A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.
Back in the States, you weren't the most popular girl in college, let alone be notice by guys such as Haewon or Ghun even. It didn't bother you much though as you weren't ready for a serious relationship at that point of time.
However, as time progresses from the first day of college, you slowly developed a crush on one of your male Korean classmate. His name was Dongwoo.
However, the more you liked him, the more confused you got.
He was quite reserved and most of the time, you would see him sitting at the corner reading by himself. In short, he was a nerd. But, he was a really good-looking nerd.
Surprisingly, you found out that he was quite a hot favourite amongst the girls in your class due his mysterious demure.
"Are you kidding me?" you thought upon that discovery.
You sighed at the thought of having to compete amongst the girls in your class for his attention. 
"It's already hard for me to get a chance to talk to him, let alone him noticing me," you thought.
"Dream on, TaeAh-shi," a voice in your head said.
- - -
"Where's everyone?" you said as you entered the classroom and made your way towards your table.
Class was soon to start in 15 minutes but only a handful of your classmates were in class. Even your teacher wasn't anywhere in sight.
You were in the final year of college and you intend to do so well in your studies so that you'll be able to get a place in a university.
Confused, you quickly took out your phone and clicked on the calendar icon to see if you might have missed out on any activities that happened today.
You scratched your head lightly, "Huh, this is weird. It's not a holiday nor are there any activities for this week," you said as you scrolled down on your phone.
Your eyes widen at the sight of what was writen next.
"Valentine's Day," it read.
You shrugged, "Ahhhh... No wonder. It's that day today," you said.
It would be nice to receive something from a special somone but you knew that it was just your imagination. You didn't expect to receive roses and presents from anyone as you didn't think that anyone could possibly develop a liking for you. 
You were just a normal-looking girl, just trying to do her best in life.
You almost fell off your seat when someone held a bouquet of roses in front of you. You stared at it, stunned.
"These are for you," a male voice could be heard saying to you from behind the roses.
You could feel your cheeks blusing in both happiness and embarrassment. Your mind was screaming in excitement.
"Oh my god," you thought.
Not wanting to sound excited, despite you wanting to explode in happiness already, "Are you sure that these are for me?" you asked the stranger who was still hidden behind the bouquet.
"Yes, it's for you, TaeAh-shi," the voice replied, slowly revealing his face to you.
It was Dongwoo.
Shocked, "Dongwoo-shi?" you said upon seeing his face.
He looked at you and smiled as he held the bouquet of roses firmly in one hand while his other hand was reaching out for yours.
You eyed his every movement as he took your hand and place it on the stem of the bouquet, "Here, they are for you," he said, smiling as he looked at you.
You held the bouquet tight in your hand. You looked at him and gave him an awkward smile. The roses couldn't be from him, it was impossible.
"Errr, Dongwoo-shi. The roses," you said, pointing towards the bouquet, "Who are they from?" you asked, bravely.
He chuckled, "Me," he answered.
"Happy Valentine's Day, TaeAh-shi," he continued as he sat on the chair in front of you.
You sat there looking and staring at the bouquet of roses in shock. 
"Am I dreaming?" you thought to yourself as you quickly glanced at Dongwoo and back to the bouquet.
You could see him placing his arms, folded on the table in front of you, "There's a card that I wrote specially for you. Read it," he said, pulling out the card from the bouquet and handing it to you.
You placed the bouquet on the table and took the card from him. You slowly opened the card to read it contents.
"Park TaeAh, I like you. How would you like to be my girlfriend?" it states.
Your jaw almost dropped in shock. Your mind went totally blank.
"How could this be?" you thought.
"He likes me too?" your thoughts continued.
You didn't know how to react to it. No one had ever confessed to you before, this was a first.  
Furthermore, it was from your crush. You were having mixed feelings of confusion and excitement.
Interrupting your train of thoughts, you heard him say, "So, will you be my girlfriend?" as he smiled at you.
"Say yes, TaeAh-shi!". A voice in your head shouted.
"Yes, yes, and yes!" another voice joined in.
You looked at him and smiled as you finally said, "Yes."
- - -
"Where is he?" you said as you looked at your watch.
"He's never this late," you continued as you eyed the surroundings.
Graduation was over and Dongwoo had invited you over for a celebratory dinner with a few of his close friends.
He had texted you to wait for him outside the intended restaurant.
You looked around for a sight of him. He wasn't anywhere in sight. 
You felt a tap on your right shoulder. You turned to see Dongwoo standing in front of you, smiling.
"I'm sorry for being late," he said as he grabbed your hand and rubbed it slightly, "Your hands are cold," he continued.
"Let's go inside, shall we? I don't want you to freeze to death," he added as he slowly ushered you into the restaurant.
- - -
"Yarh, Dongwoo-ah, what are you doing with this girl?" said one of his friends.
"It was part of the deal, wasn't it?" he replied with a smirk on his face.
You looked at him, "Huh? What do you mean?" you thought as he gestured you to take a seat.
You were hoping that he would sit beside you but he didn't. You wanted to ask him about what he had just said. However, he walked over to the opposite side of the table instead and sat there.
There were only 4 including you sitting around the round table. Except for you, the rest were guys. You figured that they were his friends as you would sometimes see them at school.
"So, guys, did I do well?" he said as he looked at his friends with a smirk on his face.
You were very much confused and was feeling very awkward at what was going on.
You saw them high-fiving him, "You did a good job, Dongwoo!" they said.
One of them turned to look at you and grabbed your hand as he looked at Dongwoo, "Do you mind?" he asked.
You looked at Dongwoo to see his reaction, "Do I?" he said, "Go on, I don't care," he continued as he sipped on his drink.
You were stunned at his reply, "What is going on?" you thought as you stared at him.
"So, how did it feel...?" the friend asked.
"Err...," you said, trying to locate an answer for it.
"Yarh, Dongwoo-ah. You do it, she's part of your deal so you tell her instead," he interrupted and move his hand away from you.
You looked at Dongwoo for an explanation.
He laughed as he slowly placed his glass down and looked at you.
Clearing his throat, "Truthfully speaking... TaeAh-shi," he said.
"I never liked you," he continued.
"Not even once," he added.
You were speechless and lost for words. 
"It was just a deal... That I've made with these guys here," he said, pointing to his friends next to him.
"To have a Korean, normal-looking girl with like you be my girlfriend, make her fall madly in love with me, pretend to like her and just right after graduation, reveal the truth to her and finally, dump her," he continued.
"That's what I did and that's why you're here, looking so pathetic," he added as he laughs away.
You could feel your body heating up and tears formed in your eyes.
"How could you do this to me?" you thought to yourself as you were trying to control yourself from tearing up.
"So, how did it feel like? To get dumped?" he asked sarcastically.
You stood silent as you didn't want to say anything. You were already in pain while he was adding fuel to the burning fire in your heart.
"Giving me the silent treatment, huh?" he continued.
"Oh well, I don't care about it anymore," he added, "It's over between us," he said as he smirked at you.
You didn't want to hear what he has to say anymore hence, you stood up from seat. 
"Aww... Leaving, huh?" he said sarcastically.
In a fit of anger, you grabbed the glasses in front of you on the table and splashed its contents on his face.
Disgustingly wet, he immediately stood up, "Why you...," he said, angrily.
You smirked at him, "Oppss... Do I know you?" you said as you turned to grab another glass from a nearby table.
You held the glass in your hand, "Nope, I don't know you," you continued.
"So," you said as you splashed the contents of the glass onto his face and placed it down on the table.
A slap from you landed on his left cheek, "Goodbye," you said finally as you exited the restaurant, letting the tears finally flow down your cheeks.
Words as sweet as sugar weren't easy for you to trust and be tempted with eversince then.
But Ghun was different. 
He wasn't what you thought he would be. He wasn't like Dongwoo.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/