~ Purposely Forgetful ~ Chanyeol & D.O

EXO - Collection Of Oneshots

”Really? You forgot it again?” Kyungsoo tiredly questioned Chanyeol and sighed for the fifth time in less than ten minutes.

“Sorry! I just couldn’t help it, okay?” Chanyeol pouted unhappily, his eyes full of sincerity as he asked for forgiveness.

“How hard is it to remember TWO letters anyway?” Kyungsoo continued and shot a glare at the taller, wanting to look somewhat intimidating but it obviously didn’t work as Chanyeol held back a small giggle at the sight. “I’m serious here, Chanyeol! How hard is it to say D.O while we’re on stage and other activities with the group? You make it sound like we’re something else when you keep on calling me by my first name in public!” His tone of voice got louder as he let out his frustrations.

“Well, aren’t we?” Chanyeol said seductively as he winked at Kyungsoo, earning an even more hilarious expression than earlier from the latter.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened by Chanyeol’s sudden question, even though he knew that Chanyeol was only joking about it. But somehow he couldn’t control his own expressions around the said guy, well not his actions either for that part. If only Chanyeol knew what his choice of words did to him, then maybe he wouldn’t keep on teasing him as much. Or maybe he would even more about it?

Kyungsoo shrugged just thinking about it. What if Chanyeol really would find out about his feelings for him? What would happen then? Would he accept his feelings? Or would he reject him? He really didn’t want to think about it right now, at least not when Chanyeol was close-by. Well, he didn’t want to think about it at all. He just wanted to forget about it and hope for his feelings for the taller to somehow just go away and never come back. These unwanted feelings didn’t make it easy for Kyungsoo to keep on being professional in his chosen line of work and neither did it make it easy to live in the same dorm as Chanyeol, especially since his heart started beating furiously every time he saw the said guy. He hated it. He hated to feel like his chest would break just by being close to him, or feeling out of breath when Chanyeol just came out of the shower with his hair all wet and with only a towel hanging around his waist…

Stop it! Kyungsoo shook his head feverishly as even more thoughts about Chanyeol took over his mind, making him nervous and slightly paranoid. What if Chanyeol could read his mind?! It wouldn’t really surprise him at all if Chanyeol could actually do that. Just look at him! His smile makes him look like some kind of crazy genius that have just invented a way to get inside people’s mind and use them as puppets to do his dirty work…


Chanyeol stared at Kyungsoo with raised eyebrows. He wanted to read Kyungsoo’s mind right this moment just to see what it was that made the shorter look like his eyes would pop out any minute now. Or second... The expressions that had played on Kyungsoo’s face these past few minutes had looked quite amusing in Chanyeol’s eyes, to say the least. He had looked so adorable when his eyes had widened after realizing something and then just shaking his head like his life depended on it.

It was good that they were all alone in the changing room at the moment, because Chanyeol really wanted to have some ‘alone time’ with Kyungsoo. Especially since it had been quite a while since the last time that they had such an opportunity to actually talk to each other without anyone else interrupting, making it so much harder to try and solve this awkwardness that had been between them lately. So as a way of getting rid of the awkwardness, Chanyeol had come up with something that sounded like the perfect master plan…

Well, it sounded like that in his ears at least.

Chanyeol thought that maybe calling Kyungsoo by his first name would make it a perfect start to go on with his actual plan. But somehow it felt like it didn’t really become any better between them; on the contrary, it rather made the awkwardness grow instead. So he had to think about a better plan to start off with. He couldn’t really go on with his master plan right away, since it probably would have the opposite effect if he wasn’t careful. Something about Kyungsoo told him that he should be a bit cautious when it came to skinship, so he didn’t really want to use full force from the beginning. He didn’t want to chase away his ‘victim’ with too much enthusiasm either.


He hadn’t thought about it that much though, why he felt so happy being together with the said guy. He always had thought it was because they were friends, good friends actually. But sometimes he couldn’t really explain his odd behaviors around Kyungsoo. Behaviors involving wanting to be close to the shorter, not close as in just near each other, but close as in super close. He didn’t notice until it was too late though and then he would just be met with puzzled eyes from Kyungsoo and everyone around them.

It felt like a mystery to him, why he acted so clingy towards Kyungsoo. So to lessen the amount of weirdness of only doing it with Kyungsoo, he had started doing the same to Baekhyun too. Well, Kris was also a victim of his whenever he was in Korea with them. That way, Kyungsoo didn’t have to feel bothered by it and wouldn’t really think weirdly about it all as much either. Hopefully…


“What are you staring at?” Kyungsoo’s voice interrupted Chanyeol’s thoughts, his face clearly showing his overly obvious feelings of nervousness by being strangely looked upon.

Well, Chanyeol didn’t actually see the expression on Kyungsoo’s face, because when he snapped out of his deep thoughts he realized where he had been staring at. His eyes had been locked unto the luscious looking lips of the latter and he couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel like to touch them. Chanyeol felt his whole face heat up by the sudden realization and coughed nervously as he looked away, fixing his stare on a spot on the wall instead.

“Nothing…” He managed to say before flashing a bright smile towards the shorter in hope of looking innocent.

“Yeah sure…” Was Kyungsoo’s answer before turning away to change out of his sweaty training clothes, hiding a blush that had spread on his face as he had found Chanyeol staring at his lips so intensely.


The usually big changing room felt a lot smaller for the two of them at the moment. There were no places to hide no matter how much Kyungsoo looked. He felt embarrassed all of a sudden, thinking about the fact that he’ll be changing clothes in front of his crush and therefore wanted to find some other place to change. He hadn’t had any problems doing it before, but after this strange incident of Chanyeol staring longingly at his lips had made him overly conscious about him and his own feelings.

Where were the others when he needed them? Kyungsoo thought to himself and sighed, feeling helpless by knowing that he had to spend all day alone with Chanyeol. Just because the other members had other activities or had gotten permission to go home to meet their families, they had left Chanyeol and Kyungsoo alone to improve on their dancing for their comeback. Secretly though, he kind of liked it. But at the same time, he didn’t.

“So, ehm… What should we do later?” Chanyeol let out, his voice sounded huskier than usual all of a sudden and he nervously cleared his voice, hoping that it would ease his nerves a bit.

Chanyeol had no idea of why he would even be nervous in the first place, but didn’t share any time to think about any possible reasons for this strange feeling. He tried to shrug it off and started to undress.

“I don’t know… what do yo-“ Kyungsoo started to say as he turned around to face Chanyeol, but trailed off when seeing the taller guy shirtless.

He quickly turned around and almost stumbled forward, while hiding his reddened face behind his hands. Kyungsoo wanted to just dig a hole in the ground and hide in embarrassment for even reacting like this because of another member, blushing madly because of some skin showing; just like a teenage girl in love…

“What?” Chanyeol asked when Kyungsoo had suddenly cut off his sentence midway, making him awfully curious about what had made him stop like that.


When Chanyeol turned around to look at Kyungsoo, he was met by the back of him. The shorter was still fully dressed, and was slightly hunched forward with his hands covering his face. The sight made Chanyeol feel alarmed for some reason, his mind started working on full speed making all kinds of things go around in his brain. Without even realizing what he was doing, Chanyeol unconsciously stretched out both his arms and pulled Kyungsoo into an embrace. He held on to the shorter guy tightly with his eyes closed, slightly confused by his own action but still wouldn’t let go. Chanyeol felt a bit scared to let go of the guy too, scared that it would make everything even more awkward between the two.

Kyungsoo had immediately put down his hands when he had been pulled into that embrace, realizing slowly that Chanyeol was now giving him a back-hug. His confusion was more than just a little; in fact, the confusion that now had overtaken him was overwhelming just like his feelings. He didn’t know what was going on, but deep inside he actually liked it. Even so, he tried to wriggle out of the taller guy’s hold but it was more or less impossible. The more Kyungsoo moved, the more the grip around his waist tightened. He stopped moving and tried another tactic, desperately trying to get away. Kyungsoo tried to pry off Chanyeol’s hands from his waist, but the taller was stronger than him by a lot more. And so, he had to give up on that too.

Just as he was about to give up completely, he remembered something. Something really bad…

Chanyeol was shirtless. He was shirtless and hugging Kyungsoo from behind. His bare torso was tightly pressed against his back and he couldn’t do anything about it. This sudden realization made Kyungsoo even more flustered and this just added to his determination to get away no matter what.

As Kyungsoo started flailing his arms like crazy, Chanyeol quickly opened his eyes and tried to avoid getting hit. His eyes widened at the sight of the shorter guy’s wild attempt to get free. But something inside of him didn’t want to let go of Kyungsoo, even though the latter was waving his arms around like a windmill on a stormy day. But why?


He hadn’t any time to actually ponder about the question, as he instead turned the shorter guy around in his arms and hoped that it would calm down the guy. Well, at least he stopped flailing his arms around. What Chanyeol hadn’t expected though, was that Kyungsoo would suddenly press his lips against Chanyeol’s almost directly after turning around in his arms.

The sudden action had made both of them shocked, even the one initiating the kiss. Kyungsoo quickly pulled away from Chanyeol, his eyes wider than ever before. It must be a new world record… Chanyeol thought after seeing the huge eyes of the shorter. His mind hadn’t really comprehended what had just happened until Chanyeol’s eyes fell upon Kyungsoo’s lips for the second time that day.

“Oh my god…” Kyungsoo let out in disbelief of what he had just done.


His own mind had turned its back to him, making him do something so outrageous that he didn’t know what to do now. He didn’t even have time to think before it all happened. Something had made him kiss the tall guy without asking for permission first, making him do something he hadn’t ever thought about being able to do so straightforwardly like this. It had only been in his fantasies about Chanyeol that something like this had been possible to happen, he hadn’t thought it to be possible in real life… He hadn’t even planned on doing that...

The movements of Kyungsoo’s lips when he had said those three little words had made Kyungsoo’s lips seem so tempting that Chanyeol just wanted to press their lips together once more. He didn’t know why and didn’t really care either, all he wanted was to feel those soft and luscious lips against his again. He didn’t let anymore time spill as he put his hands on either side of Kyungsoo’s head and initiated the kiss this time. He wanted it so badly. No, he needed it.


The kiss this time was more than just an innocent peck. It was heated and quite sloppy, as the taller of the two felt the urge to press his lips as tightly towards Kyungsoo’s as possible. Kyungsoo gasped for air as soon as the two pulled away from each other, hot and flustered. This was more than he had ever hoped for, even though he wasn’t sure about the other’s feelings. And he wasn’t really sure if he should have enjoyed it as much as he did, because he really felt confused and surprised at this whole incident.

Chanyeol panted heavily as he tried to catch his breath, which almost felt impossible for him. This strange feeling that had filled inside of him had made him do an unbelievable thing like kissing one of the other members, and it was more than just a peck on the cheek. But he had liked it. He had liked it a lot. Not only had he liked it, he had actually loved it so much that he wanted to keep on kissing Kyungsoo over and over again. Strangely enough, it had made him feel complete and it had felt so right kissing him.

Chanyeol didn’t know what it was supposed to mean, but he knew he wanted more. And therefore, he had planted another, but softer kiss on the now plump lips in front of him. Kyungsoo was sure that he would melt if he got any more kisses from the taller, his knees already felt weak from the first kiss that Chanyeol had initiated. He could swear that he had now arrived in heaven, or at least this must have been heaven on earth. Kyungsoo sighed with content this time, feeling like this was a dream come true. Which it actually was…

At some point when he and Chanyeol had been kissing, he had grabbed a firm hold of Chanyeol’s bare shoulders in an attempt to not fall apart completely by the intense kiss just about a minute ago. And Kyungsoo didn’t dare to let go now, afraid to make a fool of himself by falling to the ground helplessly.


“That was kind of… hot…” Chanyeol managed to say, a bit louder than a whisper.

The husky voice almost made Kyungsoo faint by the iness of it. His mind was completely filled with thoughts about Chanyeol and the statement from the said guy just made it even more impossible to spare any space for other thoughts. Kyungsoo also wanted to say something back, but he couldn’t manage to think about anything else but the perfect looking guy in front of him, and therefore his words that would soon leave his mouth wasn’t really planned.

“I… love you…” Slinked passed Kyungsoo’s swollen lips, making him blush slightly afterwards.

But Kyungsoo didn’t regret telling his innermost secret at all. On the contrary, he felt relieved by confessing his feelings and seeing a smile spread on Chanyeol’s face as he did so. The latter couldn’t help but smile like a fool even though he felt surprised by the sudden confession from the shorter. Just thinking about being loved by Kyungsoo made Chanyeol feel strangely happy, so happy that he could almost swear that his huge grin would make his face rip in two.


Somehow it felt so natural being close to Kyungsoo like this, almost like they were meant to be together. Kyungsoo snuggled into Chanyeol’s chest, making it feel like they had always been like this and that they were perfect for each other. And Chanyeol let his arms sneak around Kyungsoo’s waist once again, holding the latter tightly.

Chanyeol thought about telling Kyungsoo about his previous plan to get rid of the awkwardness between them but decided to refrain from doing so for now. He didn’t want to ruin this moment, so he just kept on hugging the shorter guy lovingly.

“I think I may love you too…” Chanyeol whispered quietly into Kyungsoo’s left ear as he snuggled closer, earning another content sigh from the latter.


Author's note:

Omg! O.O What did I just write? xD

I think I like this one best so far of those I've written, I didn't expect to actually start shipping this couple too xD

This was also a request from ryopin_2010 ^^

I really hope you liked it!


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I just realized that the Krispy Lays chapter is gone! Will put it back now ^^


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I miss exo OT12
Chapter 1: i love baekyeol~~~ ^^ omo omo..
PeachDella #3
Chapter 25: OH EM GEE♥ Thank you for this, thank you thank you thank you thank youuu!♥ It was dkjsfdsjfnsdj, my feels are all over the place now My LayBaek shipper heart, omg. ;w; Thank you, it was great! <3333
jagi-yah #4
Chapter 25: OMG OKAY, so like when I was reading this chapter and I saw that Lay bit Baekhyun's neck, I was like, "Wait whaaat?!"


"THERE'S AN M ON THE CHAPTER!" - in like singsong, keep in mind LOL

I don't really ship LayBaek, but this was too cute and ahdjsabghsjdhsa I love it. ~♥
nycbean #5
Chapter 25: Awwww cute!
aZn_sw3in #6
Baeklay is Just too cute with how they tease eachother in Public >~<
I wanted to ask if you could Write a baeksoo or setao ( Maknaes ; u ; ) oneshot