Chapter One

I'm Nothing Without You (On Hold.... -_-' )

“Mom… have you seen my dance bag?” Brooke was panicking while she scrambled around the house, not only was she moving out it was her last dance of the season. Nationals. 

“Last time I saw your bag it was in the bus.” Brooke froze where she stood and sighed loudly before just grabbing her luggage and going to the dance studio bus.
One the way to the competition Brooke heard her phone go off, the number seemed familiar so she picked it up, pressing the loudspeaker button as she answered.
“Hello, who is this?” 
“Hey Brooke this is Jade! I was just wondering when are you guys going to get here so I can see you and then we can go to our new home.” Brooke smiled softly and shook her head softly before she looked at the time. Since Brooke lived in LA she did have to fly a lot to go to competitions like other studios, but she and a friend had gotten new jobs to become teachers at a high school. Since the job is an ASAP job Brooke will have almost no time to change after nationals before they get on the plane and to their new home. 
“I should get there right before twelve since it’s like midnight over here.” Brooke looked outside and watched the scenes before her change as she continued to talk to Jade, her eyes getting slightly heavy as the hours slipped by.
“Hello…Brooke…. Okay I’m going to hang up, and if any of you can tell her to call me when she wakes up or call me yourself when you get here that would be great! Bye!” Jade hung up her phone as Brooke curled against the window, her hand that held the phone tightened against the electronic as she tossed and turned in her sleep.
As time went by Brooke was lifted up carefully into the arms of one of the male students at the dance studio, her head naturally rested on his shoulder and she wrapped her arms around him as if it was second nature to her.
“She’s out like a light… thank god we got off the plane before she woke up.”
“Shh! Vicky you’re gonna wake her up if you keep talking super loud.” Vicky snorted slightly as he grabbed all of Brooke’s things as well as his own, his face turning from blank to upset in a matter of seconds as he watched Mark shifting Brooke in his arms, accidentally lifting up her shirt to reveal the bottom of her black dancing sports bra. 
“Victor, Mark! Hurry up!” Their dance coach shouted from the competition doors, in his arms was a nine year old who was also on their competition team as well as his own son holding onto his hand. The two hurried their pace and got checked in quickly and went into their prep room.
“Brooke… wake up.” Brooke tensed up a bit before opening her eyes and looking at her surroundings. 
“Brooke, your on in twenty minutes for your solo so you need to hurry with your makeup and your hair.” Brooke nodded and went to her bag to change. Grabbing what was inside she quickly slipped off the clothes she had on and changed into the performance clothes. As she slipped on the top the doors opened, revealing Jade.
“Hi Jade.” Brooke smiled and waved quickly before continuing what she was doing, making her hair up the way she wanted it so it would match her costume. 
“Hey Brooke, Mark… Victor.” Mark waved quickly as he changed into his shorts and the rest of his hip hop gear and Vicky just glared at her as he helped his sister stretch. Jade just ignored him and went to help Brooke as she tried to maneuver herself against the wall as she did her right side split against it. Though Jade normally never goes to her friends competitions she did see all the titles and trophies she brought home and knew from a young age that her friend had a chance at this being her profession but like everyone else who doesn’t actually GET dance she had her opinion that she wasn’t really good.
“Thanks for coming Jade.” Brooke turned her head up to look at her friend through her hair before lifting her upper body straight, her hands no longer touching the ground. Jade chuckled lightly as Brooke grabbed her left leg from behind and pulled it down, showing Jade that she was very flexible. 
“Brooke, lets do a quick run through before you go on, you have four minutes left.” Brook nodded and let her leg go carefully and went out with Mark and her coach. Jade, on the other hand followed the others to the audience seat. 
As the others sat down Brooke was waiting patiently as the other dancers danced, her body shaking as she watched the eighteen year old dance in front of her. Though in Korea she was currently seventeen almost eighteen, in the states she was actually sixteen and this was different then the other competitions since she was competing against other sixteen and all the way down to fourteen. At this nationals her coach bumped her up and she was going up against 17-19. The judges only allowed her to because she won last year first and overall scores, since she turned thirteen. As the dancer before her danced Mark turned her around and hugged her tightly.
“Brooke you have this, I want you to prove to the older kids that you are the best. And you don’t need to be perfect.” Brooke nodded and felt like she was going to crack. Mark could feel it too so he craned his neck down and pecked her on the cheek brotherly before looking at her in the eyes at her level.
“Brooklyn would be proud of you… and he would be honored that you chose this competition to honor his death.”
“Now number 406!” Brooke went to the stage and heard Mark’s last words. “Show him and everyone who has negative thoughts of you that you are reborn.”
Brooke looked out and saw Vicky and Jade as well as all her competition staring at her and she went into her beginning pose. Once she heard the music play  Brooke began to dance, her face expressing emotions meant for the song throughout the whole dance as well as her technique sky rocketing. As she did moved all Brooke could see was herself spending hours on end practicing her dance for the one day she had to learn it until she had to leave. She also could see the previous years with her brother and her friends all dancing together for fun. The one thing that she could show the judges and the audience as well as her competition, was her passion for dancing as well as how much she worked for this.
As Brooke reached the middle of the performance tears fell down her eyes, they clouded her vision and rolled down her cheeks as she danced. But the time she was done dancing and at her ending pose the audience was all screaming and shouting their approval for her performance. Brooke did her exit and was lifted into the arms of her coach as he held her tightly to his body. Tears running down his face at how proud he was of his student. Unlike the others on the competition team, he had taught Brooke from scratch when she was eleven. When she said that she wanted to be apart of his competing team he had told her the loss of sleep and free time she would have. Even then she still wanted to do it. 
“I am so proud of you… and I will miss seeing your smiling face when you get to be on the top of chart.” Brooke gripped his shirt tighter before she was set down and they went to go sit with everyone else. As Brooke left to sit in her seat all she could think was how much she wanted to win this for her brother.
With Jade and the Others
As the competition team and Jade watched their top dancer go into her starting position all Jade could think was that it wasn’t going to be what she was told, and that was flawless. Though Jade is very supportive in her friends dreams, she has never seen her youngest friend dance before in her life, and here she was watching as she danced. As Brooke danced all Jade could think about was how was she able to show her emotion so well. Every movement that Brooke did was with the music and every expression was matched to the dance and the song. It almost made Jade want to cry, and as the middle of the dance started she could see the tears rolling down Brooke’s cheeks.
“She’s really putting a lot into this.” Mark leaned forward slightly and propped his head up against his hands as she finished her dance, her face fitting the ending perfectly. When the song ended, everyone rose and began to cheer for her, Jade clapping and whistling and Mark shouted at her with glee as she got off the stage. 
After twenty minutes Jade saw Brooke walk to them and sit at the end of the row she couldn’t help but feel sad for her friend. After all the hardships and pain Brooke as been through in her short life she was going to lose another thing that she cared for, and that was the thing she had a passion for. Dancing.
Later that day, in the air.
Jade leaned back and had her headphones in her ears, her head leaned back against her seat and tilted to lay against Brooke’s head. Brooke had laid her head against Jade’s shoulder, her eyes hazed as she stared blankly at the seats in front of them. There was a slight pain in her heart, she was leaving so much behind. Brooke was leaving her friends, her family, her absent mother, and something she liked to do for a job. It made her happy she was going to have one but sad at what she would miss dearly, the only thing she could keep with her is her best friend.
‘At least I know that I can count of Jade… the only good thing besides that is who lives where I’m going to work at.” Brooke closed her eyes and snuggled closer to Jade as she fell asleep.
Jade on the other hand was listening to her music throughout the plane ride, her eyes closed as she changed the song every now and then but she couldn’t sleep because of how excited she was for her new job. After all the hard work she put in at school she was going to become a teacher at a young age, and it gave her pride as well as make her parents proud of her. 
As the plane landed Jade lightly shook Brooke awake and held her hand to make her feel better as they landed, Brooke held on tightly as the plane bounced a bit but she just smiled once they stopped. Jade patted her head lightly as they got off the plane.
Both wondering what was going to happen next.
This is the dance I based Brooke's dance off of. so picture something like this. PS I love this little girl she's super cute and if i had a daughter I would want her to be like her.
Brooke's outfit:
 The outfit is in Pink thought so please picture it like that. :)
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