Jealous Babysitter

Jealous Babysitter


                It’s a bright and sunny day and you were waiting for KiKwang to come to your aunt’s house.  She was going to go out with her husband and in-laws, so she asked you to watch her son, HyunSu, for the night.  Finally, the doorbell rings and you race to the door to get it.  KiKwang greets you with a smile and a kiss.

                “Oh, so this is your boyfriend, huh?”

                Your uncle comes downstairs with a smirk.  KiKwang bows politely and greets him with a hello.  You uncle puts a hand on your shoulder and looks at your boyfriend up and down.  “Not bad, not bad.  What’s your name?”  You exchange a nervous glance between them as KiKwang introduces himself. 

                “And you’ve been treating my niece well, right?”  You could hear the underlying threat in his voice.  KiKwang gives his charming (and irresistible) eye-smile and says, “Of course I have.”

                “And you haven’t done anything—.”


                You slap his shoulder and give him a glare.  He only laughs at your response.  “Isn’t she cute?”  He then proceeds to ruffle your hair, which makes you even more embarrassed.  Your aunt comes down with her son and hands him to you.  “Okay, make sure he takes a nap around noon and feed him what I’ve prepared in the fridge.  Also, make sure to check his diapers and have him in bed by seven.  Ah, you must be KiKwang!  Our niece has talked a lot about you.  Oh, shoot, we have to go.  It was nice meeting you, KiKwang!  Bye sweetie.”  She pecks you on the cheek and takes her husband’s hand to rush to the car. 

                Sighing, you turn to KiKwang, only to see him giving you one of those, “I see you’ve been talking about me?” looks.  You smile much to your chagrin and say, “I’m sorry.  They can be a little…”  He laughs and turns you around to give you a back hug.  “It’s okay.  Actually, your uncle was right about you being cute when you’re angry.”  You blush and were about to give him a snarky remark, but HyunSu, the baby,  makes a gurgling noise and kisses you on the cheeks.  You can’t help but squeal at how cute the two-year old is, so when he points to his play room, you immediately comply and leave KiKwang standing at the entrance.

                After making himself comfortable in the house, he takes a seat next to you and watches as you play with HyunSu.  However, he grows jealous as he realizes that the baby is monopolizing you and you don’t even pay attention to him.

                “I’m hungry,” he says, laying his head on your lap.

                “Then go make yourself something to eat?” you reply. 

                “But I want you to make me food…”

                “KiKwang, I think you’re old enough to make your own food…”

                Suddenly, HyunSu stands up and goes to the kitchen.  “Oh, HyunSu-ah, do you want a snack?”  KiKwang only stares in disbelief as you ditch him on the floor to make food for the baby.  Silently, he stalks into the dining room and sits at the table.  “So you’ll make food for him but not for me?”  You laugh at his cute and indignant manner before walking to him and kissing his cheek.  “Alright, alright.  If you’re okay with having strawberries, come and help me.” 

                For some reason, he was completely satisfied with himself, so he gladly goes to help you.  After cutting the leaves off and slicing them in half, the two of you sit at the table and you have HyunSu sit on KiKwang’s lap.  He doesn’t seem to like it, but he’s so well-behaved that he sits there with a small scowl on his face.  “I don’t think he likes me,” KiKwang comments, wrapping his arm around the baby.  “I mean, just look at his face…”

                “Oh, I’m sure he’ll warm up to you.  Don’t worry about it.  And if he doesn’t like you, at least you know I do.”

                The older boy blushes at your words and stares at you while you feed HyunSu.  He notices how you part your lips when you try to encourage the baby to open his mouth and how cute you look when you’re focused.  You notice his gaping at you, so you decide to stick a strawberry in his mouth.  He looks at you with a surprised expression.  “At least keep your mouth shut if you’re going to stare,” you say playfully.

                The rest of the day passes by slowly.  KiKwang watches you throughout, knowing that he would hardly get any attention from you while the baby was awake.  Finally, it was bedtime for HyunSu , so you and KiKwang head upstairs to put him to sleep.  “There’s no bed?” your boyfriend asks as he surveys the room.  You shake your head.  “HyunSu, for some reason, doesn’t like to sleep in a bed…”

                The first thing you do is hold HyunSu so that his head is resting on your shoulder.  Then you proceed to rock yourself back and forth while patting his bottom with a rhythmic beat.  KiKwang’s amazed at how easy you make it look to put a child to sleep.  When his eyes flutter close, you wait a few moments more and then lay him down on the layered mattress of blankets on the floor and take your place beside him in case he wakes up. 

KiKwang takes this chance to lay down behind you and snake an arm around your waist.  He kisses the crown of your head, causing you to blush at his gesture.  “Finally, I get to have you to myself,” he mumbles, his breath tickling your ear.  “All you did was pay attention to HyunSu…”

                “Well, he’s my cousin and he’s a baby, so of course I have to pay attention to him.”

                You can feel the heat coming off of him in waves and suddenly, he begins to kiss along your neck.  Gasping, you turn around to hit him for doing that while HyunSu was asleep, but he pecks you on the lips and pulls you closer.  “Well, at least I’m satisfied now.”  You bury your face in his chest and eventually, the two of you fall asleep beside HyunSu.

                Later that evening, your aunt came to check up on her son but found the three of you snuggled on the floor.  Her husband came up, saw what was going on, and flipped out at the sight.  “I swear, he better not have touched her…”

                “Yah, yeobo, you’re too over-protective.  Let them sleep for a little more and then we’ll send them on their way home.”

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ohemgee, kikwang's so cute!
Awww Kwangie is adorable!