Mistakes, Past and Present

Only You


Kris pulls back, shocked.

“You were...awake?” He says in a low voice.

You can see him, mentally rewinding his memory to see if he had done anything incriminating. Then you watch as his eyes widen slightly, rewinding a bit too far and remembering last night's events. The way you had kissed him back and- oh. Crap. He remembered.

Oh. Dear. God. This has got to be the most embarrassing ordeal you have ever been in.

You sort of just lie there, confused as to what you should do next.

Kris clears his throat and stands up. “I...I'll be back later.” He mutters, before all but running from the room.

Oh shoot. What have you done now?

You put your head in your hands and groan. You feel like crying. Now you had really screwed up your relationship with Kris.

You might as well call yourself an exotic medication monger and move to Zambia to take up belly-dancing. You would keep a pet monkey and dance with it whenever it rain-

A movement from the doorway distracts your runaway train of thought.

Kris clears his throat again, and you look up. He puts a hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Uh, I'll pick up lunch somewhere, so, um...don't-...yeah.” He blinks twice and then turns and walks away briskly.



The sounds of silverware against your plates echo dully around the room.

A cough emits from your mouth, and the awkwardness returns.

Your fork clatters to your plate loudly.

“We need to talk,” you announce.

Kris glances up at you and nods once. You take this as a positive sign.

“I-...” You pause for a moment, deciding how to word yourself.

“I know I've been sending you -erm- mixed signals...lately-,” you start. Kris snorts into his food and you shoot him a dirty glare.

Anyways, I-,”

“Do you like me?” Kris interrupts.

You gape at him, moving your mouth soundlessly.

“Do you like me?” He repeats.

Your mouth closes as you ponder that for a moment, then opens again.


“Don't.” He blurts out. “You can't.”

You feel your anger levels soar. “Don't tell me who I can and cannot l-!”

“Just don't.” Kris interrupts you swiftly and calmly. “I'm not who you think I am.”

Your eyes fill with tears against your will. “Do you think I didn't know what I was getting myself into?! I can take care of myself, tha-!”


“I won't love you back.”


The silence echoes around the room, Kris' words reverberating in your head.

I won't love you back. I won't love you back. I won't love you back.

“I never thought you were serious. But obviously, you were willing to go,” Kris pointedly jabs at a piece of chicken, “that far with me. So...don't.”

He swipes the last of his meal into his mouth and pushes his chair back, headed for the sink.

You stand up angrily, banging your hand on the table. “Why not?!” Your voice sounds shrilly, even to your ears. “I-!” Your breath hitches in your throat. “I love you! You...damn bastard...” You whisper furiously, your tears finally flowing out of your eyes.

There's a loud clattering at the sink, and Kris is suddenly by your side.

“Don't cry, you idiot.” He growls. He winds a hand into your hair, pulling your face close to his.

“Why can't I love you?” You cry between hiccups.

He looks sad, but you can't completely tell from the tears distorting your vision.

“I'm sorry I can't give you what you want.” He whispers. “I want to, so bad, -I do-, but I can't.”

“Why not?” Your faces are so close that when you blink, a tear falls onto Kris' neck.

“It's a long story.” Kris sighs and pulls away.

He looks up at you with a hint of longing in his dark eyes, then turns on his heel and walks out of the kitchen.

Oh man, Kris is like, this total bipolar player who does not make any sense at all...until the day he decides to :P

Concerning comments: I think I'm asking for too much now...being an author is about giving, not receiving (right? xD -idk-)
But I just want to know if you're all still existent, and haven't just subscribed and then...died...or something...

Comments = Love = Updates!! :D

Chapter 26 Preview: "Get out."

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Final chapter posted! Thank you everyone for hanging in there, and subscribe to the sequel, where all is revealed!


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Chapter 7: I'm surprise. the character's name is my username ?
14 streak #2
Chapter 58: The beginning of the story was very exciting to read. However, towards the end, where in some chapters, there were only dialogues, it got confusing. It took a moment to figure out who was talking.
Flashhhh #3
Chapter 4: Wah, this story was really nice. Keep writing more interesting stories, author님! 파이팅!!,
But this story is awesome
Omg I'm pretty!!!! It's my first time being .called pretty. *sobs*
cutegal #6
Chapter 4: Awesom story....loved it :)
ReinaPark #7
Chapter 58: great story.. well done~
CheCheBingEr #8
Chapter 5: It's great but how come my username is in it not that I'm complaining. But how do you do it. And thank you authornim for making part of it
kpopaddictlover #9
Chapter 5: ok i commented......but why does my username always become the name of the main character of fanfic,is it just coincidentially that i typed that name or what?cause one time i read an angst fanfi then the main,which has the name kpopaddictlover,died and i feel like im the one who really died hahaha
beibylovely #10
i love u made me the part of the story kekeke~ love it so much ;)