I can't wait to make babies with you. I've waited so long," he said, excitedly.
Upon hearing that, you gave him a kick on his thigh.
You looked at him and frowned, "Was that your way of proposing?" you asked.
He grinned, "Did I do well?" he replied.
You slowly pushed his face away from you and tried to wiggle yourself away as you tried to sit upright.
You managed to sit up, "If that's the case, I think I'll pass. Try harder, ok?" you said as you pinched his cheeks.
"Oh, and before I forget, you're graduating from the university this year but I've still got two more years to go. So if you still want to marry me, wait two more years, ok?" you continued.
"By then, I hoped to receive a better proposal from you, ok?" you added.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/