~ Cuisine of Love ~ Lay & D.O

EXO - Collection Of Oneshots


”So… exactly how should this taste like?” Lay mumbled as he took a piece of the food he had just cooked, something he hadn’t made before.

It was a recipe that he had found earlier that day that he wanted to try out, something that sounded really tasty. Well, he knew it was tasty already since he had eaten it before, but he wanted to know if he could make it as scrumptious as that time. With that time, he meant the occasion when he visited the EXO-K members’ dorm and had the luck of being treated to a homemade dinner, which was something he hadn’t been able to eat recently.

But everything that Kyungsoo cooked was delicious. That’s right. Kyungsoo. Ever since Lay had tasted the food the younger made that one time, he had been captivated, to say the least…

But Lay felt a bit jealous to be honest. He also wanted to be as good as Kyungsoo in cooking and also baking (since Kyungsoo could bake wonderful cakes too…), so he took every chance he got to practice his skills. Everyone else thought that Lay just cooked because he was bored, but that surely wasn’t the only reason for him to do so. He wanted to out-do the only one in EXO that was better than him in cooking.

Lay was really determined to succeed, so he needed to practice as much as he could until the day he could challenge Kyungsoo. He would even sacrifice his heart and soul into this mission.


There was only one problem though. He had already lost his heart to the one he was supposed to win over. Kyungsoo

At least his soul still remained. Well that’s what he wanted to believe. Lay didn’t even want to pretend knowing about his failing memory or his lack of concentration whenever his brain would decide on sneaking in thoughts of Kyungsoo when he wasn’t expecting it. When the thoughts had actually succeeded invading his mind, then there was no way stopping it. A simple thing like Kyungsoo’s name or nickname being said, just randomly, could escalate in his mind from things about his cute smile or expressive eyes to thoughts about how it would feel like kissing those luscious-looking lips…

Stop!” Lay almost let the frying pan fly into the air at the force of his sudden outburst and the fact that he had slammed his hands unto the space between the stove and the sink. He hurriedly saved the pan before putting it back down carefully, and then he breathed out.

“Is this how D.O’s powers would feel like having?” He questioned himself, chuckling a bit at his random comment before realizing that he was still thinking about the said guy.

Lay face-palmed and then let his hand drag down his face in a tired motion, suddenly feeling extremely drained. No matter what he did, he would always think about Kyungsoo. And with that, he meant every single thing he did. Well, maybe not while using the toilet. But every other thing he did.

It was kind of creepy, Lay thought, how Kyungsoo could invade his brain so easily after just a homemade meal and that cute little smile of his. And his voice! That angelic voice of his that could make Lay’s heart melt every single time…


“Damn it!” Lay let out in frustration and sent a spoon flying across the floor, making it clink towards the metallic of the fridge at the other side of the room. Once again questioning if his brain and body actually did function properly or if it had stopped working all together now after that heavenly cuisine the younger had made that one time.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Tao’s worried voice startled Lay as he walked closer to the latter with a book in his hands. “Are you okay?” His eyes were wide in concern and his eyebrows were slightly raised, almost making them vanish underneath those black bangs of hair covering his forehead.

“I’m not fine, at all. How could I be fine when that stupid guy keeps interrupting my cooking?” Lay let out through gritted teeth, trying his best to keep from screaming in frustration.

“Who?” Tao confusedly asked, scanning the empty kitchen for any other presence than his and Lay’s. “Are you hallucinating or something? There’s no one else but us here…”

The words the maknae had just said were entirely true, Lay knew that. But he couldn’t help but feel like Kyungsoo actually was there, messing with his mind, even if he had to be a ghost to do so. Lay was absolutely sure that was how it was. There was no other explanation. Kyungsoo must love making him go crazy.

“He just won’t leave my thoughts alone; he’s constantly making me feel paranoid… How will I ever succeed in winning over him when I can’t even concentrate in cooking?” Lay answered more to himself than to Tao, making the latter stare at him weirdly for a while before sighing.

“Why don’t you just confess to him already? I’m sure Kyungsoo likes you back. What do you have to lose anyway?” Tao’s attempt to motivate the older didn’t seem to work the slightest; it only made Lay’s face darken with annoyance. This was an exceptionally rare sight…

“You don’t understand!” Lay blurted out, his voice loud and clear. “There’s no way he would accept me right now! Why would he, if I can’t even accept myself? I need to improve-“

“Why wouldn’t I do that?” Another voice called out from the doorway, successfully erasing the irritation that had taken over Lay, making the latter freeze in his spot at the stove. He knew that voice all too well. “You haven’t even tried yet, but insist on giving up already?”

“Oh, hi Kyungsoo!” Tao happily chirped as he saw the said guy standing there with his arms folded over his chest and a smirk playing on his lips.

Hugging the newly arrived guy, Tao soon left the kitchen to the two of them to talk it out, not wanting to be in the way for their confessions of love.


“What are you doing here?” Lay hoarsely let out, suddenly feeling nervous and a bit nauseous at the same time. Not expecting him to be there at the moment. And especially not expecting him to hear his and Tao’s conversation about him…

Kyungsoo only chuckled. The sides of his lips curling into that wonderful smile of his, making Lay’s mind blank out momentarily and effectively preventing any constructive thoughts from forming in Lay’s head. Damn that stupid brain of mine

“Have you already forgotten that dinner you promised me?” Kyungsoo joked, feigning surprise. But his smile soon came back, lighting up his entire face.

But Lay fell silent. What dinner?


“Eh? You actually forgot?” Kyungsoo let out in disbelief when Lay didn’t answer him, his signature expression of his eyes almost plopping out replaced his grin.

“I…I…” Lay stuttered, not able to form any complete sentences because of the guilt that slowly crept up inside. The fact that he had most definitely let down Kyungsoo hit him especially hard.


If it hadn’t been for Kyungsoo I wouldn’t even forget about these things… Lay thought to himself while fumbling with the hem of his white shirt uneasily. That’s just a poor excuse! Why would it be his fault when it’s my own fault for not controlling my own thoughts properly? It’s not his fault that he’s filling up every corner of my brain. Well, actually that is his fault… He kept on trying to fight inside his head, finding excuses were easier than actually admitting the truth, making his brain hurt a bit from all these clashing of thoughts.

“Are you serious?” Kyungsoo managed to get out, still surprised for the forgetfulness of the older. But who could blame him? Lay never used to forget these kinds of things, even if it’s more than normal for him to forget things like his earphones or iPod. But this?

“Are you getting old or something?” He tried joking, but Lay didn’t react at all to it, making Kyungsoo frown a bit.

“Sorry…” Lay finally said, feeling extremely bad for forgetting something this important. He found it really weird since he couldn’t get Kyungsoo out of his head, but easily forgetting he had promised to cook for the said guy.

“I think I should punish you…” Kyungsoo almost whispered, disappointment clearly in his voice, earning a slightly confused look from the older. “But how?”

“That’s easy, isn’t it?” Luhan said as he peaked inside the kitchen from the door, lazily leaning on the wall as a smirk appeared on his lips. “You should kiss him. That would definitely work as a reasonable penalty…” He smugly continued, pleased with his amazing timing to be able to see both guys standing in front of him blushing madly.

“How can you say that?” Lay feverishly asked, feeling how his cheeks heated up by the weird suggestion from Luhan. “Why would he ever-“ He hesitated to finish his sentence with kiss me, and instead went with something a bit more neutral. “-do that?”

Luhan only shrugged before leaving the kitchen, sharing a last suggestive glance before disappearing out of sight. Lay shook his head tiredly, but Kyungsoo seemed to ponder about something. The latter slowly raised his eyes until they met Lay’s. Lay could feel his heart stop for a moment because of the beautiful eyes of the other, the dark brown color suiting his face so amazingly good.


“Why wouldn’t I do that?” Kyungsoo boldly questioned, successfully making Lay choke out of surprise.

“Do… what?” Lay tried sounding like he didn’t know what he meant, but the nervousness overtook his voice and made it shaky and weak. Swallowing nervously, he waited for Kyungsoo’s answer. But he didn’t know if he actually wanted to hear it, honestly. What if he says something I don’t want to hear? That would probably only make me feel miserable and totally-

Kiss you...” Lay froze after hearing that and seeing Kyungsoo walk towards him in fluid motions with his somewhat short legs. His own heart beating faster and faster with every step the younger took; soon hammering furiously in his chest as his breathing became more restrained. It felt like he had been dancing nonstop for hours, but without that exhaustion that came with it.


When Kyungsoo suddenly stopped just inches away, Lay could swear that he could die by the closeness of their bodies. But at least he would die in the arms of the one he loved then.

“May I?” Kyungsoo unexpectedly asked, earning a shocked expression from Lay. But the sincerity of his eyes made Lay give in unconsciously, nodding slowly at the younger as to indicate it was okay.

The few brain cells that had remained, most definitely had departed by now, leaving Lay with a nonfunctional brain. If it had ever functioned, that is. All that ever crossed his mind were thoughts about Kyungsoo, the cutest guy on earth, as Lay often associated him as. And that would obviously not change in the near future. A fact that could make him go crazy if it hadn’t been for the said guy smiling shyly at him right this moment.

Kyungsoo was shy. Why the heck did he become shy right now for? What about the-




Lay didn’t get to finish his thinking as Kyungsoo had leant forward and placed his lips gently on his own, cutting off the surroundings without effort with a tender kiss. His soft lips are on mine… Oh my god

It felt heavenly. That was all Lay could think about. Not like how Luhan had described it to be after revealing how he liked sneaking kisses from the other members. Lay had been too shocked from hearing that secret that he hadn’t even listened to whatever Luhan had been saying after that. Not that it mattered anymore though, since he was now kissing the love of his life. In the kitchen

Oh god, how much he loved the kitchen now! Now he had another reason for being there other than cooking. Or thinking about Kyungsoo…


Lay hadn’t even noticed that Kyungsoo had pulled away and was now staring at him amusedly, chuckling at the sight of Lay still pouting his lips with his eyes closed. The lack of contact and the sudden laugh made Lay open his eyes though, and his face flushed red as he realized the kiss had actually ended without him knowing. How embarrass-

Kyungsoo pecked Lay’s lips again, grinning at him when Lay speechlessly stared at him. “So, what about that dinner you promised?”

Lay started to wonder if he actually was made not to function. Since he couldn’t get a single word out of his mouth nor breathe normally anymore. The change of subject made him wake up though, his eyebrows furrowed before he decided to speak.

“What?” Is that all I can say? Lay felt like hitting himself in the face for how stupid he must have sounded while croaking that single word out. Of course he knew what Kyungsoo had said. It was more like he couldn’t understand why Kyungsoo would change the topic all of a sudden after sharing their first kiss, well, first kisses. What if he takes it wrongly? I can’t-

Dinner, please?” Kyungsoo’s voice was charmingly saying, interrupting Lay’s thoughts once again and at the same time sending butterflies straight to his stomach. Kyungsoo walked behind of him towards the stove to smell the aroma of the newly cooked food that Lay had completely forgotten about, making Lay follow him with his gaze.

Will I ever be able to complete my thoughts from now on? Lay thought with a frown. But he couldn’t help a little smile to form on his lips as he looked at Kyungsoo admiring his cuisine. He felt like a fool falling in love. Well, that was true though. He was surely a fool, but he had already fallen in love. A long time ago…

Lay finally understood why they said that love goes through the stomach. Because that’s how he had fallen in love with the lovely Kyungsoo…



Author's note:

Hi! At last, I'm back with a new chapter! This was requested by xLadySakurax :D

I'm sorry for the cheesy title though xD I couldn't come up with anything else... :/

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did while writing it xD (I'm totally shipping these two now! Well... I ship all EXO couples though... >.<)

I'm extremely happy for all the views I've gotten on this! (Already +5000!!! O_O) Thank you all for reading!!! :D

You all make me so happy, and make me forget my chaotic life for a while ^^  Thank you!!!



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I just realized that the Krispy Lays chapter is gone! Will put it back now ^^


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I miss exo OT12
Chapter 1: i love baekyeol~~~ ^^ omo omo..
PeachDella #3
Chapter 25: OH EM GEE♥ Thank you for this, thank you thank you thank you thank youuu!♥ It was dkjsfdsjfnsdj, my feels are all over the place now My LayBaek shipper heart, omg. ;w; Thank you, it was great! <3333
jagi-yah #4
Chapter 25: OMG OKAY, so like when I was reading this chapter and I saw that Lay bit Baekhyun's neck, I was like, "Wait whaaat?!"


"THERE'S AN M ON THE CHAPTER!" - in like singsong, keep in mind LOL

I don't really ship LayBaek, but this was too cute and ahdjsabghsjdhsa I love it. ~♥
nycbean #5
Chapter 25: Awwww cute!
aZn_sw3in #6
Baeklay is Just too cute with how they tease eachother in Public >~<
I wanted to ask if you could Write a baeksoo or setao ( Maknaes ; u ; ) oneshot