Lesson #11

A Little Lesson


               The chilly night wind causes the bedroom window curtains to fly in the air, creating little ripples of waves on the white linen cloth. A figure was standing on the balcony outside, moonlight shining against his back, tracing his tall structure. However, you did not notice it, as you were in deep slumber, carrying a peaceful smile on your face.

               Kai steps from the balcony and into the room, as he has been doing for the past few weeks. Every time, a bittersweet throb will tug on his heart when he sees you. Kai knew that he was a coward, unable to face you in person. He softly walks to your side and sits on the edge of your bed, whispering your name softly and pulling your covers over your exposed neckline. Kai watches your mild shivers turn into warm comfort and bring your hands into his.

               “I’m sorry for hurting you today…” He whispers as he caresses your skin softly. “Please don’t hate me, even though I loathe what I have become myself…” Kai laughs bitterly.

               Your lips part as you let out a series of deep breathing. Kai chuckles softly at your adorable sleeping habits, then pulls back to his previous worried and stern expression. “Although I cannot be your Prince Charming, I’ll protect you from the shadows, as your Dark knight.” He breathes gently, trying his best not to stir you in your sleep.

               “I knew it was you.” A deep voice declares.

               Kai turns around and sees a tall figure leaning against the wall, looking outside at the moon. “Chanyeol Hyung…”

               “Come out with me.” Chanyeol orders and walks out onto the balcony. Obediently, Kai follows and leaves you sleeping without any disturbance.

               “You promised me that you wouldn’t hurt her.” Chanyeol looks solemnly at his younger brother.

               Kai looks at the nightview of Seoul, not saying a word. He knew that Chanyeol was right, he knew that Chanyeol had all the right in the world to be mad at him…even Kai himself was furious for his actions.

               “Hyung, do you know how much it hurts?” Kai bites his tongue, controlling his emotions.

               “Jongin, you heard mother’s orders, I’m the one who protects her.” Chanyeol states out, causing Kai’s anger to stir.

               “It doesn’t mean you are allowed to take away my right to love her!”

               Chanyeol softens at Kai’s sudden statement, realizing that his brother loves you as much as he did. And the expression you had on your face when you told him about your encounter of Kai today, he knew that you cared for his younger brother.

               “Go talk to her.” Chanyeol fights his selfishness, “I know she wants to.”

               Kai could feel his heart fluttering once he heard that you wanted to talk to him, but he thought about the times when he wanted to approach you but couldn’t.    

               “I can’t watch the two of you together and not feel any pain. Hyung, I…I’m not that strong.” Kai looks into the eyes of Chanyeol, thinking of the scenes of you and Chanyeol holding hands on campus, irrespirable from each other and feeling pain inside his heart.

               “I’ll give the two of you some space.” Chanyeol replies, realizing that your happiness came before anything, regardless of how protective he is.

               “Really?” Kai did not believe the words.  

               “For her. I have never seen her with such worry on her face before, not even that night…when you told me that she was in danger.”

               Kai looks down, remembering when you were fighting hopelessly against the sickening man and he couldn’t do anything. He wasn’t allowed to, because you were not supposed to fall in love with him, but his older brother.

               “But if you dare to hurt her again…” Chanyeol growls, “Family or not, I will not care about the title that holds us as brothers.”

               The tension between the two holds still, with the night breeze echoing in the air.

               Kai, who is silent, looks back to find you sleeping happily in dreamland. “You haven’t told her did you?”

               It was Chanyeol’s turn to be wordless. But both of them knew the answer to Kai’s question.

               “And you’re the one who told me to not hurt her…” Kai laughs with no emotion, “Do you realize how much pain she will be in?”

               “Kai, you wouldn’t also if you were in my situation.” Chanyeol says quietly.

               “No hyung, I’d die to be in your position right now, to see her smile, to hug her petite body, to kiss her lips, to show my love for her in public.” Kai looks into the eyes of Chanyeol angrily. “I wouldn’t give a damn about Mother’s orders!”

               Chanyeol turns away, unable to look into Kai’s eyes, which made him feel empty. “Kai, I understand the fact that she has the right to know. Just…not at the moment. I’ll tell her, when the time is ready.” Chanyeol whispers with guilt.

               “Whatever.” Kai gives a quick glance to you and Chanyeol before jumping off the balcony and disappearing into the thin air.

               Chanyeol hates himself for being the one to hurt his brother, and soon enough, you will also be one of the victims of his actions.


a/n: as weird as it sounds, i seriously wouldn't mind if Kai creeps on me at night.

I really wouldnt.


huhu, exams are killing me~ T_T

hope you guys like the update~

please comment/subscribe~ ur comments give me energy to write more ^_^

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omg can't stop writing ._.


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Chapter 19: what happen to Chanyeolllllll ?????????????
Chapter 19: Omg..I teared when I read Kai's flashback and what Chanyeol did for him *sniff . Please update soon ! Can't wait !
Chapter 18: Chapter 17!!!! Ahhhh!! Please please please please please please please update soon!!!!!!!!!! I started crying when I read the 'yeollie's other side and break up ' part! Bleehhhhh I'm such a softie or maybe it was because I was listening to cleansing cream by brown eyed girls while reading this... BUT YOU AUTHOUR NIM have some serious talent in writing! I love this fic sooooo much! The plot is amazing ! Writing style is amazing! EVERYTHING IS AMAZING! Pleaseee update soon! ~~~ ❤
Chapter 18: update please!!!:33333333