
Only You


A couple long seconds later, Chanyeol storms back into the washroom, pulling you out of the shower. He brushes you off and sets you down on the closed toilet seat, sodden clothes and all.

“You know what, you?” He says in a loud, animated voice. “You have to be especially careful when living by yourself, who knows what could come in here? There have been a lot of reports of erts around Seoul; a girl living by herself in a big house like this would be sure to draw lots of attention…”

Once again, Chanyeol rattles on about pointless subjects to make himself seem like a good older brother, and you ignore him. Pulling your gaze away from the window to Kris, you realize he had already snuck out. Leaving you to sit here and listen to Chanyeol without an excuse to get away.

Subconsciously, a pout forms on your face. It catches Chanyeol’s attention. “Ohhh, no. Don’t go making faces at me now because I’m telling you to be careful! I’m just saying, there are a lot of scary people out there, and you never know when they might show themselves-…”

You weren’t sure who Chanyeol even thought Kris was, but you didn’t really care to find out.

You fake a loud yawn. Chanyeol suddenly realizes that he, too, was tired. Turning around, he realizes that Kris is gone.

“OH! See? Look at that, he left! See, you have to know how to handle these things, you know? Just in cas-,”

“He’s my boyfriend.” You interrupt. Then you sigh inwardly, wishing your words were true. But it was much easier to lie than to explain your complicated relationship with Kris to Chanyeol.

You stand up and pat his shoulder. “Good talk, good talk.” Then you carefully step around him and go to change out of your wet clothes.


Sorry for the lack of updates, guys. I'm not sure if you read my little side not over there <== but I'm too lazy to repeat go read it. :P
Soo, I'm gonna double-update today because i don't know when I'll get another chance to update today. 
(I'm only allowed 'cause my little sister wanted to play on my laptop, so my dad whipped it out -_-')

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Final chapter posted! Thank you everyone for hanging in there, and subscribe to the sequel, where all is revealed!


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Chapter 7: I'm surprise. the character's name is my username ?
14 streak #2
Chapter 58: The beginning of the story was very exciting to read. However, towards the end, where in some chapters, there were only dialogues, it got confusing. It took a moment to figure out who was talking.
Flashhhh #3
Chapter 4: Wah, this story was really nice. Keep writing more interesting stories, author님! 파이팅!!,
But this story is awesome
Omg I'm pretty!!!! It's my first time being .called pretty. *sobs*
cutegal #6
Chapter 4: Awesom story....loved it :)
ReinaPark #7
Chapter 58: great story.. well done~
CheCheBingEr #8
Chapter 5: It's great but how come my username is in it not that I'm complaining. But how do you do it. And thank you authornim for making part of it
kpopaddictlover #9
Chapter 5: ok i commented......but why does my username always become the name of the main character of fanfic,is it just coincidentially that i typed that name or what?cause one time i read an angst fanfi then the main,which has the name kpopaddictlover,died and i feel like im the one who really died hahaha
beibylovely #10
i love u made me the part of the story kekeke~ love it so much ;)