Chapter 14.

Our Protector

A man, black mask covering his face, stared at us and I quickly made my move and kicked him square in the face. I quickly pulled the dagger he had thrown at us from the ceiling and jumped down. The man was touching his probably broken nose. I threw the dagger and it hit him straight in the heart. He fell over and I checked his pockets for any weapons. I found a gun and started running out of the room.

“Stay here!” I ordered Chanyeol.

“Hell no. Wherever you're going, I'm coming.”

I sighed and just started running. We didn't have time to argue. Obviously someone had gone passed the guards Boss ordered to protect the perimeter. They were trained like me, so it means the men that came must be skilled.


I ran down the stairs to see a bloody Kris fighting. I looked around and all of the EXO boys and their managers were sprawled on the ground. Unconscious, dead, I wasn't sure. Hopefully the former.

I cocked the gun and shot at the man Kris was fighting. He fell over and Kris looked at me.

“Behind you!” we yelled together.

It all happened so fast.

A foot kicked the gun out of my hand while another man placed a cloth over Kris's nose.

Chloroform. So they're not dead.

I started fighting with the guy that kicked the gun and managed to knock him out easily. I looked around to find the gun but it was nowhere in sight.

“Dammit!” I cursed out loud.


“Yoonji!” Chanyeol's voice echoed through the quiet house.

I quickly whipped my head around and he was being strangled by another masked man.

I quickly ran over to help him but it was too late. The man had placed a cloth over his nose and he fell over.

Several men came out from the shadows and I clenched my fists.

“There's no way I'm going down without a fight,” I said through gritted teeth.

“You've already lost, sunshine,” one of them said. “There's only so much you can do with just your fists.”

One of them took off their masks. I recognized the face immediately.


He kicked Chanyeol's side to see if he was fully unconscious.

“Stop!” I screamed at him.

“I heard from one of our spies that you had a boyfriend? So this is your lover?” he asked, pulling Chanyeol up by his hair to take a good look at his face.

“Don't touch him!”

Woohyun smirked and let go of Chanyeol's hair.

“Tsk tsk tsk. I'm still mad at you for lying to me at the party, Yoonji-sshi. I'm sorry I didn't bring flowers. Next time, aye?” he nodded and someone came up from behind me and placed a cloth over my face.

Men throwing Chanyeol's limp body into the sitting room to join the others was the last thing I saw before I out.


I woke up in a bright room. I had to squint my eyes to get used to it. The floor and walls were concrete. I tried to rub my eyes but I couldn't. I was handcuffed behind my back and there was a chain around my ankle that was attached to a nail in the ground, preventing me from moving no more than two feet.

“Yoonji...” I heard a familiar voice whisper.

I looked up and Chanyeol was dripping wet and shivering while sitting in a chair that was in the center of the room. His wrists and ankles were tied to it.

“Chanyeol!” I tried to run to him but the chain around my ankle was making it impossible.


“Oh, so the two lovers are up? Let's get this show started,” a voice rang through the eerie silence of the room.

I looked over and there was a mirror on the wall, probably double sided. So that means they were watching us.

“We know there are more than ten assassin crews helping protect those precious idols everyone seems to love so much. You're men are top ranked and wanted by all groups. We'd like to know who to go after. So if you mind being a doll and telling me who you work for, everything will go smoothly.”

“Yeah ing right,” I spat.

There was a short pause. It seemed like time had stopped.

“Suit yourself.”


Suddenly, Chanyeol started screaming. I looked over at him and the sight broke me in half.

His head was tilted back as he screamed his lungs out.

My eyes started watering. “Chanyeol!”

He tried to break free from the chair but it wouldn't budge, not one bit.

“Stop! Please! Stop!” I pleaded.

Chanyeol's screams stopped and he took a breath to calmed down.

“That chair was designed to torture, not kill. It has enough voltage to hurt him. But too much will eventually kill him,” the voice said.

I started to cry as I looked at his hopeless face. He stared back at me with those eyes I fell in love with.

“Yoonji, don't tell him. I can-AHH!” he started screaming again.


Tears were streaming down my cheeks now as I watched the love of my life get electrocuted right in front of my eyes.

After a couple of seconds, it died down again. Chanyeol kept twitching.


“! If you want information from me, put me in that chair! Not him!” I screamed.

“What's the fun in that? If we put you in that chair, you'd probably let us kill you because you're doing it for your crew. But if we put an innocent person there, who happens to be your lover, you'd be more willing to cooperate. Am I right?” the voice said with a calm tone.

“ you...” I muttered.

Chanyeol's screaming echoed through the room again and I had to fight back my sobs.

Chanyeol started to scream louder and thrash about in the chair, trying to break free.

A side of me snapped and I couldn't take it.

“Alright! I'll tell you! Please, make it stop!” I begged.

I didn't have to say the whole truth, but I could say enough to get Chanyeol somewhere safe.


“We're listening....” the voice said after Chanyeol stopped screaming. He was breathing heavily.

“The truth is, I don't know who I work for,” I said.


“I don't know his name. Everyone calls him by Boss.”

“Where is your headquarters located?”

“Never been. He only allows instructors and trainers to go there.”

“Where do you train?”

“In a training facility.”

“Very funny. Where is it located?”

“Don't know. We're blind folded when we enter. And we never leave the building until we're ready to fight. When we leave the building, we're blindfolded,” I lied.

“So you basically live in the training facility until you're set to fight?”

I nodded. “There are dorms inside. Sorry I'm not of much help.”


There was a long silence before Chanyeol's wrists and ankles broke free. I felt the chains behind my back become free as well.

I sat up, reaching my arm to him. He fell to the ground and tried to crawl over to me but he was so weak.

We managed to hold hands and I pulled him towards me. He laid down beside me and hugged my torso.

“Yoonji...” he whispered, face buried into my shirt. He reminded me of a young boy hugging his mom or dad, looking for comfort and protection. He looked so vulnerable and fragile.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...” I wrapped my arms around his head as if to protect him and kissed the top of it as I rocked him back and forth.

“Don't think this is going to be the last of the questions. We'll meet with you soon,” the voice said.


Chanyeol's body was shaking uncontrollably. It was cold in the room, and him being wet didn't help that at all. I pulled him up so he sat upright and wrapped my arms around him as he nuzzled his face in my neck.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too.”

Hot tears fell down my cheeks as Chanyeol whispered sweet promises to me.

“After this, we're going to get ice cream. Ice cream makes everything better. Then I'm going to take you on a nice date on a beautiful autumn day and we'll hold hands and kiss under the warm sun and watch the leaves turn orange.”

“That sounds nice,” I said. I tried my hardest to keep my voice steady but I couldn't.

Chanyeol looked up with tired eyes and wiped my tears.

“Don't cry...please don't cry,” he said and pressed his forehead to mine. “I'm okay now. See?” he kissed my nose. “I'm okay. We're okay.”

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

“We're okay, “ I repeated but I couldn't ignore that feeling in my stomach telling me that we were definitely not okay.



oh god....writing this broke my heart you guys....


*runs off to read a fluffly fic*

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Chapter 18: i really really really really really enjoy your story authornim!!! but no seq? :'(
shainur #3
Chapter 18: wowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: awesome story
ReenRieX #5
I luv the forewoprd s much !! thank u authornim~ so much !!
coolestgirl #6
Chapter 8: I don't know if I'm just weird but I wish the girl was colder. Like super serious and not immune to pickup lines or aegyo. But don't mind me!
rerechanyeolexoL #7
your fanfic "our protector" really famous in the Middle East because it Ultimate And I want to translate from English into Arabic Of course with copyright Permission and your permission